Old ISP:

New ISP:

I've run these tests many times before and the old ISP result is among the faster results I've seen, while the Insight one is about in the middle of the ones I've run since it was installed earlier today.
Not only is it faster, but my total bill dropped by $12 because the landline phone service is cheaper.

*I've had issues with the broadband failing to work for days at a time, and Sigecom's tech support would tell me each time that it was my modem and everything was fine on their end.
The last time this happened I forked over $50 for a new modem from them (they wouldn't give away a modem to keep a 7 year customer, but were handing them out to new ones

Plus they were recently bought out by a company called Wide Open West, and from what I've read, their reputation for customer support is even worse than the experiences I had with Sigecom.