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AD&D gestalt classes questions.

Posted: 2007-05-21 10:02am
by dragon
Ok I am running a campaign and the players would like to use the gestalt rules from complete arcana as well as spell points. I have no problems with spell points as it makes magic users more versatile. But not to sure about gestalts. I know that at low to medium levels their a bit over powered but it evens out a bit at higher levels.

I am trying to think up some house rules to implement that will keep them more in line with the normal chars, maybe such as a experience penality or such.

Does anyone have some good ideas on dealing with these classes. Also some classes might be to powerfull mixed together and if so what kind of mixes shouldn't not be allowed.

Posted: 2007-05-21 10:56am
by CDiehl
Talk to your players and find out what classes they want to combine, and which skills they're taking from each class. If you think it's unbalancing, you can come up with some other combination. I'd suggest only allowing them to gestalt characters between the four most basic classes (fighter, rogue, mage, cleric) and make all other classes prestige classes they can work their way into later. Any spell use they get should be halved, and the ability to cast arcane and divine magic should be strictly separated. Do whatever you can to keep them from munchkinning their characters this way.

Posted: 2007-05-21 11:17am
by dragon
Good advice I'll give it a try. It just the one player and he's mainly doing it because we have a small group and he was wanting to do a monk/cleric, which I can see to a certain point as monks are usally spritually.

Posted: 2007-05-21 12:41pm
by Enforcer Talen
If its a small party, it lets them do a lot more then they would normally. Just amp the difficulty level and enjoy the cinematics.