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So I'm playing FEAR: Extraction Point ...

Posted: 2007-01-01 08:52am
by Vympel
Having just finished regular FEAR for the second time. The first time was mostly a friend who likes to come over and play the game- I let him because I don't like getting the shit scared out of me that much, so I noted all the freak-out bits when he was playing and that slightly reduced their impact the next time round.

But I digress. So I start up the expansion pack, and, well, two things:

1. Didn't I kill that Paxton Fettel assmunch?

2. Why the hell is Alma trying to kill me, anyway? I mean, I'm the first prototype and her fucking son, so what's with the repeated attempts to scare the living shit out of me and send scary ghosts at me and shit?

Re: So I'm playing FEAR: Extraction Point ...

Posted: 2007-01-01 09:25am
by Ritterin Sophia
Vympel wrote:Having just finished regular FEAR for the second time. The first time was mostly a friend who likes to come over and play the game- I let him because I don't like getting the shit scared out of me that much, so I noted all the freak-out bits when he was playing and that slightly reduced their impact the next time round.

But I digress. So I start up the expansion pack, and, well, two things:

1. Didn't I kill that Paxton Fettel assmunch?
You did, but apparently even he doesn't know how he came back.
2. Why the hell is Alma trying to kill me, anyway? I mean, I'm the first prototype and her fucking son, so what's with the repeated attempts to scare the living shit out of me and send scary ghosts at me and shit?
Apparently in the game she makes this statement that 'They' are hurting her, perhaps someone found her body and is doing experiments on it.

Posted: 2007-01-01 09:31am
by Stark
Call me crazy, but I thought it was pretty clear Alma is just batshit insane. She was trying to kill you in FEAR too, and her whole plan was to get Fettel to lead you to her so you'd release her. She's either really stupid or crazy, and since she's been locked in a wet ball for twenty odd years I choose crazy.

And once you realise soldiers and 'boo scary girl' never happens together, you can see all the FEAR 'scares' coming a mile away. Four corners without any badguys? Gee, I wonder if there's a ghost around here! :lol:

Posted: 2007-01-01 10:24am
by Vympel
Stark wrote:Call me crazy, but I thought it was pretty clear Alma is just batshit insane. She was trying to kill you in FEAR too, and her whole plan was to get Fettel to lead you to her so you'd release her.
But ... Fettel was going to release her, but then Harlan Wade did it instead, yet Fettel killed his sister, Alice, for reasons I cannot fathom, but then let you blow his brains out ... and ...

I've gone cross-eyed.
She's either really stupid or crazy, and since she's been locked in a wet ball for twenty odd years I choose crazy.

And once you realise soldiers and 'boo scary girl' never happens together, you can see all the FEAR 'scares' coming a mile away. Four corners without any badguys? Gee, I wonder if there's a ghost around here! :lol:
Not always the case- sometimes they'll do a cheap shot where she'll crawl towards you from short range not long after a firefight when you're still in the "kill Replicas dead" mood.

They telegraph it with the "Unknown Origin" signal alert (with the freaky sound and the HUD flicker) a lot too- which seems to make it worse, not better, IMO, when it finally comes. And the scares do bother me, even when I know they're there. They're just freaky.

Heck, when I play and I don't see bad guys for a while, I'm relieved when I see or hear a Replica. I'm much more comfortable killing those crafty fuckers than I am being scared by some freaky little shit.

Posted: 2007-01-01 10:54am
by Ritterin Sophia
Vympel wrote:
Stark wrote:Call me crazy, but I thought it was pretty clear Alma is just batshit insane. She was trying to kill you in FEAR too, and her whole plan was to get Fettel to lead you to her so you'd release her.
But ... Fettel was going to release her, but then Harlan Wade did it instead, yet Fettel killed his sister, Alice, for reasons I cannot fathom, but then let you blow his brains out ... and ...

I've gone cross-eyed.
Actually the point man and Fettel are brothers, and Alma's surname is Wade, causing the theory that Harlan is her father and Alice her sister; thus your's and Fettel's grandfather and aunt.
She's either really stupid or crazy, and since she's been locked in a wet ball for twenty odd years I choose crazy.

And once you realise soldiers and 'boo scary girl' never happens together, you can see all the FEAR 'scares' coming a mile away. Four corners without any badguys? Gee, I wonder if there's a ghost around here! :lol:
Not always the case- sometimes they'll do a cheap shot where she'll crawl towards you from short range not long after a firefight when you're still in the "kill Replicas dead" mood.

They telegraph it with the "Unknown Origin" signal alert (with the freaky sound and the HUD flicker) a lot too- which seems to make it worse, not better, IMO, when it finally comes. And the scares do bother me, even when I know they're there. They're just freaky.

Heck, when I play and I don't see bad guys for a while, I'm relieved when I see or hear a Replica. I'm much more comfortable killing those crafty fuckers than I am being scared by some freaky little shit.
Word, that little bitch is creepy as all hell.

Posted: 2007-01-01 12:27pm
by Alyeska
One interesting thing in Extraction Point. Alma in "naked" form appears to be trying to kill you while Alma in child form is mostly neutral or helpful. At one point you hear Alma plead "please don't let me hurt you" and another time when facing off against 5 Replica's armed with Penetrators, child form Alma shows up and slaughters them then tells you "now your safe". And it should be noted that in the end when both Forms of Alma merge, suddenly all the nightmarish scenarios disappear.

Posted: 2007-01-01 04:22pm
by Stark
Wierd. In FEAR both sorts try to kill you (although sometimes the girl is just standing around, yeah thanks big help there bitch). Wasn't the girl Alma's psychic projection? Wouldn't one be as insane as the other?

I'm glad the pointman didn't work for some organisation specialising in supernatural events, as otherwise their failure to connect the dots on what he was seeing to the reports he uncovered would have been unforgivably lame. ;)

Posted: 2007-01-01 04:56pm
by Ford Prefect
Vympel wrote:But ... Fettel was going to release her, but then Harlan Wade did it instead, yet Fettel killed his sister, Alice, for reasons I cannot fathom, but then let you blow his brains out ... and ...

I've gone cross-eyed.
Just zone out and enjoy the noise of the laser carbine.

Posted: 2007-01-02 12:41am
by The Grim Squeaker
Stark wrote: I'm glad the pointman didn't work for some organisation specialising in supernatural events, as otherwise their failure to connect the dots on what he was seeing to the reports he uncovered would have been unforgivably lame. ;)
... Try listening to the post credit/ending Sequence in the first FEAR, Y'know the call where they discuss "Testing the prototype[YOU]"

Posted: 2007-01-02 12:49am
by Stark
Get this, DEATH: that doesn't make any fucking sense. Did you get through the game without loading? No, you didn't, and such a retarded scenario to 'test' something is a solid way to start a money bonfire. But hey, most players didn't even notice how lame it was that the uber FEAR organisation was an idiot, a old guy, and a totally useless woman, so just saying 'spooky teh prototype CONSPIRACY' at the end probably makes sense to them.

Posted: 2007-01-02 02:37am
by weemadando
Stark wrote:Get this, DEATH: that doesn't make any fucking sense. Did you get through the game without loading? No, you didn't, and such a retarded scenario to 'test' something is a solid way to start a money bonfire. But hey, most players didn't even notice how lame it was that the uber FEAR organisation was an idiot, a old guy, and a totally useless woman, so just saying 'spooky teh prototype CONSPIRACY' at the end probably makes sense to them.
I thought that it was the running joke, right from the opening: "...And they wonder why no one takes us seriously." through to the end that F.E.A.R was underfunded, undermanned and undertrained for the task they filled. Effectively a convenient patsy to pin shit on if ever it all went wrong.

Posted: 2007-01-02 02:40am
by Vympel
Stark wrote:Get this, DEATH: that doesn't make any fucking sense. Did you get through the game without loading? No, you didn't, and such a retarded scenario to 'test' something is a solid way to start a money bonfire. But hey, most players didn't even notice how lame it was that the uber FEAR organisation was an idiot, a old guy, and a totally useless woman, so just saying 'spooky teh prototype CONSPIRACY' at the end probably makes sense to them.
Wait, who's the idiot? The point man? He's just a gun. Only an idiot if you can't figure it out before the old guy tells you. :)

That reminds me- what the fuck happened to Jankowski, anyway? He pops in, tells you freaky shit, then disappears. Is he dead, or what?

Posted: 2007-01-02 02:48am
by Stark
You see his corpse all the way through the game: he looks pretty Fettel-ised to me. :)

And it's awesome the FEAR organisation had a huge mission control room, and nobody in it. Oh and a car.

It just doesn't make sense to 'test' something by almost guaranteeing it's destruction. Wow, it was good and worked... right up until it died and had to reload. DAMMIT there goes our funding!

Posted: 2007-01-02 02:56am
by Sephirius
Stark wrote:You see his corpse all the way through the game: he looks pretty Fettel-ised to me. :)

And it's awesome the FEAR organisation had a huge mission control room, and nobody in it. Oh and a car.

It just doesn't make sense to 'test' something by almost guaranteeing it's destruction. Wow, it was good and worked... right up until it died and had to reload. DAMMIT there goes our funding!
mind you it was 3-5 in the morning. I wouldn't fucking be working if I could help it then

Posted: 2007-01-02 04:50am
by Vympel
Stark wrote:You see his corpse all the way through the game: he looks pretty Fettel-ised to me. :)
Yeah, but Fettel was, you know ... alive. We see Jankowski walking about trying to scare the shit out of you by poking his head around corners at inopportune moments, and yeah, he looks pretty fucked, but where the hell did he die? I wanted to see his body.

Not to mention- his signal kept popping up. How could his signal pop up if he was dead, unless that was a walking corpse that could teleport at will?

I also just hit the bit in FEAR:EP when Alma kills those Replicas for you. Sweet.

Posted: 2007-01-02 04:57am
by Stark
He wandered off, never to be seen again, ignored by the highly professional FEAR organisation. It's okay that they're retards because it was all a test, okay? :)

I didn't notice the first time through, but I recently threw it back on and noticed Jankowski corpsified standing around ALL OVER THE SHOW. In the first third he was more common than the stupid girl, but I must have not walked the right way to have him jump out and go 'boo', since he just stood there unanimated.

You're talking about the signals like they make sense? Either all the 'blah blah signal' stuff was bullshit (it was a test lol) or they were psychic fakes - Fettel kept appearing and disappearing too. I *guess* if you really wanted to throw the writers a bone, you could say that those apparation things you see all the time were so exact they had the signal in them too. Because when they say 'blah blah Jankowski is nearby', he really is... just zombified and 'disappear when you get close'. Either that or Fettel is the fastest motherfucker on two legs. Or maybe it's just poor writing. In a videogame, of all places. :)

Posted: 2007-01-02 05:02am
by Shinova
Finished Extraction Point.

BLAH!! Inconclusive, sequellolololol ending!! What the hell was that!??!?

Posted: 2007-01-02 02:42pm
by Alyeska
I keep hearing people talk about seeing Jankowski's corpse or something in Extraction Point. I don't remember seeing him. Where did this occur?

Posted: 2007-01-02 03:45pm
by DPDarkPrimus
They originally planned on having you find Jaincowski's corpse, but they decided to make it more ambiguous as to what happened to him.

So yeah, he's dead. :P

Posted: 2007-01-04 04:33am
by Vympel
It keeps showing us his fucked up face though covering our entire vision though, doesn't it? Just got past the bit with all the weird "all-white" cutscenes with Fettel talking to Kwon.

I'm up to the bit in the sewers. Joy. Apparently "they're" hunting me, and I should be careful. How Kwon knows, this *shrug*

Posted: 2007-01-04 07:43am
by Vympel
Oh great, they killed Kwon too. That was gratuitous. So now I have no friends in the game except for a freaky little girl. Maybe.

Posted: 2007-01-04 03:42pm
by Alyeska
Vympel wrote:It keeps showing us his fucked up face though covering our entire vision though, doesn't it? Just got past the bit with all the weird "all-white" cutscenes with Fettel talking to Kwon.

I'm up to the bit in the sewers. Joy. Apparently "they're" hunting me, and I should be careful. How Kwon knows, this *shrug*
I don't remember seeing that ever.

Posted: 2007-01-04 03:43pm
by Alyeska
Vympel wrote:Oh great, they killed Kwon too. That was gratuitous. So now I have no friends in the game except for a freaky little girl. Maybe.
Don't you like what they did with your Delta Force friend? When you link up with him, he becomes your life line. You dread leaving him and you stick next to him as much as possible. Then they yank him away from you and killed him.

Posted: 2007-01-04 08:08pm
by Vympel
Alyeska wrote:
I don't remember seeing that ever.
Which bit? There's a vision you get where the entire background is shiny and white, and Fettel is talking to Kwon- then the walking corpse of Jankowski is shambling towards her and she's backing away- apparently Fettel got into his mind somehow.

Posted: 2007-01-04 08:15pm
by Alyeska
Thats the only time I saw anything, and that didn't look much like Jankowski.