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Constant mdv-rpm signature errors

Posted: 2007-03-15 09:07pm
by Stark
I've started getting constant check fails on downloaded rpms using Mandriva's GUI tool. I need the python dev tools to build a better torrent client, but I've tried several sources from all over the world and they all fail sig checks and abort. I have previously downloaded hundreds of rpms for various things (turns out the base Mandriva install doesn't include any dev stuff :( ). I've changed media and restarted the tool, and have verified that I've tried four different sources for this rpm and they all fail checks. I've tested a few other packages at random and they also fail.

What gives, and is there a web source for python mdv-rpms?

EDIT - Bah. Starting the download tool gives me a single required package message, the preqs of which run to 220 items. I'm downloading them now: they're 220 items I downloaded some days ago. Including FIVE DIFFERENT LANGUAGE DISTS OF OPENOFFICE. How openoffice is a preq for *anything* is beyond me, but I really don't need the Spanish one. Why do I need to download them all again?

Posted: 2007-03-16 12:42am
by Stark
So after waiting for ages for it to download the five versions of openoffice (German, Russian, French, and Spanish on top of English) and the other 215 files, I get 'file error (can not read)' for every single one. This wasn't happening before my data drives were replaced (they store nothing but a giant smb share, they have no system data at all). Is there some way to check where the files are being written to and if there is a problem with this?

Posted: 2007-03-16 12:47pm
by Pu-239
You did have the dead drives on a seperate volume group yes? Have you run fsck on your system LVs?

Posted: 2007-03-16 08:05pm
by Stark
Yeah, the dead drives are completely separate, and the system drive fsck's fine. I'm probably just going to reinstall.