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Xbox Live ported to PC
Posted: 2007-03-14 10:49am
by Ace Pace
Seems trustworthy and reasonable enough
MICROSOFT HAS ANNOUNCED that the Xbox Live network - originally for Xbox alone - will now be extended to the Windows platform and arrive with the Vista version of Xbox classic Halo 2.
PC games as you may or may not know are now branded Games for Windows over in the States - now, Windows gamers will be able to pick e-fights with console players and 'puter users alike. Microsoft has had significant success with its Xbox Live, and the Vole expects big things by expanding the franchise to Windows games too.
Peter Moore, Vole bigwig at the entertainment and devices division, reckons the benefits of expanding Xbox Live to Windows games are "twofold": "We're bringing together two communities that share a passion for playing online games, and we're enhancing the online experience for PC gamers who have long desired seamless game and voice connectivity," he said.
Existing members of Live will automatically get their hands on Games for Windows Live and will get to keep their friends list and gamertag for no extra money. Of course, Windows Live users will enjoy all the perks that Xbox Live users have had for years: in-game voice chat, "integrated achievements" and a whole bunch of Live dedicated servers.
The pay scheme will be the same as for Xbox Live - Silver memberships will be free, while Gold memberships will cost $49.95 annually. Gold members will have access to cross-platform gameplay, multiplayer achievements and multiplayer matchmaking with all their buddies.
Halo 2 for Volesta will be out on the 8th of May in the US and will be the first title to make use of the Windows Live service. ยต
Posted: 2007-03-14 10:58am
by KrauserKrauser
That sounds pretty cool. If Spore doesn't end up turning out like a pile of shit this could be really interesting since it might go multiplatform on the PC and X-Box 360.
Posted: 2007-03-14 11:11am
by Ace Pace
More information from
Today, Microsoft officially announced the PC portion of Live--called Games for Windows - Live--and its release date. Beginning May 8, Windows Vista gamers will be able to start collecting achievements and tallying a Gamerscore, put together friends lists, and send text and voice messages, just like Xbox 360 owners.
The Games for Windows portion of Live isn't a separate account--it's actually an extension of the over all Live service. As such, those already with an Xbox Live account will already have a Games for Windows - Live account at no extra cost.
The pricing will remain the same for the two-tiered service, with Silver memberships being free and Gold memberships staying at $49.99. However, there will be some differences in privileges, as illustrated below.
Silver benefits
Unified with Xbox Live account
Single-player achievements
Private text and voice chat
Friends list
PC-only multiplayer, including browsing a list of active PC games
Gold benefits (includes all Silver benefits)
Multiplayer matchmaking with friends
TrueSkill matchmaking
Multiplayer achievements
Cross-platform gameplay
The first game to take advantage of Games for Windows - Live will be Halo 2, which will also be released on May 8. Following shortly after that in June will be FASA Studio's Shadowrun, which will be the first game to allow Xbox 360 and Vista gamers to play with or against each other. Later this year, Microsoft will also release the XBox Live Arcade hit Uno for Vista, which will also allow cross-platform play.
Games for Windows - Live won't launch with a comparable Marketplace feature, but Microsoft plans to extend the features and functionality of Live over time. "Right now we're focusing on what matters most, which we really think is gaming," marketing manager for Xbox Live Aaron Greenberg told GameSpot.
The look of Live on Vista will be familiar to those with experience on Xbox Live, and will include the same look and the ability to use the guide button with an Xbox 360 Controller for Windows. "All the community features that we're used to on Xbox, they'll look and feel the same on the PC," said Greenberg. "That's the idea of this being one service and one look and feel."
Microsoft hopes that having two connected branches of Live--one for the Xbox 360 and one for the PC--will encourage developers to think differently about how they make games. Kevin Unangst, director of Games for Windows, offered the example of a PC gamer, outfitted with a mouse and keyboard, serving as the decision-making general of a real-time strategy game while Xbox 360 owners play as the grunts on the battlefield.
When asked about the May 8 launch of Games for Windows - Live paired with the spring Xbox 360 dashboard update, Greenberg would only say that Microsoft considers Games for Windows - Live a part of the update, and that Microsoft would have more information at a later date.
Posted: 2007-03-14 11:27am
by Elessar
Cross-platform? Delicious!
Are twitchy mouse users finally going to show console gamers what real reflexes are? I remember expecting this when Halo was released for PC, though that turned out to be a total let-down.
Posted: 2007-03-14 11:55am
by Laird
Elessar wrote:Cross-platform? Delicious!
Are twitchy mouse users finally going to show console gamers what real reflexes are? I remember expecting this when Halo was released for PC, though that turned out to be a total let-down.
I welcome you to the halo 2 battle field eager noobie.

Posted: 2007-03-14 12:30pm
by Praxis
Pay for online play on a PC? Count me out.
Didn't we already have this article at GDC?
Posted: 2007-03-14 12:31pm
by TheFeniX
Peter Moore, Vole bigwig at the entertainment and devices division, reckons the benefits of expanding Xbox Live to Windows games are "twofold": "We're bringing together two communities that share a passion for playing online games, and we're enhancing the online experience for PC gamers who have long desired seamless game and voice connectivity," he said.
Which we've had since before 2000. Sure, the original HL voice codecs were ass, but XBLive really isn't a step up. And he's obviously never heard of Teamspeak. Unless he considers that there's no use for a good third party voice system when developers either don't include VOIP support in game or it's shitty.
Personally, I hope you have the ability to see if they guy is on a PC or a console and be able to filter out one or the other, because I really don't want to be in a casual game, then get my ass handed to me by someone with a mouse. The PS2 port of Unreal Tournament really showed the skill disparity between the two.
Kevin Unangst, director of Games for Windows, offered the example of a PC gamer, outfitted with a mouse and keyboard, serving as the decision-making general of a real-time strategy game while Xbox 360 owners play as the grunts on the battlefield.
Except for the fact that the mouse/keyboard combo does BOTH better.
To me, this basically seems like a great way to get console gamers to shut-up about how much better a gamepad is than a KB/M (except for the obvious fighting games and most sports games).
Don't get me wrong, I love playing Gears of War on my 360 and I'm pretty damn good with my sniper rifle on moving targets, but with a mouse I would be absolutely lethal. Console FPSs tend to be "slower" anyways, so the skill gap will become that much more apparent.
Posted: 2007-03-14 12:31pm
by Ace Pace
Praxis wrote:Pay for online play on a PC? Count me out.
Didn't we already have this article at GDC?
What pay online? Payment is only required for playing versus Xbox.
Posted: 2007-03-14 01:48pm
by Xisiqomelir
So, if PC-to-PC can be free, why are 360 owners paying for it? It's not like the money is going to servers.
Posted: 2007-03-14 01:52pm
I look forward to the screams of "H4X" from 12 year olds when they get their asses handed to them by the keyboard/mouse combos of PC gamers.
Posted: 2007-03-14 02:50pm
by Vegi
Seriously, their controller vs a 100000dpi mouse and G15 keyboard? Oh man some console gamers are not going to be happy.
Posted: 2007-03-14 03:18pm
by General Zod
Is this going to be just for Vista, or can we expect any type of XP compatibility? If not then Microsoft can go fuck themselves.
Posted: 2007-03-14 03:27pm
by Psychic_Sandwich
Xisiqomelir wrote:So, if PC-to-PC can be free, why are 360 owners paying for it? It's not like the money is going to servers.
Probably because 360 multiplayer has to go through Live, whereas PC multiplayer doesn't. People are
used to PC multiplayer being free outside of MMOs, and attempting to force them to pay for it is a great way to create failure.
Posted: 2007-03-14 04:01pm
by Ace Pace
General Zod wrote:Is this going to be just for Vista, or can we expect any type of XP compatibility? If not then Microsoft can go fuck themselves.
I expect parts of Live to be backported to XP, they do want some sort of service, but don't expect stuff like Halo 2, and without it, whats the current point of Windows Live?
Posted: 2007-03-14 05:37pm
by Medic
Ace Pace wrote:General Zod wrote:Is this going to be just for Vista, or can we expect any type of XP compatibility? If not then Microsoft can go fuck themselves.
I expect parts of Live to be backported to XP, they do want some sort of service,
but don't expect stuff like Halo 2, and without it, whats the current point of Windows Live?
What the Christ?! Fucking fuck!? Fuck it, it's not like I'm getting Vista anytime soon, even though my system could push it, I'm quite happy with XP, but seriously, MS stonewalling the PC crowd just to keep the Halo's exclusive to X-Box is seriously annoying. (or exclusive for a
long enough time)
I'm with Zod.
Psychic_Sandwich wrote:Xisiqomelir wrote:So, if PC-to-PC can be free, why are 360 owners paying for it? It's not like the money is going to servers.
Probably because 360 multiplayer has to go through Live, whereas PC multiplayer doesn't. People are
used to PC multiplayer being free outside of MMOs, and attempting to force them to pay for it is a great way to create failure.
Pfft, if XP compatibility is stonewalled yet again they're forcing us to pay a single large sum instead of a monthly / yearly MMO subscription fee. I am of course referring to VISTA'S pricetag.

Posted: 2007-03-14 08:51pm
by Uraniun235
TheFeniX wrote:Which we've had since before 2000. Sure, the original HL voice codecs were ass, but XBLive really isn't a step up. And he's obviously never heard of Teamspeak.
Teamspeak is awesome if you're a regular at a given server or you play with a clan or something. It's not so hot if you like to slum around in public servers and be able to easily voice-com with others. It's also pretty lame that you have to dick around with opening a whole second application and getting it connected when you're only going to be using it for the duration of the game itself.
I personally prefer built-in solutions, myself. Something that integrates with the game itself - I
very much like, for example, the Source engine games popping up a little box telling you just who's speaking. (And the Source voice codecs have recently been overhauled and vastly improved.)
SPC Brungardt wrote:Pfft, if XP compatibility is stonewalled yet again they're forcing us to pay a single large sum instead of a monthly / yearly MMO subscription fee. I am of course referring to VISTA'S pricetag.
You know DX9 support is eventually going to stop, right? It's likely that you'll
have to upgrade to Vista at some point if you want to continue playing new games.
Posted: 2007-03-14 09:10pm
by Praxis
Ace Pace wrote:Praxis wrote:Pay for online play on a PC? Count me out.
Didn't we already have this article at GDC?
What pay online? Payment is only required for playing versus Xbox.
I see no indication that they will provide any other online mode.
Other articles also indicated that it will be XBox Live only.
Posted: 2007-03-15 01:22am
by Ace Pace
Jesus fucking christ people, read the motherfucking article.
Silver benefits
Unified with Xbox Live account
Single-player achievements
Private text and voice chat
Friends list
PC-only multiplayer, including browsing a list of active PC games
Silver is FREE.
What the Christ?! Fucking fuck!? Fuck it, it's not like I'm getting Vista anytime soon, even though my system could push it, I'm quite happy with XP, but seriously, MS stonewalling the PC crowd just to keep the Halo's exclusive to X-Box is seriously annoying. (or exclusive for a long enough time)
Another jesus fucking H. Christ on a pogo stick, Halo 2 as a vista exclusive was known about for litteraly years, it's a marketing play.
Posted: 2007-03-15 02:21am
by Praxis
Silver on XBox does not include online multiplayer, so I made the same assumption. Oops.
Well, bravo for Microsoft, for once.
Posted: 2007-03-15 05:35am
by Netko
As for Halo 2 being a marketing ploy by being only playable on Vista, thats true, sort of - but there are some somewhat smarter reasons then just promoting Vista there. Namely, its going to be used as the title for unveiling the full blown Games for Windows mechanism, where you have no direct install of the game (it happens in the background while you start playing immediately) and is overall directed to make a PC running Vista feel as much as a console for gaming as possible (obviously, not content wise - you still use a keyboard and mouse, or whatever controller you want, but experience wise). I consider that a pretty good initiative to grow the PC gaming market (yes, all of us here have no problems installing a game, and might be miffed at the game dumping data who knows where, but there are other people to consider). Plus you get game explorer integration which allows for parental controls, yet again showing you all the applicable ESRB, PEGI, etc. ratings and info, easy uninstall, Live integration etc. For PC gamers, nothing earth shattering, but if its successful it will bring over some of the console crowd and help grow PC gaming which is currently turning into a niche. With MS tools it also allows for rather simple porting of games between the XB360 and Vista, again helping PC gaming.
Again, I know for most of us here none of that is especially interesting, however it will hopefully help make for a healthier PC gaming ecosystem, and for better or worse MS has decided on Halo 2 as the forerunner for that system.
Posted: 2007-03-15 08:11am
by Medic
Another jesus fucking H. Christ on a pogo stick, Halo 2 as a vista exclusive was known about for litteraly years, it's a marketing play.
I don't really follow month-by-month game previews like I used to. 1) it's a waste of time if I don't end up getting the game 2) it artificially limits my desire to waste money on games.

Posted: 2007-03-15 09:14am
by Xon
It has been know since Halo 2 for the PC was anounced;
- it was going to be a Vista/DirectX 10 exclusive.
- Xbox live would be included
- It would feature "Games for Windows" install as you play type feature.
That was quite literially years ago. This is nothing more than a damn release data on a product which was known to be coming.
Posted: 2007-03-15 10:28am
by Max
I didn't read through all the posts, so forgive me if this was addressed. If one of the benefits to playing PC games is being able to mod a game...what's to stop PC users from modding their game and then having a potentialy huge advantage over an unwitting console owner? This service seems like one big double-edged sword, imho.
Posted: 2007-03-15 10:37am
by Arrow
Max wrote:I didn't read through all the posts, so forgive me if this was addressed. If one of the benefits to playing PC games is being able to mod a game...what's to stop PC users from modding their game and then having a potentialy huge advantage over an unwitting console owner? This service seems like one big double-edged sword, imho.
Content validation. Really, this problem was solved for PC vs PC a long time ago. It's why Punkbuster kicks you if you do something as simply as change the field of view in Call of Duty, and why Unreal Tournament automatically downloads mods you don't have but the server is using.
You know that the consoles are going to be running the same software, you just need to make sure that the PC version is running using files with matching versions and checksums.
Now if only EA could figure out a proper implementation of this system for their games...
Posted: 2007-03-15 11:47am
by Arrow
Destructionator XIII wrote:Arrow wrote:You know that the consoles are going to be running the same software, you just need to make sure that the PC version is running using files with matching versions and checksums.
Curious, how would you prevent the user from sending a fake checksum or version number that is the expected value while he still cheats?
This seems to me to be a great use for DRM technologies, actually, but I can't seem to think of any other way that is reliable, since it all depends on a trusted client as far as I know.
Having never studied the problem, I can only speculate. I would the checks at run time, and honestly, I'd want a system that rechecks random while you play. Instead of using any information in the file headers, I'd compare the game's variables (weapon stats, map geometry, display configuration) against a known good state on the server. It's not your traditional checksum.
I have feeling Punkbuster does some of this, since it waits until you're ingame, and it can kick based off your configuration variables (such as the FOV parameter in CoD). Its not bullet proof, but it will stop most people. After than, its up to the server admins.