PS3 for Child hoax
Posted: 2006-12-08 03:39pm
Sickening, yet disturbingly hilarious.PS3 News wrote:Parents Nearly Trade Kids for PS3s
by Paul Coroneos
It seems people will do anything to get a PlayStation 3 this holiday season. A Minnesota radio host announced over the radio that if parents were willing to turn their children over to the station for 24 hours, they would give them a new PS3.
The joke soon turned sour when it became apparent that a majority of the callers were serious about the trade.
"We got more calls than we could handle," said Dave Ryan, "They were lined up willing to turn their kids over to strangers for a freakin' PlayStation."
Children offered included a one week and two day old baby. One caller named Katie attempted to get a PS3 by offering her 1 month old up for a 3 day period. When informed it was a hoax, she responded in disbelief.
Dave Ryan went onto say in an article,"But I didn't want them to feel too badly. I said, 'Listen you're not the only one who fell for this'. But at the same time, think about it, these are your kids, these are the most precious responsibility you'll ever have in your entire life. Be careful with your babies.' "