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Red Orchestra
Posted: 2007-03-07 04:38am
by MKSheppard
So I got it at Comp USA, my local Comp is closing, and I got it for 10% off the price of 19.95.
Unfortunately, I saw that you had to install steam. I decided to give it a shot, since the sale was final - no returns.
MEIN GOTT, the long load times! the load times!
And why is it you even need to use STEAM itself as the fricking installer?
Anyway, getting into the game; it's semi decent, but the AI in the practice mode is ABSOLUTELY RETARDED when driving a tank. Plus, there are too little visual cues in the game. I like how you don't have a gun counter counting down 30...25...10...0 when you're firing a weapon; making it a more of a guessing game, like IRL.
They could at least have added a two cursor system like so:
+ <--------Your Aimpoint
+ <-----------Weight of gun aimpoint (moves up as ammo is expended)
because while I like that they simulate the weight of ammo affecting the shot, they could have given us a reminder since we're not actually holding the weapon in our hands...
Posted: 2007-03-07 04:39am
by Stark
Ironsights aren't enough of an aimpoint? Last time I played RO the bot AI was basically nonexistent, so if they're driving tanks now that's interesting.
But... RO is for sale now? Crazy. What version is it?
Posted: 2007-03-07 04:44am
by MKSheppard
Stark wrote:Ironsights aren't enough of an aimpoint?
I'm still getting used to the game. I have to say, if you're going to simulate a lot of ballistics effects, even to the weight of the weapon after a fresh reload, you have to give the player some kind of visual "cue" as he isn't holding the weapon himself and can't feel the weight.
It is nice seeing tracers bounce off shit and other various things.
Last time I played RO the bot AI was basically nonexistent, so if they're driving tanks now that's interesting.

They do it very very shittily. The Driver moves around like a retarded spastic fuck; while the commander keeps moving the turret left right left right, wooo in circles, instead of opening the hatch and turning around.
But... RO is for sale now? Crazy.
Yes, it's been on sale here in the States for a while in a 2CD version.
What version is it?
I have no idea since Steam automatically downloaded an update before I could even play RO.
Posted: 2007-03-07 04:47am
by Stark
Ah I see now, yeah you can't change the 'range setting' on your fire pose, so you just have to aim higher and guess.
I played it way back in the UT2004 competition days, and they won and got a license to sell it. I haven't played it since then, but it was fine for close-in stuff but the railgun rifles ruined longrange and the tanks were fun but silly on the big tanks-only maps.
Posted: 2007-03-07 09:48am
by MKSheppard
GAH! Ran into a fucking idiot on a server with a crappy night map.
So I get into an IS-2 in the commanders seat with someone else in the drivers seat, and.......nothing happens.
I wait some more; nothing happens. I tell the driver to move Forward. He says "Stop"
After 2 minutes of this, I say "What the fuck?" and get warned by the server! No Profanity!
Finally after like 4 minutes of not moving, I jump out of the tank, and lo and behold the motherfucker starts moving.
Later, I jump into a T-34/85 and there are a bunch of guys sitting around, so I drive the tank up and stop in front of them and wait. Nobody gets into the tank, WTF; they'd rather wait.
Morons that server.
Posted: 2007-03-07 10:11am
by Mr Bean
You'll run into exactly four brands of RO players just like you do in DoD:Source.
1. Noobs, brand new players, or those twelve and under.
2. Smacktards, those that seek to annoy Internet strangers.
3. Soldiers, everyone else, good or bad, they are acutely trying to play the game.
4. Clanners, IE those on TS and working together. Clanners can be smacktards, but you can normalcy tell Clanners because they are the ones who use things like grenade waves, and "suppression fire" which both have a largish effect in RO.
Posted: 2007-03-07 12:22pm
by InnocentBystander
Tank combat is very hit or miss, sometimes there are people who just want to have a tank all to themselves. However, I've had some amazingly fun runs in tanks, esp. tigers.
Posted: 2007-03-07 12:45pm
by MKSheppard
InnocentBystander wrote:Tank combat is very hit or miss, sometimes there are people who just want to have a tank all to themselves.
Then why are they even in Red Orchestra? If they want that, go play fucking BF1942.
Posted: 2007-03-07 01:06pm
by CaptHawkeye
MKSheppard wrote:InnocentBystander wrote:Tank combat is very hit or miss, sometimes there are people who just want to have a tank all to themselves.
Then why are they even in Red Orchestra? If they want that, go play fucking BF1942.
Because they got bored of 1942's gameplay style. And are now looking for some new franchise to spread their incompetant, dipshit, asses about.
Gamers get bored of certain titles eventually, no matter how good they are. But they still want the same general feel. To most gamers, RO looked a lot like 1942. They just didn't take the time to understand what the word "realism" meant.
When Gamers play a game, they tend to play it with a "me first" attitude. If they don't understand something, or they are getting their asses kicked, they don't even think about working with other players as a team. First, they will attempt to find certain weapons which are stronger then others, hence one man tanks. If that doesn't work, they'll change their mantra to "this game sucks" and still play it.
Posted: 2007-03-09 01:25am
by weemadando
I love playing RO with a good crew - some of the Australian servers are great for it, others are filled with "GTFO!" wankers anytime you try and share a tank with them...
Posted: 2007-03-09 02:24am
by VT-16
The good thing with having that Steam program is I get mod levels automatically downloaded when accessing them in-game. I hate looking for levels on the internet and hardly ever got anything to work, so that's a plus. :)
Despite having played RO for a few months now, I still need to practice actually working in a team, which is basically essential in RO. And it's sad that I'm more often running into a server without coordination than with it.
Posted: 2007-03-09 02:40am
by MKSheppard
VT-16 wrote:The good thing with having that Steam program is I get mod levels automatically downloaded when accessing them in-game. I hate looking for levels on the internet and hardly ever got anything to work, so that's a plus.

So what? Call of Duty 1 and 2 have this. You auto download mods and levels from the server.
Steam is highly annoying and has no redeeming values.
Posted: 2007-03-09 02:48am
by VT-16
Call of Duty 1 and 2 have this. You auto download mods and levels from the server.
Not with the game I got. Dang.

Posted: 2007-03-10 09:53am
by MKSheppard
weemadando wrote:I love playing RO with a good crew - some of the Australian servers are great for it, others are filled with "GTFO!" wankers anytime you try and share a tank with them...
Give me some good servers
Posted: 2007-03-10 10:40am
by VT-16
Yeah, I'd like some good, serious-minded servers as well. Had a blast playing the mod level Görlitz yesterday, but the TKers and a relative lack of cooperation and organization made it less than stellar. =/
Posted: 2007-03-10 03:54pm
by AidanMcfay
I love RO, been playing for almost a year. I quit playing DOD when I found this game. Perhaps a bunch of us should figure out a server to goto and meet up, and kick the shit out of some russians....or germans.
Posted: 2007-03-13 06:28pm
by MKSheppard
So any idea on the servers?
Posted: 2007-03-13 06:50pm
by Tasoth
There's FK and the Right To Rebel servers. They usually run infantry only, armor only and combine armed servers with a generally high level of competency of players. This doesn't mean that you won't run into people who will take a tank and go solo with it, which I'm guilty of, but you won't be told to get the fuck out if you hop into the tank. You can usually hear players working over the team voice channel when they're sharing tanks. I really like RO because I'm actually decent at it since twitch gaming isn't that great of a variable in it and patience is.
Posted: 2007-03-13 09:42pm
by AidanMcfay
Right to Rebel is awesome. Ive been playing shadowbane to much lately, im going to have to jump back into RO.