BSG Mod for Homeworld 2
Posted: 2007-02-06 01:41am
Fun stuff, I totally geeked out on this, review below.
It looks incredible. It's gameplay is lacking at the moment. as there are no harvesters and the AI is non-existent (Well, it fights back, but it won't take the initiative). The mod's version is only 0.2.4 though, and .3.0 is finishing up its beta cycle, so things are looking up. It's only partially integrated the Dynamic Fighters mod in 0.2.4 (which I've got) .3 is unknown.
Current Faction Status for it: TNS Galactica is fully textured, armed, and armored, as are its Vipers and Raptors. There's a Firestar class vessel with it too. Balanced. Fully textured Colonial One, as well as a couple other ships,
and the spikey one with the spoked wheel in the back. Galactica can swat Raiders (both ToS and TNS) in truly scary amounts. When I say fully armed, I mean even the PDS are operational. The underside armament isn't shown in the below screenshots, because typically it's not lit well, but you'll see it when the guns fire
TNS Basestars are fully armed, nukes are fully realized, Raiders are armed, textured, armored. Basestar missiles have issues getting through Galactica's PDS, but with Raiders playing the part of meatshields, and Nuke Raiders coming from different vectors, Galactica goes down.
ToS Galactica is armed, but not textured. No PDS. ToS Vipers (MK II only) are fully armed, armored, textured, balanced. Pegasus is in similar shape to Galactica.
ToS Basestars are fully armed, but not textured. No PDS. Their mega beam cannons of doom (underneath) are there too, after research. Raiders are fully armed, textured, and balanced. The Basestar weapons can't hit fighters for squat, and are apparently mainly used against capships. Not sure if this is intentional.
Here it is!
Now, screenshots (Note:It looks even better in full motion, and it's only 39 megs!):
TNS Dogfight
More dogfight, now the Basestars fired their flak missiles
Ooo, Viper scale with Galactica
Galactica swatting missiles and Raiders
The PDS overwhelmed
Getting some back!
Typical engagement range
Now some glory shots of the Big G.
EDIT: Viper Scale Screenie bug fixed. Sorry.
It looks incredible. It's gameplay is lacking at the moment. as there are no harvesters and the AI is non-existent (Well, it fights back, but it won't take the initiative). The mod's version is only 0.2.4 though, and .3.0 is finishing up its beta cycle, so things are looking up. It's only partially integrated the Dynamic Fighters mod in 0.2.4 (which I've got) .3 is unknown.
Current Faction Status for it: TNS Galactica is fully textured, armed, and armored, as are its Vipers and Raptors. There's a Firestar class vessel with it too. Balanced. Fully textured Colonial One, as well as a couple other ships,
and the spikey one with the spoked wheel in the back. Galactica can swat Raiders (both ToS and TNS) in truly scary amounts. When I say fully armed, I mean even the PDS are operational. The underside armament isn't shown in the below screenshots, because typically it's not lit well, but you'll see it when the guns fire

TNS Basestars are fully armed, nukes are fully realized, Raiders are armed, textured, armored. Basestar missiles have issues getting through Galactica's PDS, but with Raiders playing the part of meatshields, and Nuke Raiders coming from different vectors, Galactica goes down.
ToS Galactica is armed, but not textured. No PDS. ToS Vipers (MK II only) are fully armed, armored, textured, balanced. Pegasus is in similar shape to Galactica.
ToS Basestars are fully armed, but not textured. No PDS. Their mega beam cannons of doom (underneath) are there too, after research. Raiders are fully armed, textured, and balanced. The Basestar weapons can't hit fighters for squat, and are apparently mainly used against capships. Not sure if this is intentional.
Here it is!
Now, screenshots (Note:It looks even better in full motion, and it's only 39 megs!):
TNS Dogfight
More dogfight, now the Basestars fired their flak missiles
Ooo, Viper scale with Galactica
Galactica swatting missiles and Raiders
The PDS overwhelmed
Getting some back!
Typical engagement range
Now some glory shots of the Big G.
EDIT: Viper Scale Screenie bug fixed. Sorry.