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Is the Wii any good?
Posted: 2006-12-18 12:29pm
by Darksider
My mom just surprised me with one as an early christmas present (it also came packaged with a copy of Zelda: twilight princess), but I really wasn't planning on getting one, due to the retarded control scheme of waving the wiimote around like a drunken monkey until your character actually does somthing.
Does anyone know if they're going to come out with a controller for it that will actually let you use the tried and tested control scheme of normal consoles?
Re: Is the Wii any good?
Posted: 2006-12-18 12:36pm
by Dartzap
Darksider wrote:My mom just surprised me with one as an early christmas present (it also came packaged with a copy of Zelda: twilight princess), but I really wasn't planning on getting one, due to the retarded control scheme of waving the wiimote around like a drunken monkey until your character actually does somthing.
Does anyone know if they're going to come out with a controller for it that will actually let you use the tried and tested control scheme of normal consoles?
Have you actually
tried the controls yet? most people find it perfectly easy, heh. You can also use Gamecube controllers on some games, from what I've heared.
Re: Is the Wii any good?
Posted: 2006-12-18 12:38pm
by Darksider
Dartzap wrote:
Have you actually tried the controls yet? most people find it perfectly easy, heh. You can also use Gamecube controllers on some games, from what I've heared.
I'm doing research first.
I don't want to open the box until i'm sure I want to keep it, (for return policies) and I won't know I want to keep it until I open the box and play the games.
I'm caught in quite the pickle, aren't I?
Posted: 2006-12-18 12:40pm
by Bounty
Does anyone know if they're going to come out with a controller for it that will actually let you use the tried and tested control scheme of normal consoles?
Let's put it this way: I haven't heard of anyone yet who owned one and didn't like it.
And grow up. Normal consoles controls were developed to get around the problem that actual movement couldn't be translated to input. Wii gets around that and does so brilliantly; whining for 'real' controls is retarded.
Posted: 2006-12-18 12:51pm
by Alferd Packer
Play Wii Sports to get a feel for the controller. It's very, very easy to pick up, and it can be mastered in a couple hours for a given game.
Re: Is the Wii any good?
Posted: 2006-12-18 12:54pm
by General Zod
Darksider wrote:Dartzap wrote:
Have you actually tried the controls yet? most people find it perfectly easy, heh. You can also use Gamecube controllers on some games, from what I've heared.
I'm doing research first.
I don't want to open the box until i'm sure I want to keep it, (for return policies) and I won't know I want to keep it until I open the box and play the games.
I'm caught in quite the pickle, aren't I?
You can always sell it for a mint if you don't want to keep it. Plus, most stores let you return the consoles at the very least if they're already opened. They're generally lenient about their hardware return policy if you have the receipt.
Posted: 2006-12-18 01:17pm
by Praxis
It's an awesome system. I haven't met one person who bought one and was disappointed.
Wii Sports is very fun, and Zelda is INCREDIBLE. The Wii remote works great.
Super Smash Bros Brawl will be a traditional game that uses the GameCube controller.
Be grateful your mom managed to get one for you, they're nearly impossible to find anywhere!
Wii's are selling for $400 on eBay, and $500+ with Zelda. Open the box and you can probably still sell it for above retail.
Posted: 2006-12-18 01:27pm
by Master of Ossus
It can use both the Gamecube controller and the
Classic Controller attachment.
PS. You're an idiot.
Re: Is the Wii any good?
Posted: 2006-12-18 01:30pm
by Darth Wong
Darksider wrote:Does anyone know if they're going to come out with a controller for it that will actually let you use the tried and tested control scheme of normal consoles?
Not to sound like a me-tooer here, but when one gets a brand new console, shouldn't one be looking for something a bit more adventurous than "the same experience I always had on older consoles"? It seems to me that you're worried it won't feel just like your old console; what kind of attitude is that?
Posted: 2006-12-18 01:37pm
by Davis 51
Your mom managed to not only get her hands on one, but get you a copy of Zelda with it, and you're still considering returning it find the control scheme retarded yet you haven't even tried the damn thing?
Hate to break it to you, but the only thing retarded about the situation is you.
Everyone who I've gotten to try it has loved it. Even a few girls I know who have never touched a system in their lifetime love it.
If you are so worried about the control scheme, I suggest many rounds of WiiSports. It should get you oriented with the new controller very quickly, and anyone can pick up and play.
Re: Is the Wii any good?
Posted: 2006-12-18 01:45pm
by Darksider
Darth Wong wrote:
Not to sound like a me-tooer here, but when one gets a brand new console, shouldn't one be looking for something a bit more adventurous than "the same experience I always had on older consoles"? It seems to me that you're worried it won't feel just like your old console; what kind of attitude is that?
I suppose it's my fault for not looking into it properly elsewhere, or clarifying
why I was concerned about the Wiimote control scheme. I have friends at work and college who either own Wii's, or have played them. Out of all of them, ONE said the Wiimote was easy to use. The others all claimed it was extremely difficult to use, bordering on impossible. I suppose I should have asked what the control scheme was like rather than vitriolicly spewing insults at it.
Posted: 2006-12-18 02:14pm
by Superman
Seriously man, quit the bitching. That's a nice present. Why not just accept it and try to have some fun with it.
Is this really something you have to criticize?
Posted: 2006-12-18 02:25pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Hey, if you don't want it, give it me. Personally, I'm wondering how Vympel feels about the Wiimote. The heated debate over its feasibility, nevermind beyond gimmick level life, was hotly contested.
Posted: 2006-12-18 02:26pm
by Darksider
Superman wrote:Seriously man, quit the bitching. That's a nice present. Why not just accept it and try to have some fun with it.
Is this really something you have to criticize?
I've already decided to keep it.
I was mostly concerned with the capability of the controls because of the store's return policy. (once it's opened, no money back according to my mother)
Posted: 2006-12-18 02:32pm
by General Zod
Darksider wrote:Superman wrote:Seriously man, quit the bitching. That's a nice present. Why not just accept it and try to have some fun with it.
Is this really something you have to criticize?
I've already decided to keep it.
I was mostly concerned with the capability of the controls because of the store's return policy. (once it's opened, no money back according to my mother)
Did she read the receipt's policy properly? Most stores usually only have that policy for games, dvds, cds, etc. I've never heard of a store that applies that policy to the actual hardware.
Posted: 2006-12-18 02:44pm
by Darksider
General Zod wrote:
Did she read the receipt's policy properly? Most stores usually only have that policy for games, dvds, cds, etc. I've never heard of a store that applies that policy to the actual hardware.
Not sure. All I know is what she told me, which was "make sure you're going to keep it before you open the box."
I would like to apologize for my disparaging remarks about the Wii in the opening post. I am upset regarding other matters, and I suppose I should have cooled down a bit before posting.
Posted: 2006-12-18 02:48pm
by Praxis
Well, I'll be looking forward to hearing your impressions of the system

Posted: 2006-12-18 02:51pm
by Darksider
Praxis wrote:Well, I'll be looking forward to hearing your impressions of the system

It'll be a while before I get to play it, since I have to take my XBOX 360 back because it's eating my fucking Gears of War disc.
Posted: 2006-12-18 03:38pm
by Praxis
Then you'll be console-less for a while, so play it!

Posted: 2006-12-18 05:00pm
by Darksider
Praxis wrote:Then you'll be console-less for a while, so play it!

Well, I've just tried It for about half an hour, and I've got to say i'm plesantly surprised. I suppose the people I talked to were just morons who couldn't deal with the control scheme.
The only gripe I have is that my TV. stand is an awkward place to set the sensor bar, so the movements of the controller don't seem quite right yet, but I suppose i'll get the hang of it.
Is Red Steel any good? I want to see what this interface can do for FPS gameplay.
Posted: 2006-12-18 05:03pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
They don't jibe at all. I had a hell of time accomplishing anything, so unless you're really sure of hand I'd suggest avoiding it.
Posted: 2006-12-18 05:04pm
by Davis 51
Darksider wrote:Praxis wrote:Then you'll be console-less for a while, so play it!

Well, I've just tried It for about half an hour, and I've got to say i'm plesantly surprised. I suppose the people I talked to were just morons who couldn't deal with the control scheme.
The only gripe I have is that my TV. stand is an awkward place to set the sensor bar, so the movements of the controller don't seem quite right yet, but I suppose i'll get the hang of it.
Is Red Steel any good? I want to see what this interface can do for FPS gameplay.
It's good, if you like shooters. It's a bit on the short side, though, and it made my dad dizzy when he played. Also, it has a few minor glitches, but they really didn't bother me when I played it.
Multiplayer is where it really shines, though.
Posted: 2006-12-18 05:26pm
by Vendetta
Darksider wrote:
Is Red Steel any good? I want to see what this interface can do for FPS gameplay.
Most places are saying that it's a good tech demo of how the Wii will play shooters, but a bit poo as an actual game. Which is why I've left it on the shelf. (everyone else I know with a Wii has it, so I expect I'll borrow it eventually.)
Posted: 2006-12-18 05:36pm
by wolveraptor
OMG make sore u don't acidently brake ur tv swangin' it arownd lol u shood get a tihcker starp nintendo his givign tehm owt lolololololomfgwtfstfupwn
Seriously, don't be a retard about it and you'll be fine.
Posted: 2006-12-18 05:39pm
by Darksider
wolveraptor wrote:OMG make sore u don't acidently brake ur tv swangin' it arownd lol u shood get a tihcker starp nintendo his givign tehm owt lolololololomfgwtfstfupwn
Seriously, don't be a retard about it and you'll be fine.
The strap recall nonsense?
I don't even plan on using the strap. All you have to do is keep a good grip on it, and not swing it around like it's a battleaxe.