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A CoH(Company not City) Game Coordination Thread
Posted: 2007-03-07 07:58pm
by Hotfoot
No Spandex kplzthx.
Anyone? I know you people play, so lets get together. I'm getting bored playing against the AI, so let's all band together and kill some Nazis.
*Thread title clarified. -Bean*
Posted: 2007-03-07 11:10pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
I am theoretically around for games, though my hours might not be very compatible. I haven't played competitively since the stat wipe, so I'm likely a bit rusty, and I don't have the full "feel" of some of the 1.5 balance changes.
Posted: 2007-03-07 11:28pm
by Hotfoot
I've only been doing comp stomps, so I don't have laser-like precision myself, though I will say Callaiopes are fantastic now.
Posted: 2007-03-08 12:23am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
I do like the changes in principle, for the most part. Gone are the days of the Calliope/Riflemen exploit! Hurrah! However, I'm not too keen on what essentially means the limited usefulness of 88s versus Armored -- previously, 88s would absolutely rape Pershings, and lacking Tigers, this was really the only solid defense against them. Now with Armored players essentially getting munition-free and powerful mobile artillery, they can basically destroy 88 sites with impunity.

Posted: 2007-03-08 03:35am
by MKSheppard
has everyone installed 1.5? I'm MKSheppard obviously online
Posted: 2007-03-08 08:42pm
by Rekkon
I am around most evenings, though I do not care for 1v1 games. I have a second I can pull in almost at will though. Online name is Rekkon.
Posted: 2007-03-08 11:49pm
by Hotfoot
Innocent and I are going to set up a game shortly. Meet in Caen.
Posted: 2007-03-09 12:43am
by The Jester
Currently using the name Simpleton. Usually I'm hanging out in the GR channel.
Posted: 2007-03-17 06:31pm
by Lonestar
Yeah yeah...I know it's on the second page. Anyone care to battle?
Posted: 2007-03-17 07:41pm
by The Dark
I have the game, but haven't done any multiplayer yet.
Posted: 2007-03-17 07:45pm
by Lonestar
Haven't even updated the patch?
Posted: 2007-03-18 04:45am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
May be up for some gaming 12-18 hours from now. As it is I'm beat.
Posted: 2007-03-20 06:16pm
by The Dark
Lonestar wrote:Haven't even updated the patch?'s installing now

. I'll probably run a couple skirmishes to figure out the differences.