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STGOD: DAS: Coalition of Nations
Posted: 2007-06-15 05:17pm
by Thirdfain
"The people and government of the Polish Republic feel strongly that the civilized nations are arriving at a crossroads. Down one path lies war, conflict, and death. Down the other lies peace, justice, and prosperity. In the interests of ordered international relations and peaceful co-existence, the Polish Republic suggests the formation of an international body in which nations can voice their greivences, establish cohrent international law, and ensure the peace of the Void.
To further this goal, the Republic of Poland suggests that the civilized nations form a Coalition, a forum of sorts, where issues of import can be discussed and approached in a democratic fashion. Issues of immediate importance include trade and tariff laws, the growing problem of piracy, and the constant danger of the usage of mass destruction weapons, which have so ravaged our home planet in the past.
At this time, the Polish Republic has heard rumors of a number of nations with which we have no formal diplomatic contact, should any of the contacted nations feel that further powers should be contacted, we invite them to discuss the issue in such a forum."
"President Anton Wiśniowiecki of the Polish Repulic,
Chairman of the Federation Between the Seas."
Posted: 2007-06-15 05:28pm
by Academia Nut
The Straltoc Federation recognizes the diplomatic overtures of the Polish Republic and extends greetings and welcomes in kind. To the other children of Earth, we wish for much discourse upon our mutual point of origin and on the meaning it will hold for all humans and post-humans. To our non-human brothers amongst the stars, we greet you with open arms, psuedopods, and tentacles and wish you return the feeling to us. As our species well knows, origins are not as important as current actions. And in this dark time, with pirates run amok and rumours of encroachment from beyond our galaxy by hostile entities, we shall need much action, and much unity, in the times ahead.
~Supreme Elder God Alraszi Mylis
Posted: 2007-06-15 05:37pm
by rhoenix
To know that our Earthly cousins are alive and well brings us a deep sense of relief, and peace. To know that we aren't the only children of Terra to have explored the depths of space, to know that we have fellows beings of other origins also brings us joy, for variety is the essence of progress and change.
We of the Golden Sky Combine work toward peace and harmony with all races we encounter. To those that would approach us with malice aforethought, we ask you reconsider now. We know all too well the price of dominion, and do not remember it fondly. To all others, we greet you with cautious joy, and our intent of peaceful cooperation.
- Melek Scalinade, High Archon of Elders, Golden Sky Combine
Posted: 2007-06-15 05:56pm
by A-Wing_Slash
The Grand Republic of the Sky Bear will gladly commit itself towards the path of "Peace, Justice, and Prosperity." However, while it will support the formation of an interstellar forum, the Grand Republic must note that the preponderance of humans gives us cause for concern. We can only hope that the whole of humanity agrees with the Straloc Federation's sentiments concerning origins and current actions.
- Yogi, Speaker for the Great Bear in the Sky
Posted: 2007-06-15 06:07pm
by Hawkwings
The United States of America greets all its fellow citizens of the cosmos in good will. In these times of tension and threats to our Nations, we welcome the concept of an international Coalition, and believe that it will bring increased safety and prosperity to all Nations.
The United States of America is prepared to dispatch a diplomatic team to a mutually agreed location to conduct preliminary discussions and greetings. We look forward to starting relations with our neighbors in the Universe.
- President Tiffany Clarke
- Secretary Nathan Talstrand
Posted: 2007-06-15 06:18pm
by Redleader34
The Co-Operative will be willing to send our diplomats to join this Coalition, however, we request a team of our fellow members to join us on a mission of peaceful exploration of the Unknown, as to help calm down the Federation.
Ryand, Supreme Head of the High Council
I also agree with Ryand's Sentiment, This union is boding well for the Earth, and my people
The Uche
Supreme Overlord of Africa Major
Posted: 2007-06-15 06:25pm
by Academia Nut
My people are calm, we are simply... concerned about some of the reports we have recieved from some of our scouts. To what extent would this exploratory fleet be? We have at the moment a colonial fleet out of rotation, but if other members were to offer a larger contribution, we might be able to scrape something more significant together.
~Supreme Elder God Alraszi Mylis
Posted: 2007-06-15 06:31pm
by Redleader34
In one month our Mothership will be completed. The Mothership should help us, and as long as we do not run into any rouges or unknown raiders, two to three nations, combined with my fleet should be able to down most things in known space. This AI was the reason why my people were almost Non Existent. I want to see what does it want, and to see if my memories of the Open Source Wars are worse than the truth.
^The Uche
~Supreme Overlord of Africa Major
Posted: 2007-06-15 06:40pm
by Dahak
The Hegemony of Heavens applauds our fellow Polish nation to bring such invitation on the table. It has always been in the Hegemony's ideals for the galaxy to become a peaceful place for trade and commerce. As such, we would gladly commit our efforts to such a meeting.
-The Daughter of Heavens, Sumeramikoto and Tsar, Aiko Liu Xing
Posted: 2007-06-15 06:45pm
by Darksider
:::::: Imperial city of Krytar, Krytos, command bunker of Emperor Rav'jal of the Krytos Star Empire :::::::
"And you say this message is coming in on all channels?"
"Yes my emperor. These Polish seem to wish to meet with all empires in the galaxy."
"We have citizens taken from this world earth, do we not?"
"Yes my emperor. It was the homeworld of my ancestors."
"send a reply. We will meet this coalition of nations"
From: Diplomatic office of the Krytos Star Empire
To: Republic of Poland
Re: Coalition of Nations
The Star Empire applauds your efforts to open the lines of communication between the nations of the endless void. We will join this coalition.
Posted: 2007-06-15 06:53pm
by Imperial Overlord
"The Logos Centrality concurs with the Polish Republic on this matter and supports this proposal."
-Speaker Nathan Hale, Councilor of the Logos Centrality
Posted: 2007-06-15 07:51pm
by nt01jones
The Stellar Dominion finds that this proposal has the potential to serve Terra's prosperity, as well as foster trade between Nations. We applaud the forsight of the Polish Republic and whole heartedly support this proposal.
-Caretaker Johnathan Travolta Parker
Posted: 2007-06-15 07:54pm
by Stormbringer
The Imperium will consent to send a representative to your delegation. We acknowledge no obligation in doing so. However in the interests of national cooperation and amnity we will consider the matter.
~ The Heiretor
Posted: 2007-06-15 08:17pm
by Thirdfain
The Polish Republic suggests that a headquarters be constructed where negotiations can take place and permanent representatives can meet. Such a single facility would allow easy communications between members in emergencty situations. Considering the central location of Earth and it's importance as a multinational trading hub, the Polish Republic humbly offers five acres of territory in the city of Krakow for the construction of such a meeting-place.
Posted: 2007-06-15 08:26pm
by Cincinnatus
His Majesty King Enshallogem agrees with the Republic of Poland that international cooperation is of utmost importance. In particular, creating an organization that would settle trade disputes so as to encourage the free trade of goods would be beneficial for all civilized races in the galaxy.
However, creating a central location on Earth would create a permanant bias against non-human races that joined this Coalition. As an alternative, His Majesty suggests a more neutral location, perhaps a deep space station somewhere in international space, would be better.
Posted: 2007-06-15 08:27pm
by Redleader34
As to prevent possible diplomatic troubles in case of possible Intra-Earth War, I propose making the Center on a neutral territory, such as the lands of the South Pacific Ocean, or on a Lagrange point.
Posted: 2007-06-15 08:30pm
by rhoenix
We of the Golden Sky Combine recognize the need for a central and permanent locale to meet at in person, though we feel that having that location be on the original Terran homeworld would be inequitable.
Instead, we are willing to donate a hollowed asteroid that can be made habitable for all, and placed in a central, agreed-upon location.
Posted: 2007-06-15 08:35pm
by Thirdfain
Cincinnatus wrote:
However, creating a central location on Earth would create a permanant bias against non-human races that joined this Coalition. As an alternative, His Majesty suggests a more neutral location, perhaps a deep space station somewhere in international space, would be better.
Of course, the concerns of our non-human brothers are of the utmost concern. However, placing such a station in deep space would be an unecessary logistical difficulty; any headquarters should be built at some location with at least a modicum of infrastructure. The Republic can agree with the Uche's suggestion that the station be placed somewhere neutral. However, at this time, we must continue to suggest Earth as the best place. After all, why would the precise physical location of the facility affect the voting decisions of the Coalition's members?
Posted: 2007-06-15 08:38pm
by nt01jones
Thirdfain wrote:The Polish Republic suggests that a headquarters be constructed where negotiations can take place and permanent representatives can meet. Such a single facility would allow easy communications between members in emergencty situations. Considering the central location of Earth and it's importance as a multinational trading hub, the Polish Republic humbly offers five acres of territory in the city of Krakow for the construction of such a meeting-place.
The Stellar Dominion agrees with The Polish Republic on stationing the headquarters on Earth. However, we object to it being stationed in their territory, and recommend Sri'lanka as a more neutral location for the headquarters.
If the other nations overwhelming object to Earth being the location for some unknown reasons, We would have no objection to a Space Station in Deep space within reasonable distance of all the Nations. It would be best for any such station not be constructed by any one nation.
Posted: 2007-06-15 08:47pm
by Thirdfain
The Polish Republic instead suggests Bern in the Swiss Confederation. The Confederation is a neutral small nation with no interstellar power of any note.
Once again, the Republic asks how placing the headquarters on Earth will in any way effect the delegates.
Posted: 2007-06-15 08:55pm
by rhoenix
It is the opinion of this representative of this future august body of sentient beings that placing the headquarters on a planet that is contested by more than two powers would be counterproductive.
With this in mind, the Golden Sky Combine politely suggests a faction-neutral locale.
Posted: 2007-06-15 09:11pm
by Hawkwings
OOC: I'm going to be away for a few days. If it comes to a vote, the USA will vote for an Earth-based or Sol-system meeting location.
Posted: 2007-06-15 09:17pm
by nt01jones
Thirdfain wrote:The Polish Republic instead suggests Bern in the Swiss Confederation. The Confederation is a neutral small nation with no interstellar power of any note.
Once again, the Republic asks how placing the headquarters on Earth will in any way effect the delegates.
We have no objection to the Swiss Confederation hosting the Headquarters.
We can understand the apprehension of the extra-terrestrial powers to the location being deep in another's territory. While the Stellar Dominion finds conflict on Terra as a detestable thing in it's potential to damage the world thus the location would be safe from interference from us. The possibility that other terrestrial nations may not hold a similar conviction may provide a reason for hesitation for other powers.
However we propose that it be held on earth as a temperary location till the construction of a more suitable enviroment, for a headquarters. This could be used to provide extra motivation towards construction of a more neutral location.
Posted: 2007-06-15 09:18pm
by InnocentBystander
Communique - Office of the Emperor-Elect
Prosperity has always been the goal of the NIS, Portugal welcomes any attempt to curb interstellar piracy. When merchants cannot travel the stars safely all are effected.
Posted: 2007-06-15 09:55pm
by Redleader34
The Co-Electivene DEW Network has scanned some unusually quiet ships and We have heard rumors of some sort of a "King of the Pirates". We would be delighted in forming a second fleet group to help prevent Piracy.
^The Uche
~Supreme Overlord of Africa Major