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TIE Fighter in MS Paint!
Posted: 2007-02-09 09:51am
by MKSheppard
Posted: 2007-02-09 09:59am
by Vympel
Not once was I ever hit by errant A-Wing fuselage in TIE Fighter.
No, the errant fuselage that killed me most is Y-Wing.
You know- the bizarre tendency of your being directly behind a fighter, you blast it, and somehow the blazing fuselage
does a 180 degree teleport so that it flies right into you instead of continuing on the fucking course the fighter was on when you killed it.

Posted: 2007-02-09 10:01am
by RogueIce
The Briefing wrote:"You will be flying TIE Bomber Beta 1. You will have 2 wingmen."
"Your objectives is to inspect all 100 cargo containers, and then destroy them."
"Watch out for the mines around the cargo containers."
"TIE Fighter group Alpha will assist by getting destroyed by the A-Wings."
"Your secondary objective is to inspect each of the mines for contraband and rebel leaders before destroying them."
"Your craft will be armed with space bombs for this mission. Be sure to inspect your bombs for contraband and rebel leaders before they hit their targets."
"If you run out of bombs, Tug Deco will be deployed for you to reload. There is no way those A-Wings will attack you while this happens."
Man, there is
so much truth in that thread it hurts. I just wish there was a "Completed and Cleaned up" version of it so I didn't have to go through the moronic responses.
Posted: 2007-02-09 10:03am
by RogueIce
Vympel wrote:
Not once was I ever hit by errant A-Wing fuselage in TIE Fighter.
No, the errant fuselage that killed me most is Y-Wing.
You know- the bizarre tendency of your being directly behind a fighter, you blast it, and somehow the blazing fuselage
does a 180 degree teleport so that it flies right into you instead of continuing on the fucking course the fighter was on when you killed it.

Well, then there's the times when some idiot Gunboat will fly right in your line of fire, taking hits.
So naturally said Gunboat then makes it his mission to kill you. At least, that's what happens to me. I can't imagine why he was trying to kill me other then something stupid like that. I'm pretty sure there were no traitors in the "Destroy Light Calamari Cruiser Lulsa" mission...
Posted: 2007-02-09 10:16am
by MKSheppard
You know, I've never played X Wing Alliance at all.
Because it's a gyp
You're a merc and/or a private smuggler, and you can't fucking chose which side to play off, or double cross both sides?
Instead, no you MUST work for the fucking rebellion.
I had great hopes when the game was orignally announced as a smuggling game. I went "Cool, we can play both sides, sell cargo to both sides, and betray either the empire or rebels!"
But then they turned it into X Wing 2.....

Posted: 2007-02-09 11:12am
by phongn
There's apparently a total conversion that uses the X-Wing Alliance engine but with sweet TIE Fighter gameplay

Posted: 2007-02-09 11:44am
by Admiral Valdemar
That thread is all sorts of pure unadulterated awesome.
Now, how about they try and do a rendition of the score using real instruments? I know Williams is a bit busy to convert a game soundtrack from synth to full symphonic orchestral perfection, but the SA goons must have the expertise. Reading that thread just shows how they captured the majesty of the game.
*Sighs in nostalgic fashion*
Posted: 2007-02-09 12:12pm
by phongn
It'd be difficult, because the iMUSE system dynamically mixed various "tracks" together seamlessly (one advantage of MIDI). Modern wavetable MIDI synthesis would make it sound better but I don't think you could easily get the same effect as in the original.
Posted: 2007-02-09 04:13pm
by MKSheppard
Hah, he did what my brother suggested!
Posted: 2007-02-09 04:45pm
by Companion Cube
Looking forward to further adventures in Star Wars: Star Destroyer
Posted: 2007-02-09 05:44pm
by Admiral Valdemar
MKSheppard wrote:Hah, he did what my brother suggested!
Posted: 2007-02-09 05:58pm
by MKSheppard
[quote="Admiral Valdemar"][/quote]
Whot Chem Commando Suggested.
Posted: 2007-02-09 06:00pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Posted: 2007-02-11 05:30pm
by Lord Poe
Man, I left the Death Star surface 40 minutes ago, and those damned TIEs are STILL following!
Posted: 2007-02-11 10:39pm
by Alan Bolte

Guess I'll just hide out in here for a while
Posted: 2007-02-11 11:05pm
by Edward Yee
As a question related to the game itself, has anyone pulled off some of the feats that the player character is credited with?
Posted: 2007-02-11 11:08pm
by KrauserKrauser
Killed a mini tug with a Mouse droid?
Spaced Fox from Starfox?
No, I think I missed out on those bonus missions.
Posted: 2007-02-11 11:17pm
by Edward Yee

Was wondering, for example, if anyone's taken on two X-Wings and two Y-Wings while using a TIE Interceptor.
Posted: 2007-02-11 11:45pm
by phongn
KrauserKrauser wrote:Killed a mini tug with a Mouse droid?
Spaced Fox from Starfox?
No, I think I missed out on those bonus missions.
Secret mission objective completed!
Posted: 2007-02-12 12:37am
by Vympel
Tsk tsk tsk ...
Superb work! Secret mission objective completed! The Emperor will be pleased!
Posted: 2007-02-12 01:10am
by Grandtheftcow
That thread is ten types of awsomeness and a rare gem on the Internet.
Posted: 2007-02-12 07:22am
by The Yosemite Bear
the cargo box contained Schrodinger's cat, how close do we have to be to determine if ti's alive or not?
also is schrodinger's cat considered contraband or a rebel?
Posted: 2007-02-12 07:40am
by Stofsk
Grandtheftcow wrote:That thread is ten types of awsomeness and a rare gem on the Internet.
It's from SomethingAwful, somehow I don't think the words 'rare' and 'gem' really go with anything from that site.
Posted: 2007-02-12 06:20pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Edward Yee wrote:Same.

Was wondering, for example, if anyone's taken on two X-Wings and two Y-Wings while using a TIE Interceptor.
Oh wait, you mean done that and
Posted: 2007-02-12 06:29pm
by Ghost Rider
Edward Yee wrote:Same.

Was wondering, for example, if anyone's taken on two X-Wings and two Y-Wings while using a TIE Interceptor.
Depending on where they come in and how they are approaching you, that battle can range from impossible, to very easy.
Literally I've made the Alliance kill more of it's members then I have on some missions.