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Opinion on what to buy.

Posted: 2006-12-09 10:15pm
by Tasoth
I have a small amount of money that I can purchase something with, but I know not what. So far it's come down to the following:

A Guild Wars Expansion. I almost beat the core game, so it's about time to get one.

Space Empire V. Looking for a MoO2 like game. SEIV was a little too slow paced for me.

Space Rangers 2. Supposed to be good, I have no clue.

Outside of that, I have no clue. Maybe an RPG or 4x game with a good battle system. Is M:TW 2 anything like HoI? Because I really didn't get into HoI....

Posted: 2006-12-09 10:17pm
by Isana Kadeb
Have you tried galactic civilization 2?

Posted: 2006-12-09 10:28pm
by Tasoth
Isana Kadeb wrote:Have you tried galactic civilization 2?
Did and I did not get into it.

Re: Opinion on what to buy.

Posted: 2006-12-10 12:16am
by Arthur_Tuxedo
Tasoth wrote:I have a small amount of money that I can purchase something with, but I know not what. So far it's come down to the following:

A Guild Wars Expansion. I almost beat the core game, so it's about time to get one.

Space Empire V. Looking for a MoO2 like game. SEIV was a little too slow paced for me.

Space Rangers 2. Supposed to be good, I have no clue.

Outside of that, I have no clue. Maybe an RPG or 4x game with a good battle system. Is M:TW 2 anything like HoI? Because I really didn't get into HoI....
If you didn't like SE IV, I don't think V will change your mind. I don't think I've ever heard an unkind word said about SR2, on the other hand. I'd get that.

Posted: 2006-12-10 12:39am
by Stark
SR2 is awesome, but it's a pretty quirky game and not for everyone. Get the demo first.

Posted: 2006-12-10 12:46am
by brianeyci
I wouldn't get an MMORPG. You can blow two years off with that. Unless you have a friend or can control yourself (I never can).

I would so get M:TW 2 if I had a computer that could run it, but only because I really want to play it, nothing to do with any experience with the game at all lol :P.

SE:V is SE:IV with better graphics and real-time combat. No mods out yet and it's buggy as hell, and playing online with other people and finishing a game takes half a year.

Posted: 2006-12-10 05:23am
by Beowulf
Get a GW expansion. (I may be biased because it's my current game though). I recommend Nightfall over Factions.

Posted: 2006-12-10 05:41am
by weemadando
Weird Worlds - Return to Infinite Space. A 4X games that takes ~20 minutes per game? Hell yes.