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Latest ORganic tech crase
Posted: 2007-05-03 12:23pm
by Faram
Zomm my ship can steal genetic info or whatver.
Might be nice but bleeding ships in space is a WTF factor for me.
Posted: 2007-05-03 12:28pm
by Tolya
I've read about that game. I give it a 8 out of 10 chance that it will be another mediocre space rts.
Since Homeworld nobody has been able to develop anything really original and interesting.
Posted: 2007-05-03 01:17pm
by Uraniun235
Tolya wrote:Since Homeworld nobody has been able to develop anything really original and interesting.
Space RTS doesn't seem to attract much serious attention. Most of the ones I've seen have been clunky and generally awful.
Even Homeworld isn't that great - I can't say I'm a big fan of researching, and getting to the big fun ships always takes forever. And, unlike a ground-based RTS, there's no real terrain to speak of; just space and some resource fields.
Posted: 2007-05-03 01:53pm
by Teleros
Maybe, but really, what have space RTS games done since Homeworld that's new? That's the point.
And as for the "terrain", well there's not much else you can use up there
. Really you need a much bigger scale if you're to fit planets and all that into the game properly... which then makes finding anything smaller than a Death Star a pain in the neck
Posted: 2007-05-03 04:07pm
by Uraniun235
Teleros wrote:Maybe, but really, what have space RTS games done since Homeworld that's new? That's the point.
And part of the point I'm trying to get at is that there isn't always a ton you
can do that's "omg innovative and original" - sometimes you simply have to content yourself with refinements and gradual improvements of existing conventions.
I think that's actually part of the
problem: people say shit like "what can we do to make this FRESH and NEW and INNOVATIVE" and we get stupid shit
gimmicks like "lol living ships that adapt the genetics of their slain enemies into themselves" when they didn't put enough effort into just making a solid RTS to begin with.
And as for the "terrain", well there's not much else you can use up there
. Really you need a much bigger scale if you're to fit planets and all that into the game properly... which then makes finding anything smaller than a Death Star a pain in the neck
You're being intentionally obtuse; it'd be trivially simple to overlay little 2d sprite icons after you've zoomed out far enough from the ship to make it otherwise difficult to select or find.
That was my point, however, that in
any space-based RTS there's going to be little in the way of terrain.
Posted: 2007-05-03 10:29pm
by Hawkwings
Supcom in space? Sounds good to me!
Posted: 2007-05-04 10:31pm
by Vehrec
Uraniun235 wrote:Teleros wrote:
That was my point, however, that in any space-based RTS there's going to be little in the way of terrain.
There will be 'hills' of gravity that you have to climb up to break orbit. So you have a choice. Keep your fleet in close orbit to guard against suprize attacks, or keep them in deep space to keep them from having to spend the first five minutes of any battle burning thrust in order to break orbit and climb out of a gravity well. Fighting close to a sun could be much worse. And there is always the danger of running into one of these big objects. And once you get up to epic space opera scales, some ships or stations might start generating their own little gravity well.
Posted: 2007-05-06 01:09am
by ThatGuyFromThatPlace
that would be awesome, having to deal with gravity wells and other 'unseen' obstacles in a game otherwise similar to the HomeWorld series (with a faster tech tree)