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[PC] Just Cause - its, kinda cool...

Posted: 2006-12-04 02:33am
by weemadando
Man, this game makes me ambivalent.

Its kinda boring, but at the same time there's a lot of fun things to be done. My biggest gripe - collision detection. Its sometimes good, sometimes god awful. And whoever did the "helicopter-hijack" animations deserves to be shot. Such a fun part of the game ruined by shitty animations.

Posted: 2006-12-04 10:23am
by Tolya
My thoughts exactly.

Overally I enjoyed this game very much. The biggest gripe I had with this game was its endless wave of choppers attacking you. Its kinda cool when you do a vehicle getaway and there are rockets zipping past you, but when you are on foot it becomes shoot one, wait 5 seconds, shoot another....another....another....whooops, out of lets ignore it.

Plus the last mission was kinda overkill.

Posted: 2006-12-04 03:31pm
by Vendetta
The sloppy animations in the demo were what put me off Just Cause. The man runs like he has bowel trouble, and I just couldn't cope with that for hours on end.