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Dynamic Pricing in CS is a disaster

Posted: 2006-11-29 12:56pm
by MKSheppard
Linka to SA

A little more in-depth: Valve splits pistols into their own separate category. According to the page I linked in the OP, players have spent $978 million on deagles in the last week, compared to about $221 mil on all other pistols COMBINED. This means that deagles make up about 81% of the money pool spent on pistols, and thus thanks to Valve's completely retarded algorithm, the price of deagles will rise 81%.
Basically, people are running their own servers with unlimited money available, and macro buying weapons in large numbers to drive pricing up :lol:

Posted: 2006-11-29 01:13pm
by InnocentBystander
The market is a neat idea. Though I guess they don't have the implimentation down just yet.

Posted: 2006-11-29 01:20pm
by Loner
Good thing I just stick with the USP and Glock.

Posted: 2006-11-29 01:40pm
by Beowulf
Buying pistols in CS is a foolish idea, unless you're playing pistols only.

Posted: 2006-11-29 01:43pm
by Ace Pace
Beowulf wrote:Buying pistols in CS is a foolish idea, unless you're playing pistols only.
Ever heard of a cash saving round?

Posted: 2006-11-29 01:50pm
by Beowulf
Ace Pace wrote:
Beowulf wrote:Buying pistols in CS is a foolish idea, unless you're playing pistols only.
Ever heard of a cash saving round?
You get a pistol to begin with! Why not just use that one?

Posted: 2006-11-29 01:53pm
by Ace Pace
Beowulf wrote:
Ace Pace wrote:
Beowulf wrote:Buying pistols in CS is a foolish idea, unless you're playing pistols only.
Ever heard of a cash saving round?
You get a pistol to begin with! Why not just use that one?
USP/Glock armour piercing capability is shit and forces you to try for headshots or spend an entire clip on a single target.

Posted: 2006-11-29 01:55pm
by Losonti Tokash
Beowulf wrote:Buying pistols in CS is a foolish idea, unless you're playing pistols only.
And if your primary weapon is shit at close range I suppose you're supposed to just throw it at them?

Why'd they do dynamic pricing anyway? I got tired of CS so long ago I haven't paid any attention to it.

Posted: 2006-11-29 01:59pm
by Uraniun235
Beowulf wrote:Buying pistols in CS is a foolish idea, unless you're playing pistols only.
You can do quite a bit of damage with a Desert Eagle and some armor. Then you pick up a dead dude's gun and you're really ready to rock and roll.

Also some of us don't take CS seriously and like to fuck around with the little .228 pistol.

Posted: 2006-11-29 02:02pm
by Loner
Uraniun235 wrote:
Beowulf wrote:Buying pistols in CS is a foolish idea, unless you're playing pistols only.
You can do quite a bit of damage with a Desert Eagle and some armor. Then you pick up a dead dude's gun and you're really ready to rock and roll.

Also some of us don't take CS seriously and like to fuck around with the little .228 pistol.
I mainly play it for the zombie games, or the occasional gun game. In both games the Deagle isn't a factor.

Posted: 2006-11-29 02:04pm
by Uraniun235
Losonti Tokash wrote:
Beowulf wrote:Buying pistols in CS is a foolish idea, unless you're playing pistols only.
And if your primary weapon is shit at close range I suppose you're supposed to just throw it at them?

Why'd they do dynamic pricing anyway? I got tired of CS so long ago I haven't paid any attention to it.
First, it's a wholly optional server variable, so any server operator who doesn't like it doesn't have to use it.

Valve claimed that they figured it wasn't likely that the arbitrary prices set down several years ago were necessarily the best prices possible, so they decided to try an experiment whereby variable prices would eventually settle down to the proper, balanced prices... the idea being that rather than actually change any of the guns and get deluged by death threats from the CS-aholic retard brigade, they'd supposedly create more incentive to use any gun that wasn't an M4, AK, or AWM (or sometimes Desert Eagle).

Posted: 2006-11-30 12:20pm
by TheFeniX
A man with armor and a Desert Eagle can be a deadly opponent. 2 well placed shots or 3-4 "off" shots will take down your opponent 90% of the time.

If I'm stuck in a position where I can only afford an SMG (besides the TMP because that gun rocks... hard), I'll buy a Desert Eagle instead. That gun is so rediculously over-powered. It's accurate at long-range if you're crouching and still does decent damage. At close range, it probably does more damage than a nuclear missile. I've danced around opponents with SMGs numerous times while they spray at me and kill them with ease (usually).

A decent player with an AK or M4 will kill you most of the time, but for $650: the "Deagle" is a steal. With the Glock or .45, I'm stuck pretty much throwing all 20 or 12 rounds right in the opponents head area and praying for a hit.

Posted: 2006-11-30 12:26pm
by Pablo Sanchez
Beowulf wrote:Buying pistols in CS is a foolish idea, unless you're playing pistols only.
With a skilled shooter the Desert Eagle is a perfectly effective choice; it shoots fast, does hefty damage, and is rather accurate. In my experience the only handicap is the small magazine, meaning that you can only kill one or two people before having to reload. But for that first guy, it's as effective as any weapon in the game.

Posted: 2006-11-30 03:23pm
by Stark
All you guys play CS? :?

It's actually amusing that Valve threw out such a contraversial feature and then implemented it in such a terrible way. If people are really running their own servers as a way to lean on 'the market', that's awesome and deeply, deeply broken.

It's like every CS change the tards whined about, but more so: they thought it was a scary idea, so they're not leaving it to do what Valve wanted (find more appropriate prices). Knowing the 12yo nature of their customers, why would Valve actually announce this, instead of just reading usage stats and changing prices?

Posted: 2006-11-30 03:45pm
by MKSheppard
As someone suggested, valve needs to patch out the CS community as a first step to improve CS :D

Posted: 2006-11-30 04:07pm
by TheFeniX
Stark wrote:All you guys play CS? :?
CS Source actually, but I admin on a server where teamwork and objectives are actually enforced instead of the Team Deathmatch that prevades 99% of CS servers. That said, I've only played on a pub twice: once was on an "iceworld" server in order to improve my weapon usage. The other was when our server went down after a craptacular update from valve. I was banned for basically having my team hold back on de_dust2 to come up with a plan to counter-act the clan stack (the server owners) on the CT team that was wasting us.

After we pounded them 5 rounds in a row, one of them joined the Terrorist team and determined that my planning was "slowing down the gameplay too much and causing both teams to not have fun." Then I got the ban message.

Public CS servers scare the shit out of me. If TG didn't host a server, I wouldn't waste the HDD space on the game.

Posted: 2006-11-30 04:10pm
by Stark
LOL Ah. I'd only considered CS a pub game: there are plenty of better games if you wanted to play closed games. As you say, I've never played anything but TDM and oldscore 'bomb' bullshit, where the amount of rubbish from players was pretty scary. 'Aww you can't just plant the bomb and camp it, that's not fair' etc.

Man, I wish I was an American so I could find large enough groups to run proper games for shooters. :(

Posted: 2006-11-30 04:18pm
by Beowulf
Uraniun235 wrote:
Beowulf wrote:Buying pistols in CS is a foolish idea, unless you're playing pistols only.
You can do quite a bit of damage with a Desert Eagle and some armor. Then you pick up a dead dude's gun and you're really ready to rock and roll.

Also some of us don't take CS seriously and like to fuck around with the little .228 pistol.
Ok, maybe the Deagle is worth buying. Anything else is foolish. Admittedly, it's fun to play the fool sometimes, but it's still foolish.

Posted: 2006-11-30 05:41pm
by TheFeniX
Stark wrote:LOL Ah. I'd only considered CS a pub game: there are plenty of better games if you wanted to play closed games.
True. Natural Selection and Dystopia are much better by comparison. But CS Source is free (I own HL2) and TG has a fairly large following of members who are actually in the military, so the other "realistic (and I use the term loosely)" shooters at TG tend to be very slow. These guys are dead serious about this stuff. That never appealed to me.
As you say, I've never played anything but TDM and oldscore 'bomb' bullshit, where the amount of rubbish from players was pretty scary. 'Aww you can't just plant the bomb and camp it, that's not fair' etc.
"Stop camping the hostages and come outside to fight us." God forbid they go play Quake or Unreal Tournament.
Man, I wish I was an American so I could find large enough groups to run proper games for shooters. :(
Not to thread jack or anything, but TG has a fairly large European base. Only a few gamers in Australia though. What may also help you is that Dystopia for HL2 was designed by a primarly Australian team and has quite a few servers located there. Granted... there are only 30 servers at last count. So, if you're into Cyberpunk, you may want to give it a look. Version 1 is due out soon, so it will be out of beta.

Posted: 2006-11-30 06:24pm
by Covenant
What's TG?

HL1 had really great mods, while HL2 seems to be mired in Counterstrike and underplayed other mods, many of which try to shoehorn vehicles in, and it makes me wonder why. I might as well just pop back in Unreal Tournament 2004, which I've got right here, since that not only runs sexily fast but has lots of vehicles already. And that totally sweet top-down alien blaster mod.

I want a good mod to play, besides Dystopia which is fun but not that great, and I just haven't seen 'em. I usually poke on Fileplanet and see what's the most popular download in the mods. So... what's this TG? And what else to people play?

Posted: 2006-11-30 11:47pm
by NRS Guardian
The pistols you can dual wield on the terrorist side are decent. My favorite shooter for mp is CoD2, gotta love the MP44.

Posted: 2006-12-01 12:13am
by Uraniun235
Stark wrote:All you guys play CS? :?
I used to play more. Then when the SA goons moved over to Day of Defeat Source, I went along with them.

Posted: 2006-12-01 08:26am
by Mr Bean
I miss the classic natural selection battles something fierce. Nothing sad fun like snacking on some poor space marines face as a skulk. Or building up my own little organic fortress as a gourge. Or eating people as an Onos.

And heck, marines were fun to, most people don't seem to see how nasty the default pistol was VS Skulks, may a skulk was poped in mid-jump because I droped the SMG and ripped off eight shots in two seconds.

Natural selection was just plain FUN, and it's a shame we won't be seeing it on HL2.

Posted: 2006-12-01 10:30am
by TheFeniX
Covenant wrote:What's TG?
[pimp mode]Tacticalgamer is a gaming community centered around teamwork, objectives, and maturity. We run quite a few servers and cut through all the public bullshit. You can become a supporting member to help pay the bills, but is by no means required. There's only a few servers that are for members only (in fact, I think BF2 has the only one, but the public server is the most populated). I personally do not agree with the language rules (but I damn sure enforce them) in principle (broadcast language rules apply), but it's a small price to pay for the benefits and it does help cut down on the 12-year-olds who do nothing but spew trash.

Professional Counter-Strike is what CS was labeled. You will communicate, work with your team, and protect/destroy your objective: or the admin team will remove you. Like I said, it's the only server I've found that makes CS even remotely enjoyable.[/pimp mode]
Mr Bean wrote:Natural selection was just plain FUN, and it's a shame we won't be seeing it on HL2.
Last I heard, they still had plans but funding was short and Flayra is doing more work on NS2 than anything. Of course, you can help out the cause by buying Zen of Sudoku. I personally have not bought it, but my NS guys would kick my ass if I didn't mention it. I do believe that NS2 will use the source engine though, but it will not be a free mod like NS.

I personally would love NS: Source to come out as I think it would renew my interest in the game. Even with TG, CS Source is getting old.

Posted: 2006-12-01 11:18am
by ThatGuyFromThatPlace
I play on the TG's open BF2 server sometimes, Good lot they are, better than many of the public servers out there.