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mouse or trackball?
Posted: 2007-01-23 08:38am
by The Yosemite Bear
just a bit of curiosity, I love trackballs, my friend mike hates them and perfers mice. We both distain analog and perfer laser/led sensors in our various input devices.
so what are your oppinions etc.
btw what is the upside? (personally I like manipulating it with my thumb and not having to slide all over the desk, not to mention with a bunch of old mice I got used to using a trackball due to problems with those old mice)
Posted: 2007-01-23 10:18am
by Vendetta
Mouse, due to the direct linkage between my movements and that of the cursor.
Posted: 2007-01-23 10:23am
by phongn
Trackball for the desktop, trackpoint for the laptop.
Posted: 2007-01-23 11:44am
by Darth Yoshi
I hate trackballs. Mice, all the way.
Posted: 2007-01-23 11:54am
by Darth Wong
Thanks to USB, you can have both at the same time.
Posted: 2007-01-23 11:58am
by Macunaima
It's been a while since I used a trackball, so I guess I'm more of a mouse guy. What I can't stand is those small pointy things in the middle of the keyboard that some notebook have, like the IBM/Lenovo ThinkPads.
Posted: 2007-01-23 12:31pm
by Pu-239
Trackpoint and mouse, I have it on both my laptop and desktop. My desktop's version sucks (the trackpoint built into those lexmark Model M's aren't really that great, since they actually wiggle a little, plus I can't tweak the sensitivity w/o messing up the mouse , need to loko at that) .
Posted: 2007-01-23 01:18pm
by GrandMasterTerwynn
Macunaima wrote:It's been a while since I used a trackball, so I guess I'm more of a mouse guy. What I can't stand is those small pointy things in the middle of the keyboard that some notebook have, like the IBM/Lenovo ThinkPads.
I love those! Hate touchpads. Absolutely hate 'em with a passion. If a laptop only has a touchpad, then I'll hook up a USB mouse and use that. Otherwise, on a desktop, it's mice all the way . . . though I ought to find something that's a little more ergonomically friendly, since mousing around is contributing to my carpal-tunnel problems.
Posted: 2007-01-23 01:29pm
by InnocentBystander
I've always had far better control with a mouse, and when away from a mouse I perfer to use a touchpad. However, I'm not a huge fan of using the touchpad or IBM's little red button for extended periods of time.
Posted: 2007-01-23 02:10pm
by Lazarus
I use a trackball and much prefer it, but it's the type where the ball is moved with the index and middle fingers, not the thumb. Its simply superior for gaming, and that's just a fact (once you get used to it, obviously). There's a larger button for primary fire, used by the thumb, and a smaller one for secondary fire. I then use the other two buttons, controlled by my third and little fingers, for jump and use.
Posted: 2007-01-23 02:49pm
by Psycho Smiley
Trackball here. I've got a Logitech Something-Or-Other. I find it has nicer control, you don't need extra desk space (great for messy-deskers like me), and you can leave it in a comfortable position.
Mine's thumb-driven, and it's great for gaming. Perfect for fine control in RTS and sniping in FPS, but if you need to move quickly, you just give the ball a flick.
It does take some getting used to if you normally use a mouse; for the first few days, you'll be fairly clumsy. Now that I'm used to it, I hate using mice.
Posted: 2007-01-23 02:52pm
by Vyraeth
Lazarus wrote:simply superior for gaming, and that's just a fact (once you get used to it, obviously).
How is that a fact? Who says so?
Although, that's an interesting notion, and may warrant some experimentation with a trackball. I am curious though, what shooters do you play? You mentioned a primary fire button, but I'm skeptical that you'd be able to last long playing Counter-Strike: Source with a trackball, where aim is VERY important, unlike most shooters.
Posted: 2007-01-23 03:26pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Pen tablet!
Really, I prefer optical mice and can't stand trackballs much at all.
Posted: 2007-01-23 03:34pm
by Executor32
I hate trackballs, and with my mouse I don't have to worry about being all over the desk anyway. With the DPI and sensitivity as high as I have it, I can move the mouse an inch and move the pointer across the whole screen.

Posted: 2007-01-23 04:11pm
by Mutant Headcrab
I absolutely love teh mouse. My experiences with trackballs were less than satisfying. I prefer the precision I get with an optical mouse.
Posted: 2007-01-23 04:24pm
by Seggybop
Pen tablet! For real!!
Otherwise, trackball. Optical trackball = the death of meece.
Posted: 2007-01-23 04:43pm
by Tanasinn
I am and always will be a mouse person. Personally, I like mine with 5 buttons and a scroll wheel. (The scroll wheel doubling as a button).
Posted: 2007-01-23 05:03pm
by Darth Servo
I've tried trackballs and could never adjust to the feel of them. Mice just seems more intuitive but maybe thats just because I'm more accustomed to them.
Posted: 2007-01-23 05:04pm
by Beowulf
I've got a Razer Diamondback mouse.
Posted: 2007-01-23 05:58pm
by FSTargetDrone
Tanasinn wrote:I am and always will be a mouse person. Personally, I like mine with 5 buttons and a scroll wheel. (The scroll wheel doubling as a button).
Agreed. Mouse, for click-wheel between the left and right buttons. Trackball usage makes my wrist hurt, but I do use it on our downstairs computer where we have less desk space.
Posted: 2007-01-23 08:53pm
by Lt. Dan
Trackball is better for games, I think. I love mine. I've been on my gf's laptop and have come to hate touchpads. I do have to agree with Lazarus, once you get used to the trackball, you become the headshot master.

Posted: 2007-01-23 09:35pm
by DarkSilver
I've managed to get almost my entire family away from mice and using Logitech Marble Trackballs (optical trackball which uses index as the primary movement of the trackball, while your thumb and other fingers can work the other 4 buttons).
I can use Mice, since the work computers only use optical mice (if i'm lucky), but prefer my trackball.
and I dispise touchpads...
Posted: 2007-01-23 09:53pm
by salm
I never liked Trackballs. I have six button Logitech mouse, which really speeds up work and a pen tablet.
Posted: 2007-01-24 01:44am
by Magus
GrandMasterTerwynn wrote:I love those! Hate touchpads. Absolutely hate 'em with a passion. If a laptop only has a touchpad, then I'll hook up a USB mouse and use that. Otherwise, on a desktop, it's mice all the way . . . though I ought to find something that's a little more ergonomically friendly, since mousing around is contributing to my carpal-tunnel problems.
Check out
Logitech, and look at some of the $40+ models. Good stuff.
Posted: 2007-01-24 02:13am
by Ypoknons
Extremetech (not the best website, I know) found some good ergonomic, carpal tunneling safe mice, I think.
As for the main topic, I haven't used many trackballs lately, but these days a lot of development goes in mice, and they are available in more form factors - notebook, wired and wireless, and various takes on gaming mice; there are specialized mice with different nifty features too - the Revolution series, the Microsoft Presentation mouse etc...
I can't really help with the core debate, however.