STGOD 2k7 Powers Quick Reference
Active Players
Academia Nut - Straltoc Federation
Acidburns - The Nephilim
Adrian Laguna - Reino de Filipo II Hasburgo
Agent Fisher - Republic of America
A-Wing_Slash - Grand Republic of the Sky Bear
Beowulf - The Kitaka
Bugsby - The Oberin Imperiate
Cincinnatus - Kingdom of Isdenestilom
Consequences - Them
Covenant - Cretacean Confederacy
Crossroads - The Union of Inter Stellar Civilizations
Dahak - Hegemony of Heavens
Darkevilme - The Chamara Kingdom
Dark Hellion - Heralds of Xylyx
Hawkwings - United States of America
Imperial Overlord - The Logos Centrality
InnocentBystander - Estado Imperial Novo de Portugal (The New Imperial State of Portugal)
Nephtys - Sentient Terranic Machine Custodian
Noble Ire - Brimafel Preeminence (First Expansionary Armada)
nt01jones - Stellar Dominion
RedLeader34 - The Co-operative Trans Genetic Alliance
Rhoenix - Golden Sky Combine
R.O.A - The Confederate States of Kietal
Shinn Langley Soryu - Congress of Colonial Settlements
SirNitram - The Wanderers
Spyder - The Starborn
Starglider - The Kiroter'nah Overflock
Stormbringer - Nathais Stellar Imperium
Tanasinn - The Glorious Khurlassian Republic
Thirdfain - Polish Republic
WhiteHaven - The League of Thought
HSRTG - Nianan Theocracy (withdrew in turn 1)
Tasoth - The Vak Infocracy (withdrew in turn 1)
GuppyShark - Android Colony (withdrew in turn 1)
MRDOD - The German Empire (withdrew in turn 1)
Rawtooth - Ahn'Qiraj, the Empire of the Sun (withdrew in turn 1)
Darksider - Krytos Star Empire (withdrew in turn 1)
UCBooties - Pirate Fleet of Bootswellington (withdrew in turn 1)
brianeyci - The Reskye (withdrew in turn 1)
Reserve Powers
WhiteHaven (2) - Software Patent Enforcement Intellect (in reserve)
North Galactic Treaty Organisation - mutual defence pact
* The Chamara Kingdom (founder)
* The Co-operative Trans Genetic Alliance (founder)
* The Golden Sky Combine (1st addition)
* The Grand Republic of the Sky Bear (founder)
* The Kiroter'nah Overflock (founder)
* The Nephilim (founder)
* The Union of Inter Stellar Civilizations (founder)
Coalition of Nations - enforcers of 'galactic peace and prosperity'
* The Congress of Colonial Settlements
* The Co-operative Trans Genetic Alliance
* The Glorious Khurlassian Republic
* The Hegemony of Heavens
* The Heralds of Xylyx
* The Kingdom of Isdenestilom
* The Kitaka
* The Logos Centrality
* The New Imperial State of Portugal
* The Polish Republic
* The Starborn
* The United States of America
Solar International Transit Authority - defensive tracking/interception
* The Co-operative Trans Genetic Alliance
* Hegemony of Heavens
* The Logos Centrality
* The New Imperial State of Portugal
* The Polish Republic
* The Stellar Dominion
* The United States of America
In its own thread for convenient bookmarking.
I'm attempting to keep this up to date with OOB changes; once the game starts I'll make a static copy and continue to update it to reflect losses and construction.
Recommendations courtesy of Microsoft® Patent Enforcement Intellect® Strategy Agent® Technology® - 'It looks like you're trying to invade and genocide an alien race. Would you like some help with that?'
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>>> Academia Nut : Straltoc Federation <<<
cybernetic protoplasmic reality-warping blobs from beyond
Upgrades : +10 internal security
+30 ground combat
Planets : 1 x 50 pt : Crumlmathi (CAPITAL),
9 x 10 pt : Erbax, Midar, Miilnaa, Nidar, Ortja,
Sordiz, Ultoc, Xorcantha, Zidar
Ships : 79 x FF 1 combat + 1 speed 'Sibas'
53 x DD 4 combat 'Glux'
18 x DDE 2 combat + 4 EW 'Aquiej'
18 x CL 8 combat + 2 speed 'Helzi'
22 x CA 10 combat 'Lurdoc'
10 x BC 18 combat + 2 speed 'Xelguth'
5 x DN 30 combat 'Mralki'
2 x BB 45 combat + 1 EW 'Halcornath'
(79 x 2) + (53 x 4) + (18 x 6) + (18 x 10) + (22 x 10) + (10 x 20) + (5 x 30) +
(2 x 46) = 1320 pts fleet + 140 pts worlds + 40 pts upgrades = 1500 pts
RECOMMENDATIONS : * EW is relatively weak, try cloaked attacks.
* Priority interception to avoid ground combat.
* Relatively few heavy units, pick off individual
destroyers if possible.
* Issue proton packs for infanty engagements.
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>>> Acidburns : The Nephilim <<<
eganite disembodied ais plus space elves
Upgrades : +35 hacking (intelligence gathering)
+7 internal security (inhospitable environment)
Planets : 1 x 60 pt : Polis (CAPITAL)
1 x 30 pt : Messina
2 x 20 pt : Atudoa, Oraphim
1 x 10 pt : Sata 1
2 x 0 pt : Far Point, Ruin
Ships : 20 x FF 1 combat 'Opaphim DD'
3 x DDS 2 combat + 1 cloak + 1 sensors 'Observator'
10 x DD 3 combat 'Opaphim CA'
20 x DDE 3 combat + 2 speed + 2 EW 'Kite'
20 x DDG 4 combat - 1 slow 'Firebase'
4 x DL 5 combat 'Opaphim BB'
4 x CAI 10 combat + 2 speed + 3 interdict + 5 EW 'Anchor'
20 x CC 15 combat + 3 speed + 5 range 'Longbow'
8 x BC 20 combat - 3 slow 'Fortress'
4 x BB 50 combat + 5 speed + 5 range 'Reach'
2 x BBX 60 combat + 5 anti-fighter - 5 speed 'Juggernaut'
(20 x 1) + (3 x 4) + (10 x 3) + (20 x 7) + (20 x 3) + (4 x 5) + (4 x 20) +
(20 x 23) + (8 x 17) + (4 x 60) + (2 x 60)
= 1318 pts fleet + 140 pts worlds + 42 pts upgrades = 1500 pts
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>>> Adrian Laguna : Reino de Filipo II Hasburgo <<<
Upgrades : (none)
Planets : (under construction)
Ships : 21 x 2 FF combat + 1 speed '6th Class Ship'
38 x 9 CA combat 'Reyes Catolicos'
8 x 10 CA combat '5th Class Ship'
8 x 17 CC combat '4th Class Ship'
1 x 24 BC combat 'Pontifex Maximus'
16 x 27 BC combat 'Castilla'
4 x 30 DN combat 'Vienna'
2 x 34 DN combat '2nd Class Ship'
3 x 30 BBZ combat + 15 anti-capship 'Santisima Trinidad'
2 x 40 BB combat + 10 anti-capship 'Imperator des die HRR'
(21 x 3) + (38 x 9) + (8 x 10) + (8 x 17) + (1 x 24) + (16 x 27) +
(4 x 30) + (2 x 34) + (3 x 45) + (2 x 50)
= 1500 pts fleet = 1500 pts
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>>> Agent Fisher : Republic of America <<<
Upgrades : ???
Planets : New California (CAPITAL)
Earth (SHARED)
New Arizona, New Oregon
Ships : ???
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>>> A-Wing-Slash : Grand Republic of the Sky Bear <<<
fundamentalist gummi bears
Upgrades : +10 ground combat (gummi berri juice)
Planets : 1 x 12 pt : Svalbard (CAPITAL)
1 x 6 pt : Kalevala
1 x 0 pt : Jellystone
Ships : 80 x FF 2 combat 'Bruin'
8 x CLI 0 combat + 4 EW + 4 interdict 'Kermode'
32 x CA 12 combat (close in) 'Nanug'
32 x CAZ 12 combat (long range) 'Grizzly'
16 x DN 30 combat 'Kodiak'
(80 x 2) + (8 x 8) + (32 x 12) + (32 x 12) + (16 x 30)
= 1472 pts fleet + 18 pts worlds + 10 pts upgrades = 1500 pts
RECOMMENDATIONS : * Lacks really heavy units, try to catch smaller
fleets alone and smash them with BBs.
* Very few planets leaves civilisation vulnerable
to one swift stroke wiping them out (ideally
while fleets are away attempting invasion).
* Try using long range hyperwave casters and/or
mind control lasers to impersonate the sky bear.
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>>> Beowulf : The Kitaka <<<
fanatical religious technomages
Upgrades : +15 secure communications (advanced computers)
+15 strategic sensor arrays
+15 comms interception / sigint
+17 ground forces (anti-magic special forces)
+10 improved damage control (magical repair)
+10 internal security
Planets : 1 x 50 pt : Okitaka (CAPITAL)
4 x 25 pt : Obi, Oco, Oha, Oishi
Ships : 80 x FFG 1 combat + 1 point defence 'Ace'
32 x DDS 2.5 combat + 1.5 anti-capship + 2 cloak 'Asura'
16 x CC 14 combat + 1 interdict + 1 speed 'Kuro'
12 x BB 26 combat + 18 anti-capship +
1 interdict + 10 EW 'Kusari'
(80 x 2) + (32 x 6) + (16 x 16) + (12 x 55)
= 1268 pts fleet + 150 pts worlds + 82 pts upgrades = 1500 pts
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>>> brianeyci : The Reskye <<<
mind-controlling space slugs (currently infesting gorillas)
Upgrades : +250 spy network (!) (goa'uld style)
+100 internal security
Planets : 1 x 100 pt : unspecified homeworld (CAPITAL)
Ships : 7 x BB 50 combat 'archangel'
350 pts fleet + 100 pts worlds + 350 pts upgrades = 800 pts
RECOMMENDATIONS : * If infiltration suspected, pool resources
to locate and destroy, counterintelligence
is essentially futile against this power.
* Try and pick off fleet if detected, should
not be too difficult.
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>>> Bugsby : The Oberin Imperiate <<<
no-makeup-budget schemeing alien imperialists
Upgrades : +150 spy network (!) (Drasnian intelligence servie)
+100 internal security
Planets : 1 x 40 pt : Oberin (CAPITAL)
5 x 20 pt : unspecified planets
Ships : 90 x FF 1 combat 'Mortis'
40 x DD 4 combat 'Pax'
20 x CL 8 combat 'Mater'
20 x CVL 10 combat 'Lux'
10 x CA 15 combat 'Requiem'
8 x BC 25 combat 'Memoriam'
3 x BB 50 combat 'Aeterna'
(90 x 1) + (40 x 4) + (20 x 8) + (20 x 10) + (10 x 15) + (8 x 25) +
(3 x 50) = 1110 pts fleet + 140 pts worlds + 250 pts upgrades = 1500 pts
RECOMMENDATIONS : * Relatively weak fleet but killer intelligence
service. If targetted by sabotage/infiltration,
smash with massive space forces.
* No EW capability, vulnerable to cloaked raids on
shipping and facilities.
* Relatively few heavy fleet units, isolate and
destroy them.
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>>> Cincinnatus : Kingdom of Isdenestilom <<<
space dwarves
Upgrades : +10 merchant fleet (production bonus presumably)
Planets : 1 x 25 pt : Isdenestilom (CAPITAL)
5 x 15 pt : Akrulingtak, Kizetgusal, Mamgozkadol
Metuldodok, Rurastnomal
? x 0 pt : 'many more minor colonies'
Ships : 40 x CA 10 combat 'Kadolmorul'
18 x DN 30 combat 'Abalerith'
9 x BB 50 combat 'Koganusan'
(40 x 10) + (18 x 30) + (9 x 50)
= 1390 pts fleet + 100 pts worlds + 10 pts upgrades = 1500 pts
RECOMMENDATIONS : * Raids on merchant fleet are a must, no EW
capability so use cloaks.
* No small ships, if possible split forces many
ways, use speed and flanking attacks to get
inside BB weapons range.
* Distract with shiny things and/or alcohol. May
accept worthless asteroids as valuable mining
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>>> consequences : Them <<<
john carpenter things ^ the flood
Upgrades : +100 ground combat (endless human wave attacks)
+40 enhanced pacification
+30 internal security
+20 communications security
Planets : 2 x 10 pt : Lost Burgundy (CAPITAL, kinda), Fallen Sssithissiillith
? x 0 pt : assumed various minor colonies
Ships : 40 x DD 2 combat 'Foulness'
9 x CLE 4 combat + 2 interdict + 4 EW 'Insidious'
60 x CA 10 combat + 1 interdict + 1 EW 'Demon'
9 x CCG 16 combat + 4 EW 'Devourer'
6 x DN 30 combat 'Defiler'
(40 x 2) + (5 x 10) + (60 x 12) + (9 x 20) + (6 x 30)
= 1210 pts fleet + 100 pts worlds + 190 pts upgrades = 1500 pts
RECOMMENDATIONS : * Cloak risky due to decent EW.
* Intelligence ops essentially impossible,
ground combat very difficult.
* Smash their fleet and burn their worlds from
space, before they can spread further.
* Strong TP races might try some sort of jamming.
Maybe someone will sink production points into
developing a 'cure' to reclaim planets. Joint
R&D project perhaps?
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>>> Covenant : Cretacean Confederacy <<<
sentient dinosaurs in F-14s
Upgrades : +100 ground combat (personal shields /and/ dinosaurs in powersuits)
Planets : 1 x 0pt : Sanctuary (CAPITAL)
10 x 0pt : Ceno, Cret, Dogger, Juris, Lias,
Malm, Meso, Permia, Trias, Zoic
6 x 0pt : 'minor outposts'
Ships : 100 x FF 1 combat + 1 anti-capital 'Tyrannosaur'
25 x DDE 0 combat + 3 EW + 2 fast 'Aurora'
20 x LPD 2 combat + 3 anti-capital 'Meteor'
40 x CG 8 combat + 2 PD 'Sandstorm'
5 x CC 15 combat 'Crater'
4 x BCI 15 combat + 5 PD + 5 FTL interdict 'Cydonia'
6 x BBZ 20 combat + 30 anti-capital 'Tharsis'
1 x IXX 0 combat + 100 planet killer 'Vulcanic Torpedo'
(100 x 2) + (25 x 5) + (20 x 5) + (40 x 10) + (5 x 15) + (4 x 25) +
(6 x 50) + (1 x 100) = 1400 pts fleet + 100 pts upgrades = 1500 pts
RECOMMENDATIONS : * Very heavy anti-capship bias, engage with
swarms of frigates and destroyers to exploit
relative weakness against smaller ships. In
particular, take down battleships with FF/DD
* DDEs give relatively strong EW, don't bother
with cloaked ships and bring plenty of friendly
EW bias.
* No planet defences, lots of colonies, so as usual
try to draw off the fleet then pick off the
* Keep a close eye on that planet-killer.
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>>> Crossroads Inc : Union of Inter Stellar Civilizations <<<
interstellar furry convention
Upgrades : +30 internal security
+25 improved damage control
+10 ground combat
Planets : 5 x 5 pt : Quatonia (CAPITAL)
Conerza, Galacticus, Octona, Tajlan,
4 x 0 pt : Jahlin, Trathala, Zenar Major, Zenar Minor
Ships : 114 x DD 5 combat 'Durendal'
42 x CA 10 combat 'Winebego'
11 x BC 20 combat 'Tuckra'
5 x BB 40 combat 'Edselon'
(114 x 5) + (42 x 10) + (11 x 20) + (5 x 40)
= 1410 pts fleet + 25 pts worlds + 65 pts upgrades = 1500 pts
RECOMMENDATIONS : * Few heavy battleships, try to ambush small
units of CAs and DDs with heavy units to
anhiliate them with little damage.
* No EW, cloaking should work well.
* Be sure to finnish off ships to prevent
crippled ships using the repair advantage to
get back into the fight.
* Token planetary defences, try to draw off
fleets then strike industry.
* Exploit internal divisions? Spec ops task?
Complicated by internal security.
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>>> Dahak : Hegemony of Heavens <<<
neo-celestial bureaucracy
Upgrades : +30 internal security
+30 fast FTL comms
+10 hardened computer systems
Planets : 1 x 0 pt : Earth (CAPITAL, shared)
1 x 50 pt : Jupiter & Moons
6 x 0 pt : Nuwa, Pa-cha, Shangdi, Shina-Tsu-Hiko,
Tau Ceti Center, Waltzing Matilda
50 x 0 pt : unspecified small colonies
Ships : 80 x FF 1 combat 'Kobe'
12 x FFS 1 combat + 1 cloak 'C1'
20 x FFE 1 combat + 1 EW 'Canberra'
10 x DD 2 combat + 2 anti-fighter 'Z6'
8 x CL 8 combat 'Yugumo'
3 x CLI 7 combat + 3 FTL interdict 'Han'
20 x CVL 10 combat + 2 anti-fighter 'Jintsu'
8 x CA 10 combat + 4 anti-capship 'Natori'
8 x DN 30 combat 'Kongo'
6 x DN 30 combat + 5 speed 'Kongo-II'
6 x BB 40 combat + 10 anti-capship 'Yamato'
(50 x 6) + (35 x 6) + (30 x 8) + (8 x 14) + (20 x 12) + (4 x 10) +
(8 x 8) + (10 x 4) + (20 x 2) + (12 x 2) + (80 x 1)
= 1430 pts fleet + 50 pts worlds + 70 pts upgrades = 1500 pts
RECOMMENDATIONS : * 50 minor colonies? Can't defend them all at once.
* Limited intermediate sized units, may be able to
wear down offences with medium-sized raid if main
fleets are distracted.
* Broadcast 'Xing is a cheap whore' etc on all comm
channels to disrupt tactical equilibrium.
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>>> Darkevilme : Chamara Kingdom <<<
catgirl matriarchy
Upgrades : +100 psi-corps (internal & external intelligence)
+16 ground combat (aerobics classes)
Planets : 2 x 40pt : Jewel of Marass (CAPITAL), New Marass
1 x 20pt : Mourning World
1 x 0pt : Morn's Domain
Ships : 40 x PC 1 combat 'Valka mk33'
10 x DD 2 combat + 2 EW 'Seeker'
55 x CL 8 combat 'Hunter'
19 x BC 26 combat 'Destroyer'
3 x BB 10 combat + 30 anti-capship 'Farblade'
3 x BB 50 combat 'Shikon'
(40 x 1) + (10 x 4) + (55 x 8) + (19 x 26) + (3 x 40) + (3 x 50)
= 1284 pts fleet + 100 pts worlds + 110 pts upgrades = 1494 pts
RECOMMENDATIONS : * Construct giant balls of space yarn to distract
fighters. Research catnip-based chemical weapons
for planetary pacification.
* Try to avoid shouting 'Kawaii!!' at
diplomatic functions.
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>>> Dark Hellion : Heralds of Xylyx <<<
expansionist industrialist megalomanical AIs
Upgrades : +100 ground combat (legions of Skynet)
+50 comms interception / SIGINT
+50 internal security (firewalls by Cisco (tm) )
+50 industrial base (damn the environment)
+30 damage control (redundant systems / 'They'll be back')
Planets : 1 x 50 pt : Primary System, Planet 1 (CAPIAL)
4 x 25 pt : Primary System, Planets 2 and 3
Secondary Systems 1 and 2
5 x 0 pt : (colonies 1 through 5)
Ships : 25 x PC 0 combat + 1 EW 'Fleet Defense Vessel'
30 x FF 2 combat 'Destroyer'
30 x LPS 0 combat + 1 cloak + 1 marines 'Heavy Landing Craft'
20 x DD 4 combat 'Defender'
10 x DL 5 combat 'Heavy Destroyer'
18 x CA 9 combat + 3 EW 'Picket'
5 x DN 30 combat + 10 fast 'Fast-Attack Battleship'
5 x BBX 60 combat + 5 fast
+ 5 EW + 5 repair 'Superdreadnaught'
(25 x 1) + (30 x 2) + (30 x 2) + (20 x 4) + (10 x 5) +
(18 x 12) + (5 x 40) + (5 x 75)
= 1066 pts fleet + 150 pts worlds + 280 pts upgrades = 1496 pts
RECOMMENDATIONS : * Avoid ground invasions if at all possible, fleet
is relatively weak, destroy in space.
* Take out this power early to prevent industrial
advantage becoming overpowering.
* Pursue and destroy units (or deploy interdiction
assets) to prevent them self-repairing.
* Watch out for marine raids tring to capture ships,
and special ops by cloaked ships.
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>>> Darksider : Krytos Star Empire <<<
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>>> GuppyShark : Android Colony <<<
robotic survivalists
Planets : 1 x 0 pt : Zapf Prime (CAPITAL)
7 x 0 pt : (industrial colonies)
Ships : 250 x FE 1 combat + 1 EW 'Purpose'
125 x DD 2 combat + 1 EW + 1 anti-cap 'Survivor'
25 x CC 15 combat + 5 speed 'Aggressive Deterrence'
(250 x 2) + (125 x 4) + (25 x 20) = 1500 pts
RECOMMENDATIONS : * Dispersed fleet; ambush chunks with BBs to destroy
with few losses (deploy anti-fighter assets if
available), but watch out for pervasive raiding.
* Destroy weakly defended colonies to infuriate
industry-obessed AI.
* Locate human 'John Connor' to lead ground invasions.
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>>> Hawkwings : United States of America <<<
exporting freedom with nukes, phasers and a cheerful smile
Upgrades : +16 special forces
+20 mobile spacedocks (build + repair)
+10 'enhanced morale' (resist occupation?)
Planets : 1 x 30 pt : Earth (CAPITAL, shared)
4 x 10 pt : (major colonies)
12 x 2 pt : (minor colonies)
Ships : 80 x FF 2 combat 'Ontario'
10 x LPD 1 combat + 1 assault troops 'Baja'
24 x CA 10 combat 'Appalachian'
8 x CAE 2 combat + 8 EW 'Raven'
8 x CAZ 2 combat + 8 anti-capship 'Little Boy'
12 x CC 15 combat 'Mckinley'
5 x BC 5 combat + 15 point defence 'Florida'
10 x DNZ 20 combat + 10 anti-capship 'Vermont'
5 x BB 40 combat 'Franklin Roosevelt'
(80 x 2) + (10 x 2) + (8 x 10) + (24 x 10) + (12 x 15) +
(8 x 10) + (10 x 30) + (5 x 20) + (5 x 40)
= 1360 pts fleet + 94 pts worlds + 46 pts upgrades = 1500 pts
RECOMMENDATIONS : * Infiltrate with commie propaganda.
* Failing that, stir up McCarthy-style witch hunts.
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>>> HSRTG : Nianan Theocracy <<<
beaked tentacled snake zealots
Upgrades : +50 internal security
-10 ground combat
Planets : 8 x 0 pt : Nagara (CAPITAL)
Briga, Jigra, Klan, Kokor,
Lictur, Mookta, Togourn
Ships : 46 x DD 3 combat + 1 EW + 1 speed 'Righteous Wrath'
34 x CL 6 combat + 4 anti-fighter 'Bane of Nan'
13 x BB 45 combat + 5 interdiction 'Hand of Fury'
3 x BBX 60 combat + 10 anti-capship + 10 EW 'Holy Vengeance'
(49 x 5) + (34 x 10) + (13 x 50) + (3 x 80)
= 1460 pts fleet + 40 pts upgrades = 1500 pts
RECOMMENDATIONS : * No planetary defences. Strike while distracted
elsewhere, raid industrial capability.
* Ground combat weakness may mean smaller strike
forces still have a chance of taking planets.
* Taunt about incoherent dogma over comm channels
to encourage tactical mistakes.
FATE : Withdrew in turn 1.
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>>> Imperial Overlord : The Logos Centrality <<<
technomage illuminati
Upgrades : +30 ground combat (war robots & cyborgs)
+10 long range sensors (fleet tracking)
+10 merchant fleet (production/repair?)
+10 internal security (employ the mind probe!)
+10 spy network (mind control lasers)
Planets : 1 x 40 pt : Mars (CAPITAL)
2 x 20 pt : Cochrane, Drominus
2 x 10 pt : Greenfields, Sol Asteroid Belt
1 x 0 pt : Kadira
Ships : 101 x FF 2 combat 'Talon'
15 x DDE 2 combat + 2 interdict + 2 EW 'Huntress'
34 x CA 13 combat 'Manticore'
12 x CCG 16 combat 'Archer'
8 x BCG 22 combat + 3 EW + 3 anticapital 'Cataphract'
3 x BB 55 combat + 5 EW 'Black Ark'
(101 x 2) + (15 x 6) + (34 x 13) + (12 x 16) + (8 x 28) +
(3 x 60) = 1330 pts fleet + 90 pts worlds + 80 pts upgrades = 1500 pts
RECOMMENDATIONS : (none at this time)
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>>> InnocentBystander : The New Imperial State of Portugal <<<
space conquistadors
Upgrades : +70 intelligence agency (split external/internal?)
+40 ground combat
Planets : 1 x 50 pt : Earth (CAPITAL, shared)
9 x 0 pt : Albaque III, Filipe’s Rest, La Seo, Leon VII,
Leon IV, Port Henry, (3 unspecified)
50 x 0pt : '50 minor outposts'
Ships : 70 x PC 1 combat 'Faxia'
100 x FF 1 combat + 1 point defence 'Dourado Levantou-Se'
50 x DD 2 combat + 1 EW + 1 anti-cap 'Maria'
5 x CLI 6 combat + 4 FTL interdict 'Voo Parada'
7 x CA 8 combat + 2 FTL interdict 'Tuledo’
20 x CCZ 10 combat + 5 anti-cap 'Espada Afiada'
10 x BBZ 35 combat + 10 anti-cap ‘Incursor’
(70 x 1) + (100 x 2) + (50 x 4) + (5 x 10) + (7 x 10) + (20 x 15) +
(10 x 45) = 1340 pts fleet + 50 pts worlds + 110 pts upgrades = 1500 pts
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>>> MRDOD : The German Empire <<<
cyber fourth reich
Upgrades : +30 Espionage (spy networks, particularly on Earth)
+20 Ground Combat ('Prussia. Enough said.')
+4 Internal Security
Planets : 1 x 20 pt : New Prussia (CAPITAL)
1 x 15 pt : Unmöglich
5 x 5 pt : Aachen, Bayern, Elbe, Hamburg, Münich
7 x 0 pt : Anhalt, Brandenburg, Bremen, Magdeburg,
Raumschiff, Stettin, Unser-Bestimmungsort
Ships : 45 x FF 1 combat 'Graf'
70 x FF 2 combat 'Brandenburg'&'Geist-klasse'
30 x FF 3 combat 'Morgenstern'&'Jäger'
30 x DD 4.5 combat 'Oberherr'
18 x DDC 4 combat 'Nietzsche'
5 x DDE 1 combat + 4 EW 'Lothar'
15 x CL 5 combat + 2 speed 'Sensenmann'
20 x DL 6 combat 'Prinz Hans Friedrich'
30 x CL 8 combat 'Deutschland'
8 x CVE 9 combat 'Bayern'
8 x CVL 12 combat 'Engel’
6 x BC 20 combat ‘Kaiser Franz II’
(45 x 1) + (70 x 2) + (30 x 3) + (30 x 4.5) + (18 x 4) + (5 x 5) +
(15 x 7) + (20 x 6) + (30 x 8) + (8 x 9) + (8 x 12) + (6 x 20)
= 1386 pts fleet + 60 pts worlds + 54 upgrades = 1500 pts
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>>> Nephtys : Sentient Terranic Machine Custodian <<<
mechanical space bug swarm
Planets : unspecified number of undefended 'mass extractors'
Ships : 100 x 2 pt FF-equivalent swarm
38 x 10 pt CA-equivalent swarm
16 x 20 pt BC-equivalent swarm
10 x 50 pt BB-equivalent swarm
1 x 100 pt TN-equivalent swarm
(100 x 2) + (38 x 10) + (16 x 20) + (10 x 50) + (1 x 100) = 1500 pts
RECOMMENDATIONS : * Giant fly swatters; investigate modifying warp
nacelles into huge bug zappers.
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>>> Noble Ire : Brimafel Preeminence (First Expansionary Armada) <<<
extragalactic atheist crusaders
Upgrades : +25 spy probes
+20 secure comms
+15 ground combat
+30 planetary jammers (defence and occupation x 3)
+2 anti-magic special ops troops
Planets : 1 x 45 pt : Berylost
3 x 15 pt : Redoubt I, Redoubt II, Redoubt III
13 x 0 pt : Stratum I, Stratum II, Stratum III
Ramparts I to X
Ships : 14 x FF 1 combat 'Leukophil'
10 x LPS 2 combat + 5 occupation 'Dendrite'
10 x DD 3 combat 'Basophil'
5 x CG 10 combat + 10 point defence 'Esinophil'
8 x BC 18 combat 'Lymphocyte'
5 x LPD 16 points + 10 occupation 'Phage'
8 x CVL 22 combat ‘Ossea’
9 x DNG 30 combat 'Neutrophil’
6 x CV 40 combat + 10 anti-interdict 'Marrow'
1 x BBX 66 combat + 10 anti-interdict
+ 10 p.d. - 2 slow 'E.C.S.P.'
(14 x 1) + (10 x 7) + (10 x 3) + (5 x 20) + (8 x 18) + (5 x 26) +
(8 x 22) + (9 x 30) + (6 x 50) + (1 x 84)
= 1318 pts fleet + 90 pts worlds + 92 pts upgrades = 1500 pts
RECOMMENDATIONS : * Fleet is high quality but small, swamp
with numbers where possible.
* Transports are high points investment but
weak in combat, kill them if separated from
main fleet.
* Avoid ground combat if at all possible.
* Pick off weak colonies to bring down
production before cracking main colony.
* Try to draw fleet away from ECSP then take
it down with a hammer below.
* Bring some televangelists along to infuriate
enemy and prevent them retreating.
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>>> nt01jones : Stellar Dominion <<<
turks + birds + demon spiders
Upgrades : +41 internal security
+20 strong economy (production bonus?)
Planets : 1 x 30 pt : Earth (CAPITAL, shared)
6 x 10 pt : Monroe, New Damascus, Tyberia,
Tyer'sansa, Venictia, Zimbora
3 x 0 pt : AG3285, Azori, Isp'mtag
16 x 0pt : 'early warning and supply bases'
Ships : 15 x PC 1 combat
40 x FF 2 combat
25 x FFG 1 combat + 1 point-defence
20 x FFE 1 combat + 1 EW
14 x CL 8 combat
5 x CAI 5 combat + 5 FTL interdict
5 x CG 5 combat + 5 anti-fighter
30 x CA 10 combat
16 x CC 12 combat
10 x DN 30 combat
3 x BB 50 combat
(15 x 1) + (40 x 2) + (25 x 2) + (20 x 2) + (14 x 8) + (5 x 10) +
(5 x 10) + (30 x 10) + (16 x 12) + (10 x 30) + (3 x 50)
= 1339 pts fleet + 90 pts worlds + 71 pts upgrades = 1500 pts
RECOMMENDATIONS : (none at this time)
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>>> Rawtooth : Ahn'Qiraj, The Empire of the Sun <<<
psychic slaver insectoids
Upgrades : +100 internal security
+100 spies / intelligence service
+50 realtime FTL comms
Planets : 2 x 100 pt : Vek’lor (CAPITAL), Vek’nilash
10 x 0 pt : Sartura, Skeram, Skyriss
'Sentinel Worlds' (7)
Ships : 35 x DD 5 combat 'Scarab'
18 x CA 15 combat 'Beetle'
10 x CG 5 combat + 10 PD 'Thorned Beetle'
3 x DNE 10 combat + 25 EW 'Gossamer Beetle'
6 x DN 35 combat 'Rhino Beetle’
2 x BB 45 combat 'King Beetle'
1 x BB 50 combat 'Hydra Beetle'
(35 x 5) + (18 x 15) + (10 x 15) + (3 x 35) + (6 x 35) + (2 x 45) +
(1 x 50) = 1120 pts fleet + 200 pts worlds + 250 pts upgrades = 1500 pts
RECOMMENDATIONS : * Homeworlds will be very tough nut to crack.
Strip minor colonies first to reduce production.
* Concentrated EW assets; try cloaking raids.
* Watch out for spying-based retaliation.
* Research planetary scale bug spray weapons.
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>>> Redleader34 : The Co-Operative Trans Genetic Alliance <<<
transhumanist melting pot / 'otherkin' collective
Upgrades : +30 ground combat
+20 strategic sensors
+10 internal security
Planets : 2 x 70 pt : Earth (CAPITAL, shared)
3 x 40 pt : Neos Prime, Neos 2, Neos 3
Ships : 8 x DD 4 combat 'Wolf'
10 x LPS 5 combat 'Bat'
8 x DL 6 combat 'Hug'
9 x CLE 5 combat + 5 speed + 5 EW 'Harmony Sphere'
5 x CA 10 combat 'Otherkun'
10 x LPD 10 combat 'Inu'
7 x BC 20 combat + 10 speed 'Rowrbrazzle'
5 x BB 40 combat 'Vootie'
2 x BBX 50 combat + 10 speed 'YARF'
1 x TN 70 combat + 25 repair + 10 troops
+ 10 speed 'Plushy'
3 x SB 40 combat + 20 EW - 20 very slow (defence platform)
(8 x 4) + (10 x 5) + (8 x 6) + (9 x 15) + (5 x 10) +
(10 x 10) + (7 x 30) + (5 x 40) + (2 x 60) + (1 x 115) + (3 x 40)
= 1180 pts fleet + 260 pts worlds + 60 pts upgrades = 1500 pts
RECOMMENDATIONS : * Extremely strong defences, try to break or distract
fleet before attacking homeworlds.
* Super-battleships are priority targets.
* Distract by broadcasting furry fetish porn on all
channels during combat.
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>>> Rhoenix : Golden Sky Combine <<<
lanky technocratic socialist supermen
Upgrades : +150 ground combat (powered armour + psionics)
+25 spy network
+25 points internal security
Planets : 1 x 40 pt : Prometheus (CAPITAL)
3 x 20 pt : Autochthon, Gaia, Jotunheim
2 x 0 pt : Atlantis, Gimleheim
Ships : 23 x CL 1 combat + 5 cloak + 4 marines 'Hel'
14 x BCE 10 combat + 2 EW + 3 speed 'Shamshir'
12 x BCI 20 combat + 5 EW + 5 speed 'Ragnarok'
5 x CV 25 combat + 5 interdict + 5 speed 'Mjolnir'
4 x CV 45 combat + 5 EW 'Crissaegrim'
(23 x 10) + (14 x 15) + (12 x 30) + (5 x 40) + (4 x 50)
= 1200 pts fleet + 100 pts worlds + 200 points upgrades = 1500 pts
RECOMMENDATIONS : * Heavy EW will probably block cloaking raids
and flanking.
* Highly concentrated forces, try high-speed raiding
and flanking to destroy industrial/trade base,
also take all available heavy anti-capship guns.
* Tie down forces chasing numerous nibbling attacks
with small craft.
* Plenty of cloaking cruisers, no guns worth
speaking of but nasty special forces; keep a tight
EW-heavy patrol.
* Society sounds far too good to be true, check for
UFP style mass coverups of brainwashing etc.
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>>> R.O.A : The Confederate States of Kietal <<<
cluster in the thrall of mysterious nomads
Upgrades : +70 internal security (isolated/paranoid rulers)
+30 planetary occupation (insurgency suppression)
Planets : 2 x 100 pt : Kietal Prime (CAPITAL), Korhal
2 x 0 pt : Metria, Koumbix
'several smaller colonies and mining operations'
Ships : 20 x BCE 7 combat + 3 point defence 'Ghost'
25 x BC 15 combat + 5 point defence 'Banshee'
10 x CV 45 combat + 5 EW 'Spector'
(20 x 10) + (25 x 20) + (10 x 50)
= 1200 pts fleet + 200 pts worlds + 100 points upgrades = 1500 pts
RECOMMENDATIONS : * Homeworlds will be difficult to crack, but
lesser colonies can be picked off to remove
* Take heavy beam/gun capships to render point
defences worthless. But take own point defences
if facing carriers.
* No interdiction, weak EW, go for fast raids and
cloaking flanking attacks.
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>>> Shinn Langley Soryu : Congress of Colonial Settlements <<<
neo-eastern augment co-prosperity sphere
Upgrades : +50 internal security
+30 external intelligence
+30 strategic scanners
+30 ground combat
+20 secure comms
+10 damage control/repair (out of combat)
Planets : 6 x 25 pt : New Australia, Nuevas Filipinas,
New Indochina, New Japan, New Malaya, New Korea
3 x 15 pt : New Formosa, New Mongolia, Nuevas Filipinas
4 x 5 pt : Kuril Station, Liancourt Station,
Paracel Station, Spratly Station
Ships : 100 x FFS 1 combat + 1 cloak 'Wendee Lee'
35 x DD 4 combat, + 1 point defence 'Char Aznable'
20 x CAE 10 combat + 2 interdiction + 2 EW 'Ichigo Kurosaki'
7 x BCE 20 combat + 2 anti-capship + 4 EW
+ 4 interdict 'Saber'
5 x CV 40 combat + 5 EW + 5 interdict 'Haruhi Suzumiya'
(100 x 2) + (35 x 5) + (20 x 14) + (7 x 30) + (5 x 50)
= 1115 pts fleet + 215 pts worlds + 170 points upgrades = 1500 pts
RECOMMENDATIONS : * Strong but diffuse defenses, prevent light
raids but not progressive invasion.
* Diversion of points into interdiction, EW and
upgrades, plus presence of strategic sensors
and damage control suggests massive overwhelming
attacks with conventional/mixed weaponry. Do not
allow ships to escape and repair.
* However watch out for mass raids by cloaking
frigates. Deploy own EW to prevent flanking
maneuvers (should drop like flies if fired on
under cloak).
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>>> SirNitram : The Wanderers <<<
politically correct lensman gestalt
Upgrades : +50 external intelligence
+50 internal security
Planets : 1 x 100 pt : (unnamed culture-style orbital) (CAPITAL)
Ships : 80 x FF 2 combat 'Dancer'
9 x CAS 5 combat + 5 cloak 'Ghost'
40 x CC 10 combat + 5 anti-capital 'Pike'
10 x BC 20 combat 'Warlord'
5 x CV 50 combat 'Multitude'
(80 x 2) + (9 x 10) + (40 x 15) + (10 x 20) + (5 x 50)
= 1300 pts fleet + 100 pts worlds + 100 pts upgrades = 1500 pts
RECOMMENDATIONS : * Turtle position, dangerous because industry is
essentially immune to raids. This race will keep
building up forces and sabotaging other nations
with their formidable intelligence and cloaking
ships; only an all-or-nothing hammer blow can
stop them.
* Anti-capital capability on CCZs is formidable
when massed; use DD and FF swarms if possible
to bypass it and take these out before bringing
in the DNs and BBs.
* Lack of EW means cloaking ships may catch FFs
unaware and pick them off; conversely try and
deploy heavy EW to detect and destroy CASs.
* Try and bring psionics of your own along to
counter/jam wanderers if at all possible.
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>>> Spyder : The Starborn <<<
secrecy-obssessed megalomanical isolationists
Upgrades : +50 spy network
+50 biological weapons (for planetary takeover?)
+50 hidden infrastructure
Planets : 1 x 60 pt : ??? (CAPITAL)
1 x 40 pt : 'Nova Academy'
? x 0 pt : colonies?
Ships : 30 x FF 2 combat + 1 speed 'Kensei'
10 x CLS 5 combat + 2 speed + 2 cloak 'Phantasm'
10 x CC 17 combat + 2 speed 'Mercury'
5 x CV 25 combat + 5 EW 'Praetorian'
8 x BBX 80 combat + 10 speed 'Olympian'
(30 x 3) + (10 x 9) + (10 x 20) + (5 x 30) + (8 x 90)
= 1250 pts fleet + + 100 pts worlds + 150 pts upgrades = 1500 pts
RECOMMENDATIONS : * Deploy all available intelligence assets
immediately to locate assets.
* Rapid strike fleet is not consistent with
a defensive posture, expect raids, be on
alert and deploy early warning assets (speed
boost is relatively limited however).
* Oversized ships are inefficient, shouldn't
be too hard to bring down BBXs with few losses
in mass engagements.
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>>> Starglider : Kiroter'nah Overflock <<<
cybernetic alien space bats
Upgrades : +30 long-range strategic scanners (tracking/sigint)
+20 fast communications (distortion ripple comm)
+20 decoy facilities and strategic jammers
+20 displacer insertions (spec ops upgrade)
+1 'Non Shippy Things' (kickass rock band)
Planets : 1 x 32pt : Haven (CAPITAL)
1 x 24pt : Ascension
4 x 10pt : Colony Alpha, Colony Beta, Colony Gamma, Colony Epsilon
2 x 5pt : Outpost Delta, Outpost Theta
1 x 7pt : Facility Omega
Ships : 26 x FF 1 combat 'Revalation'
36 x DD 4 combat 'Relativity'
8 x DDI 2 combat + 1 FTL interdict + 1 fast 'Contemplation'
8 x CLG 4 combat + 2 fast + 2 point defence 'Voidwind'
12 x CA 10 combat 'Causality'
6 x CAS 5 combat + 5 cloak 'Requiem'
4 x CAE 5 combat + 5 EW 'Sapience'
4 x MMD 3 combat + 5 anomaly gen. + 2 speed 'Hazard'
4 x MMS 0 combat + 5 cloak + 5 anomaly gen. 'Voyager'
5 x BC 20 combat + 4 fast 'Nexus'
2 x BCI 12 combat + 12 FTL interdict 'Permanence'
3 x BCG 16 combat + 10 point defence 'Trajectory'
3 x BCZ 8 combat + 12 anti-capital 'Entropy'
4 x DN 32 combat + 4 EW - 10 slow 'Paradox'
2 x BB 50 combat 'Chronostorm'
1 x TI 100 combat + 20 anti-capital 'Destiny Star'
1 x IXX 0 combat + 100 planet killer 'Excession'
(26 x 1) + (36 x 4) + (8 x 4) + (8 x 8) + (12 x 10) + (6 x 10) + (4 x 10) +
(4 x 10) + (4 x 10) + (4 x 10) + (5 x 24) + (2 x 24) + (3 x 26) + (3 x 20) +
(4 x 26) + (2 x 50) + (1 x 120) + (1 x 100)
= 1296 pts fleet + 113 pts worlds + 91 pts upgrades = 1500 pts
"We're responsible for the axis powers winning World War II, Emporer
Trajan's empire being switched with 21st century Europe, and now we're
coming for you!"
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>>> Stormbringer : Nathais Stellar Imperium <<<
gattica star romans
Upgrades : +50 ground forces (death legions)
+25 spy network
+25 internal security
Planets : 'roughly 50-60 colony worlds, major outposts, and bases'
Ships : 60 x DD 5 combat 'Mod 118e Patrol Launchs'
50 x CA 10 combat 'Mod 60a Patrol Cutter'
12 x BBG 50 combat 'Orkis-An-fal', 'Val-no-Shok'
(60 x 5) + (50 x 10) + (12 x 50)
= 1400 pts fleet + 100 pts upgrades = 1500 pts
RECOMMENDATIONS : * Currently many colonies with no defences,
should be highly vulnerable to industry raiding.
* No EW, deploy cloaked ships.
* Try to avoid ground engagements.
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>>> Tanasinn : The Glorious Khurlassian Republic <<<
boisterous space squids
Upgrades : +130 ground combat (numerous, diverse and ruthless)
+110 internal security (massive secret police force)
+40 propaganda (anti-occupation bonus)
+10 medicine (anti-bio-warfare)
Planets : 1 x 50 pt : Nalthar (CAPITAL)
2 x 30 pt : Norn, Sur
1 x 20 pt : Ellorn
1 x 15 pt : Tranquility
5 x 5 pt : Anvil, A Place, Colmer, Outreach, Shuss
'assorted minor outposts'
Ships : 5 x PC 1 combat + 1 speed 'Vigilance'
6 x DDZ 3 combat + 2 anti-cap 'Fury'
13 x DD 2 combat + 1 point-defense + 1 EW + 1 speed 'Reliance'
8 x CLE 9 combat + 1 speed 'Wraith'
5 x CA 10 combat 'Ungol'
8 x CAE 10 combat + 2 EW + 2 point-defense 'Inquisitor'
18 x CAZ 10 combat + 3 anti-cap + 1 speed 'Bellicose'
6 x CC 13 combat + 1 interdiction 'Invincible'
2 x BC 20 combat 'Dalmor'
3 x BCZ 18 combat + 2 anti-cap + 1 EW 'Blade'
2 x DN 32 combat 'Nova'
1 x DNE 29 combat + 3 EW 'Spectre'
2 x DNZ 30 combat + 2 anti-capital 'Tyrant'
1 x BB 45 combat + 2 interdiction 'Overlord'
1 x BBZ 40 combat + 5 anti-cap + 2 EW 'Herilorn'
(5 x 2) + (6 x 5) + (13 x 5) + (8 x 10) + (5 x 10) + (8 x 14) + (18 x 14) + (6 x 14) + (3 x 21) + (2 x 20) + (1 x 32) + (2 x 32) + (2 x 32) + (1 x 47) + (1 x 47) =
1040 pts fleet + 170 pts worlds + 290 pts upgrades = 1500 pts
RECOMMENDATIONS : * Smash relatively weak space fleet before they
can deploy their special advantages.
* More anti-cap guns than point defence, take
carriers and swarm with fighters.
* Fair amount of EW so cloak is risky but little
speed, simple flanking should work, no
interdiction simplifies hit+run raiding on
merchants and industry.
* Force structure complexity rivalling that of
the Wehrmacht suggests that attacks on already
fragile logistics chain will be devastating.
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>>> Tasoth : The Vak Infocracy <<<
sentient obsolete radio parts
Upgrades : +50 'retaliation' (flexible manufacturing I think)
+10 diplomacy bonus ('neutral party')
+10 internal security (all software written in perl)
+200 no planets (industrial base cannot be raided)
Planets : 1 x 100 pt : Mothership Prime (CAPITAL, actually a mobile
ship but treated like a 100pt defences planet)
Ships : 60 x DD 5 combat 'Courier'
20 x BC 25 combat 'Pipsqueak'
5 x BB 40 combat 'Mothership'
(60 x 5) + (20 x 25) + (60 x 5) =
1000 pts fleet + 100 pts worlds + 270 pts upgrades = 1370 pts
RECOMMENDATIONS : * Try to pick off DDs with cruiser ambushes.
* Attempt to employ the 'James T. Kirk' patented
talking-AIs-to-death technique.
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>>> Thirdfain : Polish Hegemony <<<
poles in spaaaaace
Upgrades : +40 spy network
+40 ground forces (massive recruiting base)
+36 comms intercept / signals intelligence
Planets : 1 x 20 pt : Earth (CAPITAL, shared)
3 x 0 pt : Nowy Podlasie, Solidarnosc, Nowy Masovie
Ships : 100 x FF 1 combat 'Zbik'
30 x FFE 1 combat + 1 EW 'Orzel'
14 x DD 4 combat 'Wilk'
10 x CLG 8 combat 'Blyskawica'
4 x CLI 4 combat + 6 FTL interdict 'Sep'
14 x CA 12 combat 'Husaria'
20 x CVL 15 combat 'Stanislaw Skalski'
8 x BC 20 combat 'Powstanie Warszawskie'
8 x CV 50 combat 'Jan III Sobieski'
(100 x 1) + (30 x 2) + (14 x 4) + (10 x 8) + (4 x 10) + (14 x 12)
(20 x 15) + (8 x 20) + (8 x 50)
= 1364 pts fleet + 20 pts worlds + 116 pts upgrades = 1500 pts
RECOMMENDATIONS : * Wear down by attrition if fleet disperses.
* Hit undefended colonies if opportunity arises.
* Weak EW, try raids with cloaked ships.
* Deploy all available anti-fighter techniques.
* Broadcast decadent, destabilising consumerist
propaganda into territory via long range arrays.
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>>> UCBooties : Pirate Fleet of Bootswellington <<<
retro space pirates
Upgrades : +170 spy network
+200 internal security
Planets : 1 x 100 pt : Blackmast (CAPITAL)
Ships : 10 x PC 1 combat 'Looter'
20 x FF 1 combat + 2 marines 'Lamprey'
30 x CLS 8 combat + 2 cloak 'Blackblade'
4 x CAE 0 combat + 10 EW + 5 speed 'Watcher'
5 x BCI 5 combat + 15 interdiction 'Reef'
6 x BB 40 combat + 10 speed 'Kraken'
1 x TNX 200 combat 'Atomsk'
(10 x 1) + (20 x 3) + (30 x 10) + (4 x 15) + (5 x 20) + (6 x 50)
(1 x 200) = 1030 pts fleet + 100 pts worlds + 370 pts upgrades = 1500 pts
RECOMMENDATIONS : * Similar to The Wanderers; turtle position,
can't really raid industry, (very!) strong
intelligence will disrupt and sabotage all other
powers until destroyed. Single massive attack,
probably with an alliance, is required to break
this nation.
* However that shouldn't be too hard as pirates
aren't exactly popular.
* Try to pick off capships if they are sent on
* Make sure Davy Jones is firmly under control
before attacking their fortress.
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>>> White Haven (2) : The League of Thought <<<
unstable militaristic psychopath gestalt
Upgrades : +500 points ground combat (!!!) (psyker superhero army)
+50 points internal security (mind ripping)
Planets : 1 x 100 pt : Requiem (CAPITAL)
variable number of minor undefended colonies
Ships : 14 x 25 pt psyker team 'Orangutan Death Squadron'
10 x 40 pt pskyer team 'And Hell Followed With Him'
1 x 45 pt pskyer team 'Born of Ashes'
1 x 50 pt pskyer team 'Phoenix Rising'
(14 x 25) + (10 x 40) + (1 x 45) + (1 x 50)
= 845 pts fleet + 100 pts worlds + 550 pts upgrades = 1495 pts
RECOMMENDATIONS : * DO NOT allow them to land troops. Maintain a tight
patrol and destroy their fleets in space.
* No cloak, EW, spies or other finesse and generally
small space forces. Primarily dangerous if allied
with a strong space power.
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>>> White Haven (2) : Software Patent Enforcement Intellect <<<
derranged proprietary AI
Upgrades : +50 realtime FTL comms
Planets : 9 x 0 pt : unspecified planets
Ships : 42 x PC 0 combat + 1 cloak 'Packet Snifer'
40 x DD 3 combat 'Small Claims'
4 x DDE 0 combat + 5 EW 'Legal Obfuscation'
18 x CL 1 combat + 7 point defence 'Firewall'
12 x CA 12 combat 'Asset Stripping'
8 x LPD 4 combat + 11 ground troops 'Hostile Takeover'
7 x CVL 15 combat + 5 point defence 'DDoS'
4 x DNG 35 combat 'Punitive Damage'
4 x DN 35 combat 'Cease and Desist'
4 x BB 35 combat + 5 speed 'Terminal Overclock'
4 x BBE 5 combat + 30 EW + 5 interdict 'Gag Order'
2 x BBX 60 combat 'Denial of Service'
(42 x 1) + (40 x 3) + (4 x 5) + (18 x 8) + (12 x 12) + (8 x 15)
(7 x 20) + (4 x 35) + (4 x 35) + (4 x 40) + (4 x 40) + (2 x 60)
= 1450 pts fleet + 50 pts upgrades = 1500 pts
RECOMMENDATIONS : * No planet defences, concentrated fleet,
draw off and hit industrial base.
* Bring lots of counter-EW and anti-figther ships.
* Try to capture a ship, reverse engineer and
check AI code for useable exploits.