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Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault. Cannot play.

Posted: 2007-01-18 08:13pm
by General Zod
So, I picked up EA's warfare collection a few weeks ago, and finally got around to installing Pacific Assault with their 4 cd version. I installed Allied Assault and it ran without a hitch, but when I finished installing PA, it gave me some nonsense message about not having the correct disc in the drive after I tried to run it. I had disc 1, a relatively new copy of the game, which should have ran just fine, but no dice. Google has been mostly worthless so far, so I was wondering if anyone else who's bought the game has had the same problem and knows of a workaround. My computer's specs more than meet the requirements, so I'm fairly certain that's not an issue.

Posted: 2007-01-19 11:12am
by NRS Guardian
Some games require the last disc rather than the first. I have PA and played it without a problem, but I don't remeber which disc you had to use to play because it's been awhile since I last played it. Whichever disc they asked you to have in last when installing is the one that should be the play disc.

Posted: 2007-01-23 05:21pm
by houser2112
I have this game, and there's a part of the Tarawa mission that I can't get past. After you blow up the torpedo bunker and clear out a house in the next area, one of your squadmates tries to hotwire a jeep. During this, an artillery barrage starts that will kill you no matter what you do. I've searched online and others have been having this issue, but I can't find a fix for it. Very annoying.