Comosicus wrote: What we're aiming for is something like an enhanced version of
MonstersGame. There will be no elaborate story line and the elements of exploration will be basic. So we need only something like two-three classes with 4-5 stats per character - and the game formulas for putting everything together.
Sort of like Elite, but on the ground?
For classes I'd go with Warrior, Archer, and Magic-user. Warriors are obviously good at smacking single critters. Archers are for long-range, and are best against lots of enemy units. Magic-users have some spells that can affect the enemy, but their main goal is to benefit your troops. Instead of casting a fireball at the enemy, the mage casts an enhanced offensive spell, making your Warriors and Archers more accurate.
This makes you have three 'groups' of troops. Your Warriors protect the guys in the rear, the archers whittle down enemy forces, while the Mages are pumping up your characters during combat. A similar effect would be had on the enemy. You are fighting cheap Kobolds (or similar wimpy critters) and the enemy mage casts a fireboost spell. Suddenly every single Kobold is doing extra damage due to fire, and you are in trouble. Kill the mage quickly.
For achery, an archer targets a plot of land, rather than a specific enemy. The shot lands within that area, damaging one of the critters present. If you are dealing with a single big critter, it will likely hit the critter. Lots of little critters means that it will hit a random one. A single enemy critter will likely be missed. Higher experience means that the area gets smaller.
For stats, I would go with:
Strength (affects how powerful your attack is)
Speed (how rapidly you can attack accurately)
Stealth (affects initiative)
Strike (affects how accurate you re)
Stamina (how lnog can you keep fighting, reduced by steady combat, and by damage)
You then have Hit Points, which are very easy to damage, and difficult to heal. Loss of Hit Points will cause a steady loss of Stamina, representing you bleeding to death. Hit Points take time to heal. If someone manages to sneak attack, they could possible have a small goblin kill a Lvl 20 hero (this represents that a knife through the heart will kill anyone).
For more information, I would look through here: