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Vista is not off to a good start
Posted: 2006-11-30 02:23pm
by Faram
I was at the launch "party" with my boss.
First stike, it was in an old factory building.
Second, when they started talking about Vista and stuff they started ranting about business use, synergy and shit like that. My boss was prepared and brought a buzzword bingo.
After 15 minutes he yelled BINGO and we left the boring shit.
A crapload of food and drink were prepeared and we helped ourselves, only to be told by some overhyped bitch that you cannot eat that yet, wait until after the speech.
When we talked to one MS rep he had a "cool" demo for the search function and demoed how to search the control panel...
Stunned, my boss told him, that was the crappiest feature ever, and I had to agree.
My haul: two pairs of gloves, one t-shirt and ten pencils.
Not a good start in my book.
Posted: 2006-11-30 02:41pm
by Mr Bean
Either that was a quick post or they had free booze to go with the food.
I'll build my Vista computer eleven months from today.
Wonder how much time the news network will devote to this launch.
Re: Vista is not of to a good start
Posted: 2006-11-30 02:42pm
by Luke Starkiller
demod how to search the control panel
What the fuck use is that?
I have to direct utter morons through the control panel over the phone on a daily basis and never have any trouble getting people to the right icon; there's all of what, 20?
Posted: 2006-11-30 03:05pm
by Lagmonster
For better or worse, I'll be on the Vista platform simply because the latest Windows OS is critical to gamers. Frankly, I don't care how they release or hype the thing, I just care that it is stable enough to run my software on and secure enough to prevent casual electronic vandalism.
Oh, Faram, I edited the title for a small spelling error or two. No biggie.
Posted: 2006-11-30 03:11pm
by Faram
Lagmonster wrote:For better or worse, I'll be on the Vista platform simply because the latest Windows OS is critical to gamers. Frankly, I don't care how they release or hype the thing, I just care that it is stable enough to run my software on and secure enough to prevent casual electronic vandalism.
Oh, Faram, I edited the title for a small spelling error or two. No biggie.
No problem, I raided the bar at the launch event..

Posted: 2006-11-30 05:18pm
by Mr Bean
Faram wrote:
No problem, I raided the bar at the launch event..

Who call it? That's right I did!

Posted: 2006-11-30 05:25pm
by Admiral Valdemar
I, too, will get Vista, but only as a preloaded OS that will be for gaming in my next PC due sometime next year given the mid-life upgrades to this rig are looking to be pricier. I'll still use Ubuntu, but then that's only natural now.
Re: Vista is not off to a good start
Posted: 2006-11-30 05:34pm
by atg
Faram wrote:I was at the launch "party" with my boss.
First stike, it was in an old factory building.
Second, when they started talking about Vista and stuff they started ranting about business use, synergy and shit like that. My boss was prepared and brought a buzzword bingo.
After 15 minutes he yelled BINGO and we left the boring shit.
A crapload of food and drink were prepeared and we helped ourselves, only to be told by some overhyped bitch that you cannot eat that yet, wait until after the speech.
When we talked to one MS rep he had a "cool" demo for the search function and demoed how to search the control panel...
Stunned, my boss told him, that was the crappiest feature ever, and I had to agree.
My haul: two pairs of gloves, one t-shirt and ten pencils.
Not a good start in my book.
Our launch 'party' was actually quite good, held in a nice hotel, excellent food, hot chick doing much of the launch speech...... oh and the demo of Vista and Office 2007 was good. A fair bit of buzzword use, but it was mainly centred around the phrase "better results faster", which when demoing Office actually made sense. Vista search looked neat, the dude actually used it to search through documents in various folders, and seemed to work well.
My Haul: One t-shirt, one pen, four writing pads and a wireless keyboard and mouse combo.
I'll be installing Vista as soon as I get my Action Pack copy, which should be in a couple of weeks.
Posted: 2006-11-30 05:54pm
by InnocentBystander
I'm hoping I can get vista on the cheap through school, or get a good price on next year's freshman laptop, which should come with a pre-activated windows image, the same kind I've used to install XP on 5 computers now

Posted: 2006-11-30 06:50pm
by Enigma
I'm hoping to bet my copy of Vista Business as soon as I can talk to an MS rep about a problem with their coupon.
Posted: 2006-11-30 07:18pm
by Vympel
I'll get Vista when I absolutely have to, and not before. I.e. when it's required for games that I want to play.
Posted: 2006-11-30 10:09pm
by Pint0 Xtreme
I'm getting Vista next week for 20 dollars.

I suppose I'll let you guys know what I think of it when I start using it. If there are any particular aspects about the OS that anyone wants to know about, now is the time to let me know.
Posted: 2006-11-30 11:19pm
by ThatGuyFromThatPlace
I'm getting Vista (no idea what versions will be offered) from my school for $20 to load onto my new machine (well, mostly new, the only thing that will be the same will be the case and HDD)
Posted: 2006-11-30 11:28pm
by InnocentBystander
$20? Is that some sort of educational discount? Wonder if my school does that sorta thing...
Posted: 2006-11-30 11:29pm
by Pint0 Xtreme
ThatGuyFromThatPlace wrote:I'm getting Vista (no idea what versions will be offered) from my school for $20 to load onto my new machine (well, mostly new, the only thing that will be the same will be the case and HDD)
If it's anything like the Windows Vista "Install Fest" that we have, they'll probably provide you with the "Ultimate" version. Yeah I know, it's a pretty cheesy title.
Posted: 2006-11-30 11:34pm
by phongn
InnocentBystander wrote:$20? Is that some sort of educational discount? Wonder if my school does that sorta thing...
His school has signed up with MSDN Academic Alliance.
Posted: 2006-11-30 11:37pm
by InnocentBystander
Any sort of list of schools which have signed up, or would I know it if they were? I know we don't have any classes (at least I've never seen them offered) that use microsoft software, though our machines do have visual studio...
Posted: 2006-12-01 06:54am
by Admiral Valdemar
Wait, so the academic licence covers the Ultimate edition (likely the only one worth having anyway) for the discount? I thought they only went with the cheapest version, like XP Home. Least, that's what I recall they offered at my college and uni.
Posted: 2006-12-01 07:12am
by Ace Pace
Admiral Valdemar wrote:Wait, so the academic licence covers the Ultimate edition (likely the only one worth having anyway) for the discount? I thought they only went with the cheapest version, like XP Home. Least, that's what I recall they offered at my college and uni.
Buisness or Home Preimium should fulfill most needs.
Posted: 2006-12-01 08:15am
by Stofsk
Vympel wrote:I'll get Vista when I absolutely have to, and not before. I.e. when it's required for games that I want to play.
Frankly, I want to upgrade my computer's hardware before I get Vista. I want to double my RAM... because I want to. I don't have to have a reason, do I?
And I don't really need any new games. The ones I have now are satisfactory - I still play KOTOR 2 for cryin' out loud.

Posted: 2006-12-01 09:21am
by Netko
I'll get it through MSDNAA at some point for free. As for which version - XP PRO SP2 is currently offered, as well as stuff like 2003 enterprise etc. so I'm guessing either the top of the line buisness version (enterprise?) or ultimate will be available.
I've been running RC1 on my laptop for the last month and, while there's nothing earth shattering about it, the tons of little things that are better (live previews, video thumbnailing that doesn't suck, explorer, both windows and internet, etc.) are nice. And while the stuff like search enabled control panel are slightly useless, having indexed search available throughout the system is very helpful, even if you have a meticulously designed and maintained folder structure for your files.
One rather insightful comment I heard yesterday is how very Linux-like the new UIs (computer etc.) are. Except, you know, with polish and stuff.
Posted: 2006-12-01 09:56am
by Admiral Valdemar
Hey now, I run Linux with a polished UI on all apps. Only certain distros and morons coding in older graphical interface formats ruin that. aMSN, for instance, is easily made nice. Especially now with Beryl and Emerald.
Posted: 2006-12-01 10:07am
by Darth Wong
I upgraded to XP only when certain games refused to install on win2k. I'll do the same with Vista.
Posted: 2006-12-01 10:10am
by Ghost Rider
When I need Vista, I'll get it. Given that Tax programs are on the level of snails, it'll be for a game, and then that game had be "Total War: WWII".
Posted: 2006-12-01 10:20am
by Ypoknons
Since I'll be getting a new laptop when Santa Rosa comes out (really want to get in on this dual core world, but don't see the point of getting a Core2Duo now), it'll probably have Vista on it. Thing is, though, it'll be a pain if the laptop I want doesn't offer the Vista version I want.