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Novell Apple vs PC spoofs

Posted: 2007-03-31 09:50pm
by Dominus Atheos
P2P Net
Apple's retarded PC versus geeky Mac ads were funny the first half-dozen times. But now they're old. Very old. In fact, they've become a pain, especially when you're forced to see them because they've been positioned bang next to something you're trying to read.

Are they doing Apple any good? Macolytes love them, but that's preaching to the converted.

One thing is sure, though: they're being talked about, which is what Apple wants, and the latest company to join in is Novell with three downloadable spoofs, repeated on YouTube 1,2, and 3.

With Linux in the starring role, all three are good but as DarcBird says on GooTube, #3 is probably the best.

Guess who's representing Linux?

Posted: 2007-03-31 10:14pm
by Uraniun235
God, next thing you know, those uppity Amiga hamfucks will start making these things.

Posted: 2007-03-31 10:28pm
by Xisiqomelir
Novell, consorting with the enemy, pretending to be a good FLOSS citizen? That's rich.

Posted: 2007-03-31 10:40pm
by Stark
Uraniun235 wrote:God, next thing you know, those uppity Amiga hamfucks will start making these things.
I found a C64 Power Pack on a landing. Should I take it? It's, like, still boxed and everything.

Posted: 2007-04-01 06:36am
by Durandal
Well they're better than most parodies of the ads, which basically consist of some guy ranting and raving about how much Macs suck. But why is Linux the hot chick? If Linux is a girl of any sort, it's a butch chick who can pump lots of iron. Not that it's bad or not useful for certain things, but it sure isn't pretty.

Posted: 2007-04-01 06:46am
by DarkSilver
Durandal wrote:Well they're better than most parodies of the ads, which basically consist of some guy ranting and raving about how much Macs suck. But why is Linux the hot chick? If Linux is a girl of any sort, it's a butch chick who can pump lots of iron. Not that it's bad or not useful for certain things, but it sure isn't pretty.
Obviously Linux is using a pretty GUI.....

Posted: 2007-04-01 07:13am
by Dalton
I am reminded of that picture with the PC guy, the Mac guy and the Linux guy dressed like something out of TRON...

Posted: 2007-04-01 07:53am
by Alan Bolte
The pretty woman should be Photoshop.