Okay, some help:
However, I don't know how to steal disguises.
E is the main key for actions. Once you strangled/knocked out/chloroformed a Nazi goon, use "E" for actions. It will say "ПОДНЯТЬ ТЕЛО" (lift the body), "ПЕРЕОДЕТЬСЯ" (change uniform, he-he
) and "ИНВЕНТАРЬ" (the inventory).
I don't know how to use the wierd weapon on '2' ... Bashing? Strangling? HOW IS THIS DONE LOL.
Weird weapon on 2 is the strangle/chloroform I believe
How do you strangle? Come behind a goon, then press "E" - a menu will appear downscreen which has "УДУШИТЬ" (strangle) or "ХЛОРОФОРМ" (choloroform) if you have weapon 2 on. The other option would be "ОГЛУШИТЬ" (knock out), in which case he simply hits the guy's head from behind. To choose from the menu, you
press and hold "E" then scroll with "Up-Down" arrows to choose the needed option.
TO come unnoticed behind the guy, you should press "V" as it's "stealth walking" so that you don't make any sounds - that's if he's stationary and doesn't turn around. If he's a patrol who quickly turns around, just run to him fast in the "C" (crouch) mode and hit him on the head with "E" key.
All stealth killings, done through "E".
Can you sneak into the kitchen of an SS barracks and slip a little extra something into the stew?
Yes you can, one of the mission variants of killing the 2nd SS-man is to put poison in his food/drinks, as he likes to drink quite a lot
Any more questions, ask.
A quick tip: body positions changed via scroll (consequently) or straight from/to walking position - F is lie down, C is crouch. V - stealth walking (sort of upright and very slow).
Knives can be thrown from any position, but sniper rifle shooting while staying is a bitch
You should balance your mouse if you want to use optic rifles
Grenades are used either by their number (don't remember it now) or by "G" (quick throw)
also, parabolic trajectories are a bitch and require a lot of practice, hitting someone afar with a grenade is quite hard.
The rest is rather intuitive. "I" is inventory. "Backspace" is to drop the weapon you have in your hands on the ground, immediately. "Z" is covertly looking out from a corner.
Also, when you kill a guy, and press "E" standing on his body, an option "УСТАНОВИТЬ ЛОВУШКУ" or something like that will appear, this means "set up a booby trap" - he ties a grenade to the body and... well, if someone is stupid enough to touch it, he'll go down with his discovery.
Also, "strangle" and "chloroform" are quiet kills, but "knock out" is loud, since you actually hit the person. Take note of that
Good luck killing Nazis. So far I killed the 1st one on hard. I don't know how to play on expert... that's too hard for me as of now
Oh, and the gist of the mission in case someone had troubles with understanding the Russian spoken in the cutscene: you're being given the task to kill 3 SS officers who had been in charge of Muslim SS units and commited genocide in Ukraine. Their head is an SS lieutnant who had once been a Hitlerite Germany operative in the East and an attorney of Chiang-Kai-Shek. By the beginning of the mission, you're already known as a top agent since just recently you have uncovered a network of British "kroty" (deep residents)