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Adobe Hires Vista Marketing Rejects and announces CS3.
Posted: 2007-03-27 03:11am
by Praxis
Oh. Wow.
Adobe's Web Site
Adobe's apparently gone nuts here. There's apparently SIX versions of Adobe Creative Suite 3, using Windows Vista-style naming schemes and very complex upgrade schemes.
There are now three versions of Photoshop: Photoshop Elements, Photoshop, and Photoshop Extended. You guys already know the first two; well, Extended apparently now lets you use video layers and RENDER 3D MODELS within Photoshop. Sweet.
All Adobe CS3 products are Universal Binary for Mac users.
from here...
Product Retail Pricing
CS3 Design Premium (up) $1799.95
CS3 Design Standard $1199.95
CS3 Web Premium $1599.95
CS3 Web Standard $999.95
CS3 Production Premium (up) $1699
CS3 Master Collection $2499
InDesign CS3 $699.95
Photoshop CS3 Extended $999.95
Photoshop CS3 $649.95
Illustrator CS3 $599.95
Flash CS Professional $699.95
Dreamweaver CS3 $399.95
Fireworks CS3 $299.95
Contribute CS3 $149.95
After Effects CS3 Professional $999
Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 $799
Soundbooth $199
All the details are going to be announced Tuesday at 3:30 PM. ... announced/
Geez, these prices are high, and the versions are confusing.
Posted: 2007-03-27 03:24am
by Praxis
I'd actually like to buy something. I'd never pay those prices (that's extortion to hobbyists like me!), but Academic discounts...
My copy of Photoshop 7 runs so slow on my Intel Mac, I'd love to get me some Universal Binary love with CS3. $299 is apparently the education price for Photoshop CS3 Extended...
EDIT: I watched the videos. Photoshop CS3 Extended. WOW.
Posted: 2007-03-27 06:30am
by Mobius
damn, the suite is doubled price in Europe
Posted: 2007-03-27 06:57am
by Edi
Mobius wrote:damn, the suite is doubled price in Europe
The US companies have to find some way of subsidizing American adoption of their programs. Or they are just price-gouging, which is the more likely explanation.
Fuck that.
Posted: 2007-03-27 08:15am
by Mobius

i did this little stuff on excel out of curiosity, well they could put a sticker on their box telling RapePrice!
so in the pic: up is the US retail price to logical Euro price
EU retail price to US equivalent one
i could accept the 1€=1$ thingie, but this no way
Posted: 2007-03-27 11:01am
by Elessar
What exactly is preventing Europeans from say, ordering off of and getting the package shipped overseas?
Either way, these prices are seriously 'Enterprise'. That is, no individuals will ever pay them. Even the educational discounts are out of reach for most.
Posted: 2007-03-27 11:15am
by General Zod
Elessar wrote:What exactly is preventing Europeans from say, ordering off of and getting the package shipped overseas?
Either way, these prices are seriously 'Enterprise'. That is, no individuals will ever pay them. Even the educational discounts are out of reach for most.
Expect piracy of Adobe products to skyrocket.
Posted: 2007-03-27 11:38am
by Mobius
Restriction on exportation; same with windows Vista
Posted: 2007-03-27 01:06pm
by RThurmont
dobe's apparently gone nuts here. There's apparently SIX versions of Adobe Creative Suite 3, using Windows Vista-style naming schemes and very complex upgrade schemes.
If you actually took the time to study the graphics design industry and how designers actually operate their practices, you'd realize this makes perfect sense. Design is a profession with a number of specialities, such as motion graphics, print design, web design, photo editing, typography, and so forth, and Adobe's previous strategy with CS2 of creating a very general set of tools for everyone IMO was much weaker than their current approach of specialization.
I, as a branding designer, have no need for video production tools at this point (though maybe a huge branding firm like Interbrand might have a copy of it or two to handle any video production they might want to do). However, web tools are useful, and whereas in the past I'd have to buy Macromedia Studio+CS2 to get good tools for both areas, now I can just get a single bundled package.
This is vastly different from the case of Vista, where Microsoft created a pointless hierarchy of versions with various tiers of features and licensing restrictions, at different price points.
Posted: 2007-03-27 01:30pm
by Ace Pace
General Zod wrote:Elessar wrote:What exactly is preventing Europeans from say, ordering off of and getting the package shipped overseas?
Either way, these prices are seriously 'Enterprise'. That is, no individuals will ever pay them. Even the educational discounts are out of reach for most.
Expect piracy of Adobe products to skyrocket.
Why should adobe care? They gain anyway, as there is a massive lock-in for the market. Same strategy MS used in the 90s, it dosn't matter if you pirate, you end up using their apps, which gives marketshare. And later on, when these artists join the workforce, suprise, they know how to use Photoshop, so thats what they'll use.
Posted: 2007-03-27 01:47pm
by Praxis
General Zod wrote:Elessar wrote:What exactly is preventing Europeans from say, ordering off of and getting the package shipped overseas?
Either way, these prices are seriously 'Enterprise'. That is, no individuals will ever pay them. Even the educational discounts are out of reach for most.
Expect piracy of Adobe products to skyrocket.
They're making ME want to pirate it, and I'm extreme anti-piracy
I think the pricing is fair for professionals. It's the hobbyists that take the hit; I'm a student who is NOT studying design; I'd like to try a few of Adobe's applications so I can learn to use them for fun, not so I can make profit. As a student, though, I can't really afford more than Photoshop; so it looks like I'm going to have to go without the rest.
Posted: 2007-03-27 01:53pm
by Ace Pace
Praxis wrote:General Zod wrote:Elessar wrote:What exactly is preventing Europeans from say, ordering off of and getting the package shipped overseas?
Either way, these prices are seriously 'Enterprise'. That is, no individuals will ever pay them. Even the educational discounts are out of reach for most.
Expect piracy of Adobe products to skyrocket.
They're making ME want to pirate it, and I'm extreme anti-piracy
I think the pricing is fair for professionals. It's the hobbyists that take the hit; I'm a student who is NOT studying design; I'd like to try a few of Adobe's applications so I can learn to use them for fun, not so I can make profit. As a student, though, I can't really afford more than Photoshop; so it looks like I'm going to have to go without the rest.
You're a mac fanboy, else I'd offer Paint .Net
Posted: 2007-03-27 02:04pm
by Bounty
You're a mac fanboy, else I'd offer Paint .Net
Maybe Seashore once it's more mature, or
Posted: 2007-03-27 02:11pm
by Praxis
I'm used to Photoshop. I learned in Photoshop, and have Photoshop 7.0. And I can afford to get the new Photoshop (student pricing); Extended is only $299, I wonder what Standard is. I wonder if they have student upgrade pricing? lol
I was hoping to grab one of the creative suites though. Maybe learn After Effects or Flash.
Posted: 2007-03-27 02:14pm
by Ace Pace
Praxis wrote:I'm used to Photoshop. I learned in Photoshop, and have Photoshop 7.0. And I can afford to get the new Photoshop (student pricing); Extended is only $299, I wonder what Standard is. I wonder if they have student upgrade pricing? lol
I was hoping to grab one of the creative suites though. Maybe learn After Effects or Flash.
Adobe, you have a customer for life. Exactly what I pointed out above. Adobe locks you in the system, either through piracy, or through honest purchesing, so that in the offchance you end up in the digital arts world, you will use their product.
Posted: 2007-03-27 02:16pm
by phongn
How much of Creative Suite does the average hobbyist need, anyways? There are cheaper alternatives to virtually everything in it (most people don't need the full power of these applications!)
RThurmont wrote:If you actually took the time to study the graphics design industry and how designers actually operate their practices, you'd realize this makes perfect sense. Design is a profession with a number of specialities, such as motion graphics, print design, web design, photo editing, typography, and so forth, and Adobe's previous strategy with CS2 of creating a very general set of tools for everyone IMO was much weaker than their current approach of specialization.
Bah, you beat me to it - but yes, these packages are actually fairly well thought out. I'm a bit surprised that Adobe has kept Fireworks, though - I thought they would've killed it since it's a competitor to the Photoshop/ImageReady duo.
Posted: 2007-03-27 03:10pm
by Pezzoni
I was going to buy a copy of CS3.... Was...
Posted: 2007-03-27 03:21pm
by Praxis
phongn wrote:How much of Creative Suite does the average hobbyist need, anyways? There are cheaper alternatives to virtually everything in it (most people don't need the full power of these applications!)
I honestly don't know. I want to
learn the applications.
Adobe Flash is pretty much the best and only way of making good flash content, is it not?
I would also like to learn After Effects. I've always wanted to rotoscope a home video and make a homemade lightsaber duel.

Posted: 2007-03-27 03:28pm
by phongn
Praxis wrote:I honestly don't know. I want to learn the applications.
Well, figure out a way to get an academic discount then, if you must be legal. Or work with the lower-end versions
Adobe Flash is pretty much the best and only way of making good flash content, is it not?
The best way, but IIRC the are alternatives.
I would also like to learn After Effects. I've always wanted to rotoscope a home video and make a homemade lightsaber duel.

AE is not the only compositing tool, but it might be one of the cheapest full-powered ones.
Posted: 2007-03-27 03:36pm
by Praxis ... t/webcast/
There's a live webcast going on RIGHT NOW if anyone wants to watch, just started. Adobe's announcing it.
AE is not the only compositing tool, but it might be one of the cheapest full-powered ones.
Oh well, I'll try to see if I can afford the student packages (which are still very expensive, for me. If I had a full time job it would be easier, but it's a month's paycheck as it is now, and I need RAM upgrades too).
Posted: 2007-03-27 03:58pm
by Uraniun235
Are the prices for Photoshop really that much more expensive than prior versions? I thought these products always commanded a heavy price.
Posted: 2007-03-27 04:47pm
by salm
Photoshop CS 3 is a milestone. The smart filters alone (a thing that 3d apps have had for ever) are worth buying it. I also like the new interface with the large dock (never been a fan of the small floats) and the extended version appears to offer some great stuff for 3D guys like myself. Apparently i´ll be able to import .obj and .3ds and paint my textures directly onto the model. I´m very interested in that.
Posted: 2007-03-27 05:15pm
by Master of Cards
salm wrote:Photoshop CS 3 is a milestone. The smart filters alone (a thing that 3d apps have had for ever) are worth buying it. I also like the new interface with the large dock (never been a fan of the small floats) and the extended version appears to offer some great stuff for 3D guys like myself. Apparently i´ll be able to import .obj and .3ds and paint my textures directly onto the model. I´m very interested in that.
Shit, I'm going to acqure this for that alone, what verison is that?
Posted: 2007-03-27 05:21pm
by General Zod
Master of Cards wrote:salm wrote:Photoshop CS 3 is a milestone. The smart filters alone (a thing that 3d apps have had for ever) are worth buying it. I also like the new interface with the large dock (never been a fan of the small floats) and the extended version appears to offer some great stuff for 3D guys like myself. Apparently i´ll be able to import .obj and .3ds and paint my textures directly onto the model. I´m very interested in that.
Shit, I'm going to acqure this for that alone, what verison is that?
Photoshop CS3 is the version, numbnuts.

Posted: 2007-03-27 08:55pm
by Praxis
salm wrote:Photoshop CS 3 is a milestone. The smart filters alone (a thing that 3d apps have had for ever) are worth buying it. I also like the new interface with the large dock (never been a fan of the small floats) and the extended version appears to offer some great stuff for 3D guys like myself. Apparently i´ll be able to import .obj and .3ds and paint my textures directly onto the model. I´m very interested in that.
Agreed, after I watched the videos, I'm dying for it.
It imports .3ds?