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[D&D] Does anyone have the Complete Psionic?

Posted: 2007-03-02 04:45pm
by Lord Zentei
Since I don't...

Now, I'm aware of most of the key stuff about this class from here. However, I have few clues as to what the "unique powers per day" table looks like. I have gathered from elsewhere that the Erudite can use up to four uniques per power level at high manifester levels. Do I surmise correctly that the Unique Powers per Day looks like the Wizard Spells per Day table, minus cantrips?

Does the Erudite gain additional uniques for high Int?

Can he substitute higher level power "slots" per day for additional lower level powers?

Assistance plz.

Re: [D&D] Does anyone have the Complete Psionic?

Posted: 2007-03-02 05:07pm
by Magus
Lord Zentei wrote:Since I don't...

Now, I'm aware of most of the key stuff about this class from here. However, I have few clues as to what the "unique powers per day" table looks like. I have gathered from elsewhere that the Erudite can use up to four uniques per power level at high manifester levels. Do I surmise correctly that the Unique Powers per Day looks like the Wizard Spells per Day table, minus cantrips?

Does the Erudite gain additional uniques for high Int?

Can he substitute higher level power "slots" per day for additional lower level powers?

Assistance plz.
Gah... I've got a copy on my hard drive, but I'm waiting for a part so I can fix my laptop. How soon do you need it by?

Posted: 2007-03-02 05:49pm
by SirNitram
The Erudite's progress for 'Uniques Per Day' runs like this. 1 at 1st, 2 at 2nd and 3rd, 3 at 4th and 5th, and so on, up to 11 at 20th. Stats do not increase this, just his power points per day.

The 'Slots' are unlevelled. You can spend all 11 of your 20th level slots on 1st powers, or 9th powers.

Posted: 2007-03-03 12:52am
by Lord Zentei
Magus: no sweat, it was just later this weekend, and it's only 7AM Saturday over here now.
SirNitram wrote:The Erudite's progress for 'Uniques Per Day' runs like this. 1 at 1st, 2 at 2nd and 3rd, 3 at 4th and 5th, and so on, up to 11 at 20th. Stats do not increase this, just his power points per day.

The 'Slots' are unlevelled. You can spend all 11 of your 20th level slots on 1st powers, or 9th powers.
Thanks. And it seems that my other information was bollocks, then.

Never trust thridhand information it seems...

EDIT: Regarding powerstones and other psionic items... normally, a psion cannot manifest powers that he does not have access to via his choice of discipline. Does the Erudite have the option of using powers from psionic items above and beyond his "uniques"?

EDIT: spelling.

Posted: 2007-03-05 10:33am
by Lord Zentei
Ah, well; didn't come up at this stage, though it would be nice to know for future reference...