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Sony blames poor PS3 sale on the internet
Posted: 2007-05-23 03:17pm
by Sam Or I
The PlayStation 3 has come under fire recently for its steep price. How is Sony corporate handling the criticism? Is Sony's corporate culture changing? We posed these timely questions to Dave Karraker, director of Sony Computer Entertainment America's corporate communications.
By Blake Snow
Sony's PR head talks turkey
However justified, Sony has been fiercely criticized for both its approach and management of the PlayStation 3 to this point. The company just posted its biggest quarterly loss in four years shortly after dealing with several public relation mishaps related to the PS3. Just listen to these colorful quotes by former PlayStation boss Ken Kutaragi when describing the PS3: "It's probably too cheap," "It's 4D," and "[We want] consumers to think... 'I will work more hours to buy one.'"
Not very endearing, huh? So who's in charge of helping gamers see beyond such rogue statements? None other than Sony's senior director of corporate communications, Dave Karraker. Karraker, who is just eight months on the job, has perhaps the toughest job in video games; helping consumers regard the PS3 with as much esteem as the record-setting PS2 despite the former's high price and somewhat slower start. We sit down with the man to ask how he's coping with being the public face of Sony.
GamePro: You've been doing game PR for a long time. What's changed over the last 10 years?
Dave Karraker: I actually cut my teeth in PR working at Crystal Dynamics...the big game at the time was a really great platformer called "Gex" for the 3DO Multiplayer. About the same time, I helped launch a graphical Windows interface called "Bob" for Microsoft, but let's not share that with anyone. The funny thing is, so many of the people I worked with back then are actually still around in some fashion, whether as journalists or on this side of the fence. The biggest change has got to be the advent of the Internet. It simply wasn't a factor back then. Now, it is arguably what I spend the majority of my time working on when it comes to speaking with media, and consumers, for that matter.
How long have you been working for Sony?
I've been with Sony since two months before the launch of PS3. It was certainly a crazy time to come on board, but any PR person will tell you that a launch of that scale is exactly what they dream working on. There are just so many opportunities and so many challenges that you can't help but learn something almost every minute of every day. That is what I really love about working at Sony -- every day there is something new to experience. Plus, I am a gamer, so you can't beat being able to play games whenever you want. Getting to see early builds of a game is really fantastic. I was playing the new Ratchet & Clank for PS3 yesterday and it is simply amazing. I have also been spending a lot of time with LittleBigPlanet lately, as well as Uncharted. These development teams are really doing some cool stuff with the system.
Noting the PS3's unique approach, how do you deal with negative consumer perceptions from a public relations perspective?
That's kind of a tough question to answer. I am pretty sure if you asked just about any real gamer out there if they would like to have a PS3, their answer would be a resounding "Yes!" I think a lot of this goes back to the proliferation of the Internet, where a very vocal minority can make a lot of noise and potentially alter perceptions of the masses, whether they are accurate or not. A lot of this, naturally, is driven by the media who seem focused on taking swipes at us lately, without taking in the full picture. It is funny, but I remember people bagging on the original PlayStation when it first came out, and look where it ended up. Our biggest job over here is to continue to push out information on PS3 and our other systems and remind people that there are things you can do on our platforms you simply can't do on our competitor's. It is all about explaining those points of differentiation, particularly the value over the lifetime of the system, that is key in selling any Sony product.
Are some of those [negative] perceptions justified, assuming you feel they exist? Why or why not?
A lot of the perceptions are not justified and seem fueled by people who don't have all the facts or have some kind of axe to grind. I think you would be hard-pressed to find anyone who wouldn't say PS3 is an amazing piece of technology. Yeah, the price of PS3 is higher than other system, but look at what you get - the Cell processor, Blu-ray Disc, built-in hard drive, HDMI 1080p, Wi-Fi, the SixAxis. That is a lot of truly cutting-edge technology in one box. It is funny how myopic people can be when a new system comes along. They seem to forget that launching a truly next-generation gaming platform is never easy and it never has been. I like to say it is like birth: "The actual labor may not be all the pretty, but the result is pretty darn amazing."
But, as a gamer, I like to concentrate on the gee whiz factor when something new launches. No matter who's platform it is, I look at what is truly new and exciting. I am confounded by people who say they are true gamers but all they do is look for the negatives in a system, or a company, or in the industry in general. Some media, in particular, are just too easily caught up in all the bashing. It feeds on itself, and to what end? How do you benefit the real gamer by bashing on something? These are very smart people who can see through most of the BS.
Sure, there were some perceptions on PS3 that were justified. For example, we didn't have nearly enough hardware at launch to meet consumer demand. That was difficult for all of us and contributed to a tough climate with press and analysts. That's behind us now, but a bit of that still lingers. Frankly, I have stopped talking to media about the launch and am now really just focused on the games.
Posted: 2007-05-23 03:47pm
by Kuja
I think I understand why the PS3 failed.
Sony's marketing team is being run by the RIAA.
Posted: 2007-05-23 05:12pm
by Mad
Sure, there were some perceptions on PS3 that were justified. For example, we didn't have nearly enough hardware at launch to meet consumer demand. That was difficult for all of us and contributed to a tough climate with press and analysts. That's behind us now, but a bit of that still lingers. Frankly, I have stopped talking to media about the launch and am now really just focused on the games.
Funny, that doesn't seem to have hurt the Wii all that much...
Posted: 2007-05-23 05:20pm
by Cao Cao
Yes, it's all the internet's fault. The internet and it's lies. Dirty propaganda!
It's got nothing to do with the fact that Ken Kutaragi had his head firmly inserted into his rectum when he developed the PS3. Nothing at all to do with how overpriced the PS3 is. Or how Sony is run by mangy baboons. Or their self-destructive policy concerning Europe. Nope.
Posted: 2007-05-23 07:41pm
by Anguirus
I am pretty sure if you asked just about any real gamer out there if they would like to have a PS3, their answer would be a resounding "Yes!"
Sure. Unfortunately, not many real gamers seem to want to
buy one.
Posted: 2007-05-23 07:46pm
by Stark
Mad wrote:Funny, that doesn't seem to have hurt the Wii all that much...
No, nobody thought the Wii was a stupid idea and laughed at it for being GC v1.5. Never! Not on the internets!
I think it's neat that Sony guys keep going back to the 'oh it's an amazing piece of technology' line. Who the fuck cares? It's what you can DO with it that counts, and how much it COSTS. Their statements suggest the have no idea how cost/benefit works, and seem bamboozled that people decided the 'amazing technology' wasn't worth the huge price.
Posted: 2007-05-23 07:48pm
by Sam Or I
Anguirus wrote:I am pretty sure if you asked just about any real gamer out there if they would like to have a PS3, their answer would be a resounding "Yes!"
Sure. Unfortunately, not many real gamers seem to want to
buy one.
LOL, ask most gamers if they would want an intelivision, and most would say yes. I know I would.
Posted: 2007-05-23 08:44pm
by CDiehl
a very vocal minority can make a lot of noise and potentially alter perceptions of the masses
It's amazing to me how they expect people to accept that some supposed "vocal minority" can "alter perceptions of the masses" so much more reliably and completely than a big corporation with people who do that sort of thing for a living.
Yeah, the price of PS3 is higher than other system, but look at what you get - the Cell processor, Blu-ray Disc, built-in hard drive, HDMI 1080p, Wi-Fi, the SixAxis. That is a lot of truly cutting-edge technology in one box.
Well, isn't that wonderful? Does any of this mean it plays the games I already have for PS2? Does it mean the games that are coming out for it will be better than what's already available? Finally, will it cost an amount of money that sane people would actually pay for it? I don't need it to have Wi-Fi or Blu-Ray or whatever this other stuff is. I just need it to be fun. Remember fun? Why people play games?
But, as a gamer, I like to concentrate on the gee whiz factor when something new launches.
Well, being at least a part-time gamer, I'd prefer to concentrate on factors like cost, availabilty of games and even ease of use. Call me crazy, but I doubt I'm alone. Seriously, it's the job of people like you to convince people to pay for what you're selling, and nothing you're telling me makes me want to scrape up $500-600 to buy this thing. Don't blame someone else when you did a lousy job.
Posted: 2007-05-23 08:51pm
by Fingolfin_Noldor
How uncreative. I guess Sony believes in bullying the consumer into buying their stuff, and when they don't, they blame the consumer. Great. Apparently marketing, as usual, never thought of the consumer as human beings, but playbots.
Posted: 2007-05-23 09:22pm
by Darth Raptor
I guess they failed to mobilize enough shills. If there were one word that could encapsulate Sony's PS3 marketing strategy it would be "insulting". By their logic, gamers should be buying up F-35s and trying to cram their PS2 games into the cup holder.
Posted: 2007-05-25 03:26pm
by Tanasinn
Another Sony-employed talking head so full of shit it's dribbling on the floor whenever he opens his mouth. What else is new?
Posted: 2007-05-25 07:32pm
by LapsedPacifist
3DO multiplayer and MS Bob? Is this satire?
Re: Sony blames poor PS3 sale on the internet
Posted: 2007-05-25 11:31pm
by Elaro
I am pretty sure if you asked just about any real gamer out there if they would like to have a PS3, their answer would be a resounding "Yes!"
In my case, it would be a cautious "okay", followed by quickly logging on to ebay to sell it so I can buy a X360. Zing!
Posted: 2007-05-26 04:25am
by Darth Raptor
I'd certainly
take one, but I'd never
buy one. What an absurd non-point. As an ecologically and economically minded motorist, I'd love to have one of those new Tesla cars too. But I'd never, ever buy one.
Posted: 2007-05-26 07:38am
by Andrew_Fireborn
I didn't quite get "OH noes, teh interwebs has foiled our masta plan!" out of that...
But definate spin... definately a spinning BS faucet.
Posted: 2007-05-26 09:49am
by Resinence
I am pretty sure if you asked just about any real gamer out there if they would like to have a PS3, their answer would be a resounding "Yes!"
No. Fuck you. I'll take a 360 for "serious gaming" and a Wii for not-so-serious gaming thanks, and I can afford
both for the price of a PS3. I'm sure that vocal minority forced you to use overpriced unique hardware in the PS3 to jack up the price and make development for your platform a bitch too.
Christ the sony execs have their heads so far up their asses they can't even see when they are alienating the very market that was keeping their sorry asses afloat (And it's not serious gamers, it's the people who now have Wii's).
It's 4D
Bahahahahaha, that has to be a joke. Great job using a line that every corporate hack in history has butchered to describe the "next generation graphics that will get you laid and win the lottery for you".
Posted: 2007-05-26 11:15pm
by Sriad
<---AFK, revelling in his power.
Posted: 2007-05-26 11:26pm
by Eris
Resinence wrote:
It's 4D
Bahahahahaha, that has to be a joke. Great job using a line that every corporate hack in history has butchered to describe the "next generation graphics that will get you laid and win the lottery for you".
As an aside, he might actually be correct, although not in the way he's thinking of. And not even in the sense of it being three-dimensional rendering through time. If I recall correctly, the coordinates in 3D rendering are actually done in four dimensions to prevent a weird floating point glitch that would otherwise cause a lockup. Or something like that - I can't remember the specifics off the top of my head. I fail at computer geekiness.
But Sony PR in this case might be completely on the money, but in such a way that it's completely by accident, and it's trivial, since
all similar rendering on the PS3 or not is 4D in this way.
Re: Sony blames poor PS3 sale on the internet
Posted: 2007-05-27 12:15am
by Darth Wong
A pompous Sony marketing hack wrote:Yeah, the price of PS3 is higher than other system, but look at what you get - the Cell processor, Blu-ray Disc, built-in hard drive, HDMI 1080p, Wi-Fi, the SixAxis. That is a lot of truly cutting-edge technology in one box.
And that gives me twice the actual entertainment value of competing systems ... how? Perhaps they should have added even more buzzwords I don't care about, like Firewire ports, Minidisc compatibility, the ability to play UMD movies, and a fucking toaster oven attachment. Then they could jack up the price even more, because it would be an even
better game system!
It is funny how myopic people can be when a new system comes along. They seem to forget that launching a truly next-generation gaming platform is never easy and it never has been. I like to say it is like birth: "The actual labor may not be all the pretty, but the result is pretty darn amazing."
Why the fuck does he think people care about how difficult it is to launch a next-gen gaming system? All they care about is value for money, not what the world looks like from the vendor's fucking perspective. Goddamn, what a tool.
Posted: 2007-05-27 02:09am
by Spyder
It really is quite frustrating to watch people fuck things up this badly and not see the obvious flaws in their cunning plan. It's like watching someone invade a small country then scratch their heads when random shit starts exploding.
Sony, the fun:cost ratio is just plain wrong, figure it out and you might be able to salvage what remains of your failing brand.
Posted: 2007-05-27 02:27am
by Sea Skimmer
I love how they still rave about blue-ray and 1080p even though the blue ray drive loads games slower and all 1080 resolutions are inferior to 780 for displaying fast moving action. But then this is the same company which thought people would buy movies for full prices that would only be viewable on a PSP.
Posted: 2007-05-27 05:12am
by fnord
Let me get this straight - Sony are pissed off that their markets are talking to each other, blasting away their overblown hype with water cannon, and generally getting smarter quicker than they are, and they're blaming said markets?
Ie, they haven't listened to what their customers want, and are pitching a hissy fit when same vote with their wallets and buy competing consoles?
Looks like someone hasn't read the cluetrain manifesto.
Posted: 2007-05-27 05:20am
by Darth Raptor
Sea Skimmer wrote:But then this is the same company which thought people would buy movies for full prices that would only be viewable on a PSP.
That particular gem never ceases to baffle me. Sony
makes TVs and surround sound entertainment centers! WTF!? I know they're a huge company that does a little of everything, but that right there suggests little to no central control or communication between their departments. Do they just share the Sony label or what?
Posted: 2007-05-27 05:25am
by Ace Pace
Darth Raptor wrote:Sea Skimmer wrote:But then this is the same company which thought people would buy movies for full prices that would only be viewable on a PSP.
That particular gem never ceases to baffle me. Sony
makes TVs and surround sound entertainment centers! WTF!? I know they're a huge company that does a little of everything, but that right there suggests little to no central control or communication between their departments. Do they just share the Sony label or what?
Yes, Phil Harrison or whats his name I think has mentioned in a few interviews it's one of the hardest things. They just share the label and the same overall budget, beyond that, quite free for all.
Posted: 2007-05-27 09:42am
by Starglider
Sea Skimmer wrote:I love how they still rave about blue-ray and 1080p even though the blue ray drive loads games slower and all 1080 resolutions are inferior to 780 for displaying fast moving action.
The PS3 supports 1080p60, which is as good as it gets right now for TV spatial and temporal resolution (computer monitors with dual-link connections can do much better of course). I agree in general that the PS3 is overpriced and overengineered, and that Sony has turned into a pretty horrible company intent on screwing customers and partners alike. But this particular nitpick isn't valid, unless you're referring to the fact that at 1080p60/50 you can't afford the polygon count and/or level of antialiasing you can at 720p60/50.