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Favorite Final Fantasy Game
Posted: 2007-05-23 03:38pm
by Schuyler Colfax
I reading the "DS - I need a game" post.
I was reading what LadyTevar said
Final Fantasy covers all of them, and between DS and GBA (which the DS can play) there's several to chose from.
I was going to respond by saying which was your favorite final fantasy game but, that would have been going off topic (like that has stopped any of us before)
So it got me thinking what was the best final fantasy game?
Not including Crystal Chronicles, that final fantasy 7 spin off dirge of Cerberus that came out a while back in which you played as Vincent (that game sucked) and other spin-offs.
Personally I'd say the oringinal final fantasy 7 was the best. What do you guys think.
Since I can't add 12 poll options I'll just pick the ones that stood most. (To me at least)
Posted: 2007-05-23 03:43pm
by LadyTevar
Kid, go do a search in this forum, and you'll find about 8 threads on this same topic.

Go read them, because they at least list ALL the FF Games, not just *your* particular favorites.
Posted: 2007-05-23 03:48pm
by Sam Or I
A thread done a million times. Anyways Final Fantasy Tactics.
Posted: 2007-05-23 03:55pm
by Schuyler Colfax
Oh well I didn't know so thank you for tell me. I see this thread getting locked in about 10 minutes.
Posted: 2007-05-23 03:56pm
by Schuyler Colfax
LadyTevar wrote:Kid, go do a search in this forum, and you'll find about 8 threads on this same topic.

Go read them, because they at least list ALL the FF Games, not just *your* particular favorites.
I would have posted all of them its just thatit wouldn't let me have that many options.
Re: Favorite Final Fantasy Game
Posted: 2007-05-23 03:56pm
by Covenant
Elite Pwnage wrote:Personally I'd say the oringinal final fantasy 7 was the best. What do you guys think.
Since I can't add 12 poll options I'll just pick the ones that stood most. (To me at least)
I grew up as the Final Fantasies came out, and I remember reading Nintendo Power for tips on how to beat Final Fantasy 1. A lot of younger gamers got into the game with Final Fantasy 7, so they have some sense of Nostalgia for it. Having played them all, I'd say the most modern one is probably some of the strangest, most fun RPG combat I've had out of a Final Fantasy game, but for pure epicness of story and the widest and most diverse plotline, party choice, and game options there's really no choice but Final Fantasy 6, ie 3.
Seven and Six really couldn't be less similar in a lot of ways. From 4 party member choices (all of which you could swap in or out at your airships) down to 2 plus Cloud for most of the game, the odd jump to that kinda clunky 3D they had back then, and the heavily Japanese style of story including my first introduction to the idea of a Bishounen villian, it really was the first 'modern' final fantasy. However, I'd also say that any other way than graphically (and even then, FF6 was one of the best drawn sprite games ever made, and FF7 has some of the worst 3D in history) that FF6 just provides more to do and see, with more plot and less wierd. Saving the world from a dictatorial madman I get. Saving it from... well, all the stuff in 7, it takes a whole FAQ just to get it straight.
Plus, FF7 suffered from the "Emotionally Tormented Main Hero" syndrome we see in a lot of bad fanfiction. Except this was the real game, and they forced us to play as him. In FF6, if you really didn't like Locke and Terra's fight for love and justice or whatever it was, you could slap together a party of Edgar, Sabin, Umaro and Gogo. And not only could that party successfully tackle any problem set before them, just like how nearly any other combination of characters could work it out, but you'd get different storyline. FF7 did something similar, but I have to admit I mighta' lost out on some plot. I had Mr. T's gun-armed dude and Cid in my party. I think whatever plotline there mighta' been got muddled in about ten thousand lines of censored text. I may not have known what they were talking about, but it was hilarious and awesome.
Anyway, this subject is greatly contentious. We need to look at 'best' instead of 'most nostalgic'. My Nostalgia vote goes to FF4, with 5 party members, summoners monsterland and tons of other stuff. But I think FF6 was better made and was probably the 'best' one of the bunch.
But I'm not sure, 12 was pretty fun, and it seemed to have a solid, fairly sympathetic cast. It'd probably be close, to be honest. They really did a good job on the voicework and emoting for 12, and it helped to get into it.
Posted: 2007-05-23 04:03pm
by Qwerty 42
I've only played I, II, III, and IV of the traditional games, but I love Crystal Chronicles, and enjoy Tactics Advance as well.
Posted: 2007-05-23 04:09pm
by Covenant
Elite Pwnage wrote:Oh well I didn't know so thank you for tell me. I see this thread getting locked in about 10 minutes.
I was actually going to say that, but I figured it'd be bad etiquette!
Posted: 2007-05-23 04:51pm
by R.O.A
Favorite Final Fantasy Game
Final Fantasy VIII and Final Fantasy Tactics
Posted: 2007-05-23 04:56pm
by Alferd Packer
6, 6, a thousand times 6!
Why? Because of the No-Equipment, Natural Magic Game. That keeps me playing the game after 13 years, and it gives me a reason to hang on to my SNES.
Posted: 2007-05-23 04:59pm
by Nephtys
The correct answer is six, and eight.
Posted: 2007-05-23 05:07pm
by General Zod
Alferd Packer wrote:6, 6, a thousand times 6!
Why? Because of the No-Equipment, Natural Magic Game. That keeps me playing the game after 13 years, and it gives me a reason to hang on to my SNES.
Huh? There's a ton of equipment throughout 6. As for my faves, 6 and 4. With 7 coming in third. Those who say 8 is their favorite may be eaten last.
Posted: 2007-05-23 05:10pm
by DocHorror
Seven was the first I played & nearly completed. But I liked 8 alot. Ten was cool too.
Posted: 2007-05-23 05:23pm
by Cao Cao
I like VI the most. Have a soft spot for VII in that it was the first I played.
I loved FFVIII's world and general gameplay.. shame about the plot.. unless it's viewed as a documentary into the life of a disturbed sociopath.
Posted: 2007-05-23 05:27pm
by Temjin
Final Fantasy x: Because I like turn based battles! Well, actually, it had one of the better battle systems in the series in my opinion. I loved being able to swap out party members during a battle. It was the first time I could level up ALL my party members at the same time.
I hate the fact that in some other RPG's, they force me to choose a party, then later force me to use a character I haven't even thought of in ages. *coughFF7cough* Yay! Now I have a character I'm forced to use that's 10 levels below the party you forced me to choose! No wonder I had so much fun playing FFX...
Final Fantasy Tactics: I had great fun playing this one. But that's not why I played it as much as I did. No, the reason I played this one so much is because I wanted to find out what was happening next! That plot had me replaying missions upwards of 15 times, trying different tactics each time, just because the plot was so damn interesting. Few other games can have that claim.
Posted: 2007-05-23 06:16pm
by rhoenix
Alright, I'll bite. Though the Final Fantasy series has lost much of it's luster over the years for me, I do still have my favorites. If I had to pin down placement of favorites, I'd say the following are all tied for first in my thoughts.
Final Fantasy Tactics - Another of my favorites of the series - however, many things frustrate me about either the PSX version or the GBA versions. Both good games...but could both have been better by borrowing the less lame elements from it's twin. Bah.
Final Fantasy X - The story wasn't that deep, but it was deep enough. It had enough fun secrets and shiny objects and all that, but beyond the shiny graphics and turn orders and such, it really wasn't longer than the other games. It just seemed like it if you were anal enough to go after Nemesis, like me.
Final Fantasy 9 - A fun, somewhat cartoony version of 1 that really did come together and was
Final Fantasy 8 - Responsible for more assbeating than most of the other games. Squall may have been a whiny emo bitch, but the game was fun.
Final Fantasy 7 - If it was ever finished, it might be a badass game. Until then, we may never know.
Final Fantasy 6 - Yeah, this definitely goes on my favorites list, for many reasons.
Final Fantasy 5 - For most of the same reasons as 6, but with more freeform assbeating.
Final Fantasy 4 - my long-time favorite, until I replayed it on the GBA and realized half of my goodwill toward this game was nostalgia. Nonetheless, it goes on this list anyway.
EDIT: Forgot Tactics. This mistake has been remedied.
Posted: 2007-05-23 06:54pm
by The Yosemite Bear
Kingdom Hearts, FFT and The one with Ancaris' Avatar....
Posted: 2007-05-23 07:04pm
by Cao Cao
The Yosemite Bear wrote:Kingdom Hearts, FFT and The one with Ancaris' Avatar....
Kingdom Hearts is an FF game now?
Posted: 2007-05-23 07:08pm
by Napoleon the Clown
Eight. Though to be fair it's the only one I've played trough completely. I fairly enjoyed Seven up to the point where Yuffie stole all my materia and ran off. Couldn't find the little bitch...
Posted: 2007-05-23 07:09pm
by Stark
Don't try to understand Bear.
I'm a minority FF-wise: the first game I played was 7, I'm not a fan of the sprite-based games, and I thought 8 was a broken experiment with terrible pacing. I'm not enough of a fan to even know which game the DS FFIII even is.

Posted: 2007-05-23 07:10pm
by Cao Cao
Napoleon the Clown wrote:Eight. Though to be fair it's the only one I've played trough completely. I fairly enjoyed Seven up to the point where Yuffie stole all my materia and ran off. Couldn't find the little bitch...
You mean you missed Wutai? The whole Turks on holiday skit? The return of Don Corneo? I pity you.
Posted: 2007-05-23 07:22pm
by Stark
All the FF games I've played have contrived, linear plots, and this often leads to moments (like when Yuffie steals your shit) where I imagine many players simply throw their arms up in disgust and stop playing.
And if FF7 didn't look like poo, I'd play it again. Then again, if FF6 didn't look like poo, I might be able to play it for more than 20 minutes without getting bored.
Posted: 2007-05-23 07:27pm
by Cao Cao
Stark wrote:All the FF games I've played have contrived, linear plots, and this often leads to moments (like when Yuffie steals your shit) where I imagine many players simply throw their arms up in disgust and stop playing.

I don't know. I loved that bit. But then, back in those times I trawled through FF8 and 9 to the very end despite my heavy dislike of various aspects (the whole 'Squall/Rinoa piggyback run' section of FF8 had me going "What the FUCK?" the whole time).
But then, I'm in the UK and at that time the games market was a million times worse than it is now, and I didn't get into importing until I had access to the internet so.. I guess I was patient due to lack of choice.
And if FF7 didn't look like poo, I'd play it again. Then again, if FF6 didn't look like poo, I might be able to play it for more than 20 minutes without getting bored.
I'll take detailed 2D over your new-fangled 3D high-res bloom HDR celebrity voiced space age wonder games! Dagnabbit.
Posted: 2007-05-23 07:30pm
by Stark
Cao Cao wrote:I'll take detailed 2D over your new-fangled 3D high-res bloom HDR celebrity voiced space age wonder games! Dagnabbit.
They BOTH look bad, but I don't have the nostalgia that many others do towards sprite, tile, based games. If a game doesn't grab me, I don't play it (I never finished FF8 myself, for instance) and the idea of slogging through any more of FF10 was terrible.

Posted: 2007-05-23 09:16pm
by Darth Raptor
Across the board, FFXII is a vast improvement over previous games in terms of story, characters and gameplay. Most of the feelings people have toward the older games really are little more than nostalgia. I would consider FFXII superior to all previous FF titles in every area with the exception of music, and Uematsu's a genius, so those were impossible shoes to fill anyway.