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[Question] Wargaming
Posted: 2007-01-18 06:25pm
by Exmoor Cat
I was wondering if I could post a straw poll as to who/how many SDnetters are figure gamers? It's been asked before (inc. by me in 2004 in HAB) but the search shows I'd be raising the dead something chronic.
Depending on feedback, I was thinking perhaps discussions on linking up at shows over the next year, comparing online resources, etc. Thoughts?
Posted: 2007-01-18 08:24pm
by GuppyShark
I play Warmachine and Hordes, used to play BattleTech (before we broke it).
Posted: 2007-01-18 08:38pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Warhammer 40,000*, with some casual collecting of Warhammer** on the side (though that's partially for bitz fodder for my 40k armies).
- Imperial Guard
- Space Marines
- Orks
- Chaos
- Ordo Malleus
- Ordo Hereticus
- Wood Elves
- Dark Elves
- Bretonnia
Posted: 2007-01-18 09:19pm
by loomer
Formerly Warhammer 40K, now into a miniatures system using centimetre high, cheap plastic models with a historical setting. Can't remember the name.
Posted: 2007-01-18 10:15pm
by Rekkon
I play several when our wargaming group meets, though I have no figures of my own:
Blitzkrieg Commander
Canvas Eagles
whatever looks interesting
I also have several of the Battletech boxed sets, though nothing beyond the little cardboard stands they included. No doubt the 'real' figure people will scoff, but I only own actual figures for Axis and Allies Miniatures. I would like to eventually get metal stuff for BKC, Flames of War, etc., but until recently I had basically no opponents for anything.
Posted: 2007-01-18 11:10pm
by Utsanomiko
I've been into 40k for almost a year now, although I don't play many games and am in it primarily for the painting and model-building. I've got about 1k of Space Marines and 500pts of Tyranids painted so far, with maybe another 50-60 unprimed minis and a several unassembled boxed sets.
Posted: 2007-01-18 11:14pm
by Stormbringer
Warhammer 40K:
- Daemonhunters - primarily Grey Knights
- Blood Anges
- Chaos Space Marines - primarily Khornate
- Khador
- Cryx - still in the planning stages pending finding a real, permanent job
Posted: 2007-01-19 01:16am
by Slacker
-Warhammer 40K
Space Marines
Slaanesh (planned)
-Warhammer Fantasy
Ogre Kingdoms
-Trollbloods (planned, primarily because I'm waiting on some models to be released.)
-Da Orcs! (Not really a wargame, but Bloodbowl > All)
We're planning on adding Flames of War to the store inventory come spring time, so I imagine I'll have an American or Russian (hell, who am I kidding, probably both) battalion a few months from now.
Yeah, I manage the gaming store. I don't have a problem, I'm the dealer.
Posted: 2007-01-19 02:14am
by weemadando
Flames of War:
Assault Gun company
Blood Bowl:
Pirates of the Spanish Main:
Mix of fleets (only a few ships that I mix and match)
Custom game systems:
WW1 dogfights
WW2 Naval
WW1 Naval
Napoleonic Naval
Ancient Naval
High Elves - haven't played for ages.
No army - but play occassionally.
Would play but no one here plays it and I still have ~40 tanks to assemble and paint, not to mention all my Fallschirmjager to paint for Flames of War:
Starship Troopers
Posted: 2007-01-19 03:28am
by Bedlam
Used to play 40K with either a Tyranid or Necron army.
I keep meaning to get in a game again but havn't had a chance for several years though.
Posted: 2007-01-19 04:16am
by The Yosemite Bear
yes, it often calms me, but I don't have the money to do much...
Posted: 2007-01-19 04:36am
by Exmoor Cat
Thought I'd better own up to my own
Warhammer - Dwarves
WH40k - Spacemarines (circa 5000 points)
Warhammer Ancient Battles - Thematic Byzantines
A random Samurai army
Modern British
Napoleonic Anglo-Portuguese
Malburian British
Anglo-Saxons, Norse and Normans
Imperial Romans
Ancient British (there's a theme here....)
Hoplite Greeks
ACW - Union and Confederate
AWI - British and Colonial
Zulu and British colonial forces
ECW Royalist South West Army
Modern British
WW2 German and British Desert and NW Europe periods
Assorted British and German WW2 aircraft
German and British High seas fleets WW1
Posted: 2007-01-19 04:40am
by Exmoor Cat
Bedlam, you're probably in range of SE London Warlords??
Does anyone use any wargame forums? I've peeked at,uk and webgrognards, though find the post rate sporadic and underpopulated.
Also, anyone planning on Salute this April (in the UK)? I have an itch to get over for something like Historican or Origins in America, flight cost permitting, apparently those shows a HUGE - anyone been? What was it like?
Posted: 2007-01-19 05:52am
by 2000AD
Just Games Workshop stuff.
Posted: 2007-01-19 07:02am
by The Yosemite Bear
I have a zillion avalon hill cardboard chits in my parent's attic....
Posted: 2007-01-19 03:35pm
by Vendetta
Play Infinity (28mm Sci-Fi squad level engagements, Rules v. flexible, combat v. lethal), intermittently think about getting a Confrontation army (28mm fantasy. Great H2H combat rules, but currently grasping to balance magic and shooters).
Not fond of the two big GW 28mm games, but do like Epic, and have some ickle 6mm Imperial Guard.
Posted: 2007-01-19 05:55pm
by Ted C
I have played both WH40K and WFB, but I've been out of the loop for a while. I'm not even sure where I put my cases of minis.
Posted: 2007-01-20 04:37am
by Bedlam
Exmoor Cat wrote:Bedlam, you're probably in range of SE London Warlords??
Does anyone use any wargame forums? I've peeked at,uk and webgrognards, though find the post rate sporadic and underpopulated.
Also, anyone planning on Salute this April (in the UK)? I have an itch to get over for something like Historican or Origins in America, flight cost permitting, apparently those shows a HUGE - anyone been? What was it like?
I used to play at a local club but although a few games still occur infrequently I mostly go there to Role play rather than Wargame now.
Not going to Salute myself but I have a friend whos planning to.
However, it looks like I'll be moving to Edinburgh soon so I'll be looking for a new club / group to get involved with then and I might get more chance to Wargame.
If anyone knows of any clubs in that neck of the woods can you tell me please.
Posted: 2007-01-20 05:07am
by Karza
40k (Space Wolves, Tau, Necrons), Necromunda (Orlock) and Battlefleet Gothic (Eldar, Imperium). Gothic is my clear favorite, but I have been somewhat out of the loop for a year or so.
Been considering taking up epic 40k, at a glance it seemed quite fun.
Posted: 2007-01-20 05:44pm
by The Dark
Warmachine - Cygnar
BattleLore - whenever I can get a game together, usually England/Goblins. Being a playtester for that is fun
Gear Krieg - German panzer/panzerkampfer company, British armored company
I have some Tau for 40k and the Skull Pass set for WHFB, but the rules are meh, so I'm looking at developing my own system for the hell of it
Posted: 2007-01-21 07:42am
by Acidburns
I rarely play these days:
Warhammer 40K
-Space Wolves (Mostly Depleted)
- Tyranids (3000pts of 3rd Edition Nids / 6000 pts of 2nd)
- Iyanden Craftworld (2000pts)
Dabbled in recently, tried many battles with paper to see which race I favour. I'm probably going for Dwarves. If my friends and I decide to start playing again.
Dabbled in Jovian Chronicles/ Heavy Gear tactical.