Star Trek Online, Feature and Images
Posted: 2007-03-07 07:10am Managing Editor Jon Wood, while at this year's Game Developer's Conference in San Francisco, had the opportunity yesterday to attend a press event at Perpetual - to get a hands on look at their two titles, Gods & Heroes and Star Trek Online. While they didn't get to look at STO itself, due to PE still being in an early stage of development, they had the opportunity to see some of the game's assets.
From the article:
Direct links to the artwork from the article: ... 1151_1.jpg ... 1151_2.jpg ... 1151_3.jpg ... 1151_4.jpg
From the article:
The article also presents some new artwork of the game which, I have to say, is looking beautiful. Check out the full article here: ... 216&bhjs=0Throughout the evening, it became clearer and clearer that Perpetual was taking full advantage of the fact that they were not held to the limitations of a film or a television series in terms of the look of the game. Remember the Gorn? That species that Kirk (and later Archer) had to battle that, even in the recently produced Enterprise series, looked more like a guy in a rubber mask than a threatening monster? Well, the concept drawing of the Gorn that I saw bore enough resemblance to be recognizable, but was edgier, more hunched, less human, and looked more like a dangerous beast than a laughable, campy monster. One of the biggest complaints that I've heard from people about Star Trek is that the aliens are just "Humans with crinkly noses".
Direct links to the artwork from the article: ... 1151_1.jpg ... 1151_2.jpg ... 1151_3.jpg ... 1151_4.jpg