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D&D 3.5: Creating Explosive Throwing Weapons (Shuriken,

Posted: 2007-01-03 07:25pm
by Majin Gojira
A thought has been tickling the back of my brain for an "Interesting" weapon for monk/rogue. An explosive throwing weapon. Normally, I'd hear people say things like "just enchant it with fireburst", but I'm considering something a little more...grenade like.

The first spell that comes to mind is Exploding Runes. Which, if put with an item with Magic Mouth, triggered to activate when it hits something, would facilitate the reaction I'm thinking of.

Plus, the chance to reference OotS with "Today I cast Exploding Runes" before it goes off it to much to go with.

The problem comes how to figure the price.

Masterwork Shuriken cost 301, but are considered amunition when you enchant them, so that would cover 50 of them...

Then there are two spells to be cast on it: Magic Mouth and Exploding Runes (in reverse order)...figuring out the exact price for this is kinda tricky, I think. Since they are one use items each, does a single charge cost apply to the group for each spell or no? The differnece is rather signifigant (32000 vs. 6400 the way I figure it).

How much should these things cost? And is there a better way to construct such a weapon?

Posted: 2007-01-03 07:27pm
by SirNitram
Personally, I'd go with alchemy, or enchant it with 'exploding'. Yes, it's an actual enchantment.

Posted: 2007-01-03 07:30pm
by Ford Prefect
SirNitram wrote:Personally, I'd go with alchemy, or enchant it with 'exploding'. Yes, it's an actual enchantment.
One wonders about the sanity of the warrior who has his sword enchanted with that.

Posted: 2007-01-03 07:32pm
by Majin Gojira
What does this "Exploding" enchantment entail (and, of course, where can it be found)?

Posted: 2007-01-03 07:32pm
by SirNitram
Ford Prefect wrote:
SirNitram wrote:Personally, I'd go with alchemy, or enchant it with 'exploding'. Yes, it's an actual enchantment.
One wonders about the sanity of the warrior who has his sword enchanted with that.
It's description explicitly states if you use it on a non-reach melee weapon, you too take the damage.

Posted: 2007-01-05 08:54pm
by Typhonis 1
Go the route of anime...Naruto has these tags that when chakra is applied they become a time delayed bomb.Attach em to a knife or arrow, do whatever and wallah.

Posted: 2007-01-05 10:20pm
by Stofsk
Monks can wield crossbows.

Do I have to connect the dots for you or...?

Posted: 2007-01-05 11:05pm
by Anarchist Bunny
I'm pretty sure that one game way back when I threw a casket of oil into a room and had a mage hit it with a flame spell. Ofcourse this was back when we were 12 or 13 and probably didn't play the game anything resembling correctly.

Posted: 2007-01-05 11:08pm
by SirNitram
Majin Gojira wrote:What does this "Exploding" enchantment entail (and, of course, where can it be found)?
I thought it was in the 3.5 Spelljammer update, but can't find it.

+2 enchantment dealing 2d6 damage to a 5 foot radius of the hit.

Yes, it was untyped damage.

Posted: 2007-01-05 11:35pm
by Grandmaster Jogurt
SirNitram wrote:
Majin Gojira wrote:What does this "Exploding" enchantment entail (and, of course, where can it be found)?
I thought it was in the 3.5 Spelljammer update, but can't find it.

+2 enchantment dealing 2d6 damage to a 5 foot radius of the hit.

Yes, it was untyped damage.
Was there a reflex save? The two versions of explosive I've seen have been +2 enchantment, 1d6 fire damage, DC 14 save, 10 foot radius and +3 enchantment, 2d4 fire damage, DC 15 save, 5 foot radius. If that version lacked both a save and a damage type, it'd be rather more powerful than these two versions.

Posted: 2007-01-05 11:38pm
by Majin Gojira
I actually found such an ehnancement in "Complete Warrior" as "Explosive"

+2d4 damage (untyped) Reflex Save DC 15 for half in 5ft radius)

+2 enchantement on melee and +3 enhancement on ranged.