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Apple to Charge for Boot Camp?

Posted: 2007-01-21 11:27pm
by Dominus Atheos
According to a report MacScoop has obtained, Apple will charge current users of Mac OS X Tiger for the final version of Boot Camp that will be released at the same time as Mac OS X Leopard, this Spring.

Though the source wasn't sure about the final pricing, the report said there is strong possibility that Apple's boot manager software, allowing to use Windows and Mac OS X in dual boot mode will be sold for $29 to Tiger users.

Boot Camp will be one of the features included in Leopard, which means that Tiger users who want to use Boot Camp will also have the option to upgrade to Leopard instead of paying for the final version of Apple's Windows dual boot solution.

Apple is also expected to officially support Microsoft's Windows Vista operating system with the final version of Boot Camp.

When Apple announced Boot Camp in April 2006, the company did not clarify if Boot Camp would remain free for Tiger users in its final version.

Apple recently negatively surprised users of the latest generation Intel Macs by releasing a $1.99 software update, enabling 802.11n wifi on their Airport adapters.

Re: Apple to Charge for Boot Camp?

Posted: 2007-01-22 01:04am
by Xisiqomelir
So...just buy Leopard?

Re: Apple to Charge for Boot Camp?

Posted: 2007-01-22 02:02am
by Vohu Manah
Xisiqomelir wrote:So...just buy Leopard?
Basically. Unless you want to stay on Tiger, and I don't honestly know why you'd want to do that (unless you're running a PowerPC, in which case you're not running Boot Camp to begin with).

Posted: 2007-01-22 02:35am
by RThurmont
I don't suppose any of you know if there's an actual time-bomb in Boot Camp's code? I blew my top when reading that article earlier today, and am seriously tempted to install Linux on my Mac as the primary OS lest we come across any other unpleasant suprises...

Posted: 2007-01-22 02:41am
by Dominus Atheos
RThurmont wrote:I don't suppose any of you know if there's an actual time-bomb in Boot Camp's code? I blew my top when reading that article earlier today, and am seriously tempted to install Linux on my Mac as the primary OS lest we come across any other unpleasant suprises...
I doubt it, but what it does mean is that you can't dual-boot into Vista while still running Tiger.

Posted: 2007-01-22 02:44am
by RThurmont
I doubt it, but what it does mean is that you can't dual-boot into Vista while still running Tiger.
Oooh I'm real scarred now. :-P

Seriously, my only concern is that I'll install Linux on my Mac using boot camp, and then the software will expire, leaving me up the creek without a paddle (or worse, with the data on my Linux partition erased).

Posted: 2007-01-22 09:04am
by Ace Pace
Except why would this be a problem except if you stay with Tiger when Leopard is coming out?

Posted: 2007-01-22 11:09am
by RThurmont
Because I don't really see any need to get Leopard. Seriously, my Tiger system is running just fine, I don't see any really revolutionary mouthwatering features in Leopard, and am frankly not that interested in upgrading. If the only reason to upgrade Leopard is to keep beta software needed to dual boot Tiger running, then I would rather just delete OS X and use the relatively good hardware on my Mac Mini for more intersting purposes.

Posted: 2007-01-22 12:11pm
by Jew
RThurmont wrote:I don't suppose any of you know if there's an actual time-bomb in Boot Camp's code?
Apple has always been clear that the Boot Camp beta is a time-limited release. It expires in September 2007.
Apple wrote:Warning: Boot Camp Beta is preview software licensed for use on a trial basis for a limited time.

From Boot Camp Beta: Requirements, installation, and frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Boot Camp license wrote:3. Term of License. The term of this License shall commence upon your installation or use of the Apple Software and will terminate automatically without notice from Apple upon the next commercial release of the Apple Software, or September 30, 2007, whichever occurs first.

Link: Boot Camp license
I'm not sure what will happen when Boot Camp expires. I assume you will still be able to boot in Windows, you just won't be able to use Boot Camp to install a new Windows partition.

Posted: 2007-01-22 12:53pm
by Praxis

Everyone who currently owns a Mac with Tiger can download Boot Camp free. Everyone who buys a Mac after Leopard comes out will get Boot Camp with it.

This will only affect people that have had Macs with Tiger for a while and never got around to downloading Boot Camp. And that's IF its true, I don't know how accurate MacScoop is.