EPIC Pc vs Mac Battle: FOR ALL TIME
Posted: 2007-05-25 04:55am
Because PC's are wieners and MACS are overly mass marketed products for hipsters.... RIGHT?
Get your fill of sci-fi, science, and mockery of stupid ideas
Winies? What the hell? Is that even a word?Crossroads Inc. wrote:Because PC's are Winies and MACS are overly mass marketed products for hipsters.... RIGHT?
We (those who know how to zap the PRAM/rebuild the desktop/battled NVIR) have a word for those people: switcheurbrianeyci wrote:Time for Mac versus PC rant! Man I've waited a long time for a thread for this.
Every time I go to lecture and see someone pop out a Mac, I laugh. How much did mommy give you to buy that piece of shit? Steve Jobs saying in that parody "macs are hip and help you get laid" is exactly what some people are thinking.
If iWeb and iPhoto are part of this "productivity" package I would be hesitant to call them 'good'. My experience with them have been less than stellar, heck even the built-in camera software has caused me grief.General Zod wrote:I will give Macs credit for having a fantastic battery life and good productivity/video editing packages. That's about all I can give them credit for though.
I was thinking of the higher end editing software that you have to shell out almost $1,000 for. Since macs are often used in the multimedia industry.InnocentBystander wrote:If iWeb and iPhoto are part of this "productivity" package I would be hesitant to call them 'good'. My experience with them have been less than stellar, heck even the built-in camera software has caused me grief.General Zod wrote:I will give Macs credit for having a fantastic battery life and good productivity/video editing packages. That's about all I can give them credit for though.
Indeedbrianeyci wrote:Don't even get me started on iPod. Kids going around with portable music devices is fucking bullshit. Adults are responsible enough to use them, children are not.
Oh, good. Comedy.brianeyci wrote:Time for Mac versus PC rant! Man I've waited a long time for a thread for this.
Instead of happily traipsing along in the land of fallacies here, have you ever actually used a Mac running OS X?brianeyci wrote:Every time I go to lecture and see someone pop out a Mac, I laugh. How much did mommy give you to buy that piece of shit? Steve Jobs saying in that parody "macs are hip and help you get laid" is exactly what some people are thinking. Now I don't think that there's anything wrong with spending one's own money to be hip, or to get laid. But the idea that a person would get laid easier because he's using a prettier computer is pretty lame, even if it is true. The computer science labs all have PC's, and guess who is using macs. The artsy fartsy types who never have to work to university ever, who mommy or daddy pay for everything. And that is supposed to mean you're cool? Give me a fucking break, I'll take the computer science nerd who built the computer with his own two hands over the mac loser any day.
This is part of a greater problem. Get parents to stop buying their bitsy-precious-ookums a new Dodge Ram for graduating high school, and we can come back to this one.brianeyci wrote:Don't even get me started on iPod. Kids going around with portable music devices is fucking bullshit. Adults are responsible enough to use them, children are not. I see no benefit to being immersed in popular culture enough that you think the main reason in life is getting an iPod and listening to garble all day.
BrianEyci, I'm using a Mac, and therefore I'm better than you.brianeyci wrote:The one thing I'll be giggling about is when the American economy goes to shit and peak oil happens, pure luxury companies like Apple will be the first to die. At least governments will keep buying cheap PC's. I see no use for overexpensive status symbols.
This is a strike against Apple, or relevent to Mac VS PC somehow?Don't even get me started on iPod. Kids going around with portable music devices is fucking bullshit. Adults are responsible enough to use them, children are not. I see no benefit to being immersed in popular culture enough that you think the main reason in life is getting an iPod and listening to garble all day.
Why? That seems rather silly - and maybe the student bought it themselves? For that matter, if you're going to mock a student about having their parents buy a laptop, doesn't that count for the vast majority of students?brianeyci wrote:Every time I go to lecture and see someone pop out a Mac, I laugh. How much did mommy give you to buy that piece of shit?
Your point being?Steve Jobs saying in that parody "macs are hip and help you get laid" is exactly what some people are thinking. Now I don't think that there's anything wrong with spending one's own money to be hip, or to get laid. But the idea that a person would get laid easier because he's using a prettier computer is pretty lame, even if it is true.
Have you perhaps considered that Macs are industry standard for a lot of video editing, composition and 2D art/image manipulation? Maybe they're carrying around Macs because that's what their department requires?The computer science labs all have PC's, and guess who is using macs. The artsy fartsy types who never have to work to university ever, who mommy or daddy pay for everything. And that is supposed to mean you're cool? Give me a fucking break, I'll take the computer science nerd who built the computer with his own two hands over the mac loser any day.
And you blame the iPod for this, why? I don't see your rants about generalized MP3, MD, tape or CD players?Don't even get me started on iPod. Kids going around with portable music devices is fucking bullshit. Adults are responsible enough to use them, children are not. I see no benefit to being immersed in popular culture enough that you think the main reason in life is getting an iPod and listening to garble all day.
That sounds ass-backwards. Shouldn't you actually try how it works (at a store or using a friend's computer) and then make the conclusion rather than based on marketing?brianeyci wrote:Since Apple products are marketed as anti-nerd, pro cool more functional products, all of which is not necessarily true, I'm going to view Apple with distaste unless someone shows me that most Apple users don't buy into this marketing. I have an open mind -- if you convince me, I'd be willing to consider OSX.
That's a strong bit of vitriol there, Brian. Consider Apple from a different perspective - they are the longest-lasting commercial alternative to Windows that I'm aware of. They've managed to not die out against Microsoft for quite a while now, which is rather impressive, their marketing, hardware, and software aside.brianeyci wrote:There really is no point: it's only connected to the idea of i-anything as a status symbol.
Beside a suave, cool looking guy is a guy in a suit with glasses, who can barely talk without stumbling, a nerd. Macs obviously have their uses, and some people have less problems with macs. But my rant was only half serious. If you look at the big picture, people get macs because pcs are perceived to be nerdy and have more problems. I am no computer buff, but I know that's not necessarily the case. Before anybody tries to argue with me, Apple products are marketed that way. There may be people who do not consider their Apple products as status symbols and use them for functionality, but nobody can seriously disagree that i-anything is considered a fashion statement.
Since Apple products are marketed as anti-nerd, pro cool more functional products, all of which is not necessarily true, I'm going to view Apple with distaste unless someone shows me that most Apple users don't buy into this marketing. I have an open mind -- if you convince me, I'd be willing to consider OSX.
For a very long time Apple was the best game in town - superior performance, native color-calibration and an easy-to-use operating system. It also helped that Macs had a PostScript printer early on. It became entrenched in the market, though at the very high-end IRIX dominated (and since replaced by Windows)RThurmont wrote:To be fair though, I also do not understand Apple's dominance in that area. I suspect it has something to do with a combination of the elegance of Apple hardware and graphics design creating an illusion of performance, which, coupled with the lack of technical knowledge on the part of most creative professionals, creates for them a compelling reason to believe that Macs are superior (when in fact, OS X is at best, on equal footing with Windows XP, and is clearly inferior to Linux). However, the other problem is that the Windows and Mac proprietary creative software is not availible on Linux, and the open source alternatives are not mature enough to replace them.
It's also a myth. I'm a graphics guy and I wouldn't use a Mac for what I do. And I know quite a few IT and CS people who swear by the Mac, both at home and professionally. The 'divide' is just some sort of fictional marketing ploy to attract people to the 'trendy' side of the computer scene. Anyone could claim to be artsy, I suppose, but for those who are actually in the art community there's really no reason to use one or the other outside of familiarity and compatibility with what your employer has. Some prefer Macs. Some prefer PCs. Outside of a few software packages, it generally doesn't matter.RThurmont wrote:Much as I hate to appear to be coming to the defense of Apple, IMO dismissing the creative professional segment in which Apple dominates (graphics designers, journalists, composers, et cetera) as "artsy fartsy types" is just retarded (and for the record, most creative professionals do have university degrees). I'd like to see you do one tenth of what a good graphics designer or composer could do.
Then you're a freaking retard. I used my Mac in my CS class on occasion, and we did the rest of our work on Linux machines; the code was easily portable since Macs are UNIX-based and I can run all the same tools (make, gcc, etc).brianeyci wrote:Time for Mac versus PC rant! Man I've waited a long time for a thread for this.
Every time I go to lecture and see someone pop out a Mac, I laugh. How much did mommy give you to buy that piece of shit? Steve Jobs saying in that parody "macs are hip and help you get laid" is exactly what some people are thinking. Now I don't think that there's anything wrong with spending one's own money to be hip, or to get laid. But the idea that a person would get laid easier because he's using a prettier computer is pretty lame, even if it is true. The computer science labs all have PC's, and guess who is using macs. The artsy fartsy types who never have to work to university ever, who mommy or daddy pay for everything. And that is supposed to mean you're cool? Give me a fucking break, I'll take the computer science nerd who built the computer with his own two hands over the mac loser any day.
...so everyone who uses an iPod is a child?Don't even get me started on iPod. Kids going around with portable music devices is fucking bullshit. Adults are responsible enough to use them, children are not. I see no benefit to being immersed in popular culture enough that you think the main reason in life is getting an iPod and listening to garble all day.
Eh. Apple's marketing never effected me. I hated the things based on my experiences with OS 9, until someone forced me to try OS X after Apple switched to UNIX.brianeyci wrote:There really is no point: it's only connected to the idea of i-anything as a status symbol.
Beside a suave, cool looking guy is a guy in a suit with glasses, who can barely talk without stumbling, a nerd. Macs obviously have their uses, and some people have less problems with macs. But my rant was only half serious. If you look at the big picture, people get macs because pcs are perceived to be nerdy and have more problems. I am no computer buff, but I know that's not necessarily the case. Before anybody tries to argue with me, Apple products are marketed that way. There may be people who do not consider their Apple products as status symbols and use them for functionality, but nobody can seriously disagree that i-anything is considered a fashion statement.
Since Apple products are marketed as anti-nerd, pro cool more functional products, all of which is not necessarily true, I'm going to view Apple with distaste unless someone shows me that most Apple users don't buy into this marketing. I have an open mind -- if you convince me, I'd be willing to consider OSX.
There are ways to try it but technically they're illegal (installing OSX on a regular PC).Elaro wrote:The way I see it, the fundamental difference between PCs and Macs is that I can't install OS X on my PC. From what some people say here, it's better than Windows, so I'd like to try it, but I don't want to spend a thousand (or more) dollars to buy a Mac that's >= to my current PC. There's also the upgradability issue.
So yeah, Windows wins by virtue of being cheaper.