I summon ye thread, from yon depths of Page the Second.
So, I finally got around to taking those pics. Though I'm still jealous of you bastards with these flawless pictures of models... it's still hit and miss with my camera as near as I can tell. Anyways, way back yonder when the 4th Edition Marines hit the States I put together a prototype command squad for my new Chapter, the Archon Knights, complete with a captain mounted on a (cyber)horse, and posted a few pics of them in AMP (probably just A&P back then, teehee). For whatever reason I never got around to posting better pics of them and their newer battle-brothers, so at long last here they are.
Command Squad (Left to Right) -- Champion, Apothecary, Sergeant, Captain, Standard Bearer, Plasma Gunner
About 98% painted (not including bases; too lazy). I'm notoriously poor at ever getting anything to 100%, there's always some niggling detail I never get around to dealing with.
As I went into the first time I posted these guys, they're primarily 4th Edition Space Marine Commander and Command Squad pieces, with significant Bretonnian Knights of the Realm additions and some miscellaneous bitz from my bitz binz. (Poorly done) Green Stuff on the legs of the Captain (actually Bretonnian legs) to flare them out to look like power armor.
So then awhile back they came out with the Black Templar supplement stuff. I took one look at all the kits and immediately said "OMG ARCHONS". So naturally I had to build a new and improved prototype for my Chapter, since virtually all future work would make use of the Black Templar kits, as they were exactly what I was looking for in terms of tabards and surcoats, as well as other knightly bitz. The result was a Reclusiam Squad, led by one of the Chaplain models that came out at the same time.
Same as before, except using the Black Templar Command Squad kit and lots of BT bitz. No Green Stuff. 95% painted.
In the same vein, I snatched up a box of Black Templar Sword Brethren, as they were perfect for my Paladins (Veterans). No conversions there. I did, however, make a Knight-Commander (Veteran Sergeant) who was moderately converted and is pictured here as well. Unfortunately, he was brutally crushed in a horrific accident (sent me to the hospital for several days too, but that's immaterial) and was smashed into a billion pieces. He's been reconstructed as well as possible, but you can still see the signs of his grievous injury.
Bretonnian and BT bitz and pieces as before, with the addition of Devastator crouching legs. Some choppy choppy to make it all fit. 90% painted.
So, what's GW good at? Screwing you, of course, and what better way to do it than to release a supplement of the
one other Chapter in existence whose bitz I would need for making my own Chapter. At least if the Dark Angels were never released I wouldn't really know what I was missing, but
nooooooo. So, in my quest to continually obsolete my beautifully-crafted constructions, I made yet another prototype with the new DA stuff and the concurrently released Librarian.
Link 1
Link 2
Dark Angels Command Squad kit. Same bitz, new stuff to play with. 0% painted. Obviously.
Of course, I have Guard I oughtn't neglect. I recently dug up a 3rd Edition Leman Russ kit I've had for years and never built for some reason. With the addition of some choice bitz and some choppy choppy, I created the company command tank for any potential Armored Company deployments.
Side view:
Heavy stubber constructed from Guard Weapons Team autocannon, heavy bolter ammo box, and the pintle storm bolter bitz from the LR kit. Added various other bitz, borrowing spare antennae and smoke dischargers from other vehicle kits. Cadian vox set; Cadian lasgun, ammunition and grenades (not pictured); purity seals, scrolls, etc.; dreadnought sarcophagus cover; Black Templar sword icon (not pictured); Space Marine H/K missile system; Guard Weapons Team missile.
Finally, as part of my Super Happy Fun Time Imperial Guard Critical Rebuild and Comprehensive Overhaul (SHFTIGCRCO), I put together a second sniper rifle-equipped special weapons squad, this one from scratch. I'm rather fond of the little guys... (and I swear by snipers. Be Pinned, fools, be Pinned! Hahaha...)
Constructed from Cadian Guardsmen and Catachan Heavy Weapons Team. Possibly a few miscellaneous bitz, but everything of consequence comes from those two kits.