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STGOD: DAS: Coalition Negotiations

Posted: 2007-06-19 10:56pm
by Thirdfain
This thread is for the actual negotiations in the Coalition building- not for first contacts, or military intrigue, or anything else. Please post further conversation between the delegates here. The former CoN thread will be becoming the game thread.

The story thus far, copied down quickly- if I made any mistakes, please be kind enough to inform me.
On Earth, in a grand conference hall overlooking the warm, equatorial bay of the Sant Tomas port, President Wiśniowiecki stepped up to the podium.

Ships from a number of unexpected sources had arrived, nations which the Republic had not had contact with or had only heard rumors of had sent delegations. There was a Ninian embassy, and diplomats from the distant Empire of the Sun, and a small gaggle of almost absurd-looking creatures from the Straltoc Federation, attended by a somewhat surprised looking interpreter with sweat-stains soaking through his suit. All the ships
who had approached Sol carrying ambassadors had been ushered to the Republic building on Poland's tropical colonial holding, at the base of the Katowica space elevator. Holographic representations of those ambassadors unable to make it hung below hovering drones brought in for the purpose, concealing recorders which would send the contents of the meeting back to their masters.

"Ladies, gentlemen." President Wiśniowiecki ran a hand through his blond-grey hair almost nervously, observing the massed crowd of sometimes shocking alien and human forms. "I present to you our initial proposal for the constitution of the Coalition of Nations."

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The Coalition of Nations

The Coalition of Nations will act as a source of international law and justice, a forum for the airing of grievances peaceably between nations, and an instrument for the expansion of trade and the fostering of mutually beneficial ties between the civilized nations of known space. 

Each member will hold one vote, measures and decisions will be passed by a general vote of the coalition, with majority rule. Decisions to add or remove members, or to change the Terms of the Coalition's Agreement will  require a vote of at least 2/3rds in assent to pass.

In the event that a nation fails to vote on an issue for 1 standardweek, their vote will be counted an "Abstain." Any member will bee free to present a suggestion before the Coalition for voting.

The precise duties of the Coalition will be to:

I)  Secure free and equitable trade between all members  
II)   Secure the spaceways and persecute piracy
III)   Regulate warfare and conflict so as to ensure that only civilized methods are used and that civilian populations are protected
IV)    Maintain the peace by stopping aggressive war and authorizing peacekeeping missions where necessary
V)    Provide a forum for organizing international efforts against organized crime
VI)    Provide a forum for the distribution of aid to those nations in need in times of strife and natural disaster
VII)   Provide an international court for the moderation of disputes between nations

Members will be required to pay a small due for the maintenance of CoA facilities and meeting-places.

The Coalition is not a mutual defense pact or a military alliance- it acts as a forum for the discussion and the reaching of decisions for the common good.

Signed by authorised representatives of the following founding sovereign
"Your thoughts, gentlebeings?"
Academia Nut wrote:Sliding forward on his snake-like lower body, his millipede legs occasionally lifting his belly off the ground seemingly at random, Ambassador Felsith takes the floor and begins his statement.

"Brothers, sisters, and neuters of the stars. Cousins of Earth. The Straltoc people left this world when it was in the grips of war, nations squabbling for reasons we now find inconsequential and nonsensical, and while as a species all has turned out for the best, it would be a lie to say that there was no suffering between then and now. In fact, my people suffered greatly in the early years as we struggled to make a new world our own and to understand our rapidly evolving biology.

"Thus we say, no more. We would not wish that fear of extinction upon our worst enemies, and so we are in full agreement with the points of this accord. To behave in a civilized manner is the least that can be done in the incivility of war, and the prevention of war is indeed a lofty goal. The opening of borders for the trade of goods, and ideas, is a necessity for the proper evolution of civilization from barbarity. Justice, true justice, for all is the foundation of the civilization we wish to grow. Charity to those in need is what is needed most when so many go hungry and wanting.

"So President Wiśniowiecki, we, the Straltoc Federation, shall join your Coalition."
Imperial Overlord wrote:Sol System

Speaker Nathan Hale rose to his feet, his robes rustling around him. He was a tall man, dressed in all black save for a silver and ruby broach on his robes. His skin was light brown and his hair was black. Technosorcery had greatly extended his life and maintained his vigor, but age still left a few marks on his face. The emissary of the Ruling Council spoke in a strong baritone.

"The Logos Centrality has endured through ages of war and barbarism and has no desire to see that suffering perpetuated. The Earth and the stars have seen too much violence and crime and we join with other beings in rejecting that path. Wars should be fought only when necessary and we endorse a forum where discussion and diplomacy can help resolve and minimize disputes. Furthermore, coordination in suppressing and bringing to justice pirates and other perpetrators of heinous crimes is in the interest of all. The Ruling Council endorses the proposal."
HSRTG wrote:Ambassador Clicknikket slithered forward, glancing left and right at the assembled species. Shaking his head, he began speaking;

"Assembled races, blessed as we have been by Lonas, we have been in space for a hundred millenia and not acknowledged the existence of others. For this we apologize. We know not what we might have missed out on in our ignorance, but that is the past.

"We have always looked towards the future, and that has not changed. This coalition will clearly be the future of this small part of the galaxy, for better or for worse. We hope it will be for the better. The Nianan Hedgemony will sign the Coalition Treaty."

Clicknikket moved back to his "Bean-bag" chair. The chair was comfortable, if unorthodox, the design unheard of, and he had sent a memo to Nagara detailing the invention. Perhaps it would become standard issue.
rhoenix wrote:Archon Prasad pursed his lips thoughtfully for a few moments, re-reading the Polish delegation's President Wiśniowiecki speech before beginning his own. He listened with thoughtful curiosity to the Straltoc delegate's speech, nodding in certain places to himself. It may all be an elaborate game of politics, but the people of the Golden Sun had been through something similar to the Straltoc, if not so directly.

Seeing no other delegates getting to their feet and speaking, Archon Prasad took the opportunity, secretly grateful to get out of the chair that was more than slightly too small.

His dark eyes missed nothing as he scanned the room one final time, to gauge mood, and tone before speaking.

"Gathered gentlebeings, my people left Earth at a time of evidently brief peace, when the people of the world gathered together their resources to look for something greater. Looking around me now, I see that mission has succeeded, as I see delegates here from powers both near and far, each with their own histories, triumphs, and tragedies."

"We know from our own past, and our mistakes, that a variety of minds can succeed where many similar minds might fail. Having a central place for our variety of minds and territories to discuss matters at hand would only be a boon. It is for this reason that we will support this Alliance."

With that, he sat down, the wind of his movement rustling his long, flowing clothes a bit more than normal.
Crossroads Inc. wrote:The five represenatives of The UISC had been scheduled to speak earlier... But it had taken them almost an hour to decied which of them would speak for the other four.

Finally it was decieded that Kentara Lontimanolla, a Trathalan, would speak, by viture of being the most neutral among the five.

"Fellow Sapients, Organics and Inorganics, it has come to pass that for far too long many of us have expanded without ryme or reason. Without giving thought to the future between us. It is indeed important that this conferance be called between us at such a time.

The need to create an organized set of rules and guidlines for the exchange of trade, information, and goods is wlecomed among the UISC as it is amongst all space fareing worlds." She spoke, speaking quickly to finish before quickly with drawling. It was times such as this that she longed for her homeworld... But someone had to speak for her people...

Behind them, A single, seemingly harmless protacal Droid watched the events.
Rawtooth wrote:Lady Tiamat stepped forward and bowed low to the assembly, spreading her arms wide in the traditional manner of the Qiraji. Straightening herself, she was still as she began to speak.

"The Qiraji people find these terms acceptable. However, we propose two admendments. The first is that the Coalition of Nations shall respect the inherent sovereignty of each government and shall not interfere in internal matters under any circumstances."

Lady Tiamat clicked her throat once, before continuing.

"We also ask that the Coalition of Nations respect any trade agreements between two governments, whether they are within the Coalition or not."

Her robes shifted once as she finished, her eyes glittering as she looked at each other diplomatic party in turn.
Thirdfain wrote:Terra

"Lady Tiamat, it is the Republic's stance that the Coalition of Nations should emphasize strongly the ability of member nations to respect trade agreementts, as well as the inherent rights of sovereign states to conduct their internal affairs as they will. However, the Coalition must have some teeth- it must be capable of, via democratic vote, mobilizing the resources of member states, even if they vote against a measure."

In the back of the chamber, ushers helped more delegates in- Kari'naha, and the others who had only just arrived.
GuppyShark wrote:[img=left][/img]

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At this time, the Android Colony of Zapf must decline the offer of membership in the Coalition of Nations. We are not willing to allow an external body to mandate control of our assets. The Android Colony would join if carrying out the decisions of this forum was voluntary. We see the value in cooperative efforts to promote trade and reduce piracy.
Cincinnatus wrote:After he had had a chance to go over the Polish proposal and confer with his diplomatic staff, Envoy Zegular Kesreg rose to speak.

"Honored President Anton Wiśniowiecki, may your gold flow on and on for all time, the constitution you have proposed is most pleasing. His Majesty, King Mistem "Hammer Blessed" Enshallogem, may his beard never thin, believes that secure and free trade is the cornerstone of galactic peace and prosperity. Therefore, I believe the most important things that this Coalition of Nations could do would be to enforce provisions I and II to the best of it's ability.

"With this is mind, the Kingdom of Isdenestilom agrees with you, President Anton Wiśniowiecki, that there must be some way for the Coalition to enforce its decisions. If not, what is to stop a nation from leveling unfair tariffs, or giving aid to pirates who plague another nations star lanes?

"On that last point, the captain of the starship that brought me here informed me that a ship from the 'nation' of Bootswellington jumped into this system and sent out a comm signal asking to be allowed to attend this meeting. Might I remind you, delegates, that Bootswellington openly admits to committing acts of piracy. I think the first act of this Coalition, should the constitution be ratified, is to seek a way to end to the illegal activities committed by this so called Pirate King and his 'subjects', by any means necessary."
Rawtooth wrote:"The Empire of the Sun must respectfully..." Lady Tiamat stopped mid-sentence. Her head cocked to one side, as if listening to a distant sound. Finally she brought her attention back to the present situation. Her eyes blinked rapidly as she finished talking.

"Unfortunately, I am late in contacting the Grand Concord. Please excuse me."

She then exited the chamber, trailed by her Qiraji cohorts. They left for the safety of her ship, the Chromatic Burst.


"Did you feel that?"

"Of course we did mistress! Why did you leave the summit?"

"Another race with psychics... "

"Why do they even matter, after all the-"

"Silence you idiot! Don't you realize what this means for us, for our race! We must inform the Grand Concord at once!"
Dahak wrote:
Sant Tomas, conference room

The Duke received the report from the incident through his implants. Only his professionalism and his implants stopped him from blushing a deep red.
"Fellow delegates," his booming voice rose, "I have to inform you that an incident with one of our ships and a Kiroter'nah ship occured in orbit around Earth. The captain of one of our cruisers misjudged a situation terribly. Our orbital defense dealt with the situation and the Captain has been terminated. We apologise deeply and offer reparations for any damage to the Kiroter'nah."
He bowed very deep several times.
Thirdfain wrote:Coalition of Nations Conference
Sant Tomas

President Wisniowiecki looked up from the flimsy and aid had just pressed into his hand. He sighed deeply, and stood up.

"Gentlebeings, I've just recieved an urgent report from space command. Fifteen minutes ago, a vessel of the Hegemony of Heavens opened fire upon a licensed diplomatic vessel of the Kiroter'nah for unknown reasons. The Kiroter'nah vessel was in a stable orbit landing members of the Kiroter'nah diplomatic team via displacer. Such an act represents a nearly unforgivable breach of protocol, Earth law, and is a representation of extreme disrespect to the Polish Republic. This is precisely the kind of event which the Coalition as envisioned should exist to stop, precisely the sort of crime which the Coalition should exist to take action against.

I know we all haven't agreed on the details yet, but I'd like to humbly request that the nations assembled here join the Republic in denouncing the Hegemony's actions and demand just reparations and a state apology for the actions just criminally undertaken against the Kiroter'nah, against the honor of the Polish diplomatic corps, and against the very peace which this conference has met to maintain... with the understanding that if the Hegemony fails to answer for it's actions, we as one will take every necessary measure to ensure justice is done."
Academia Nut wrote:Seriously agitated by the day's events, when it is Ambassador Felsith's turn to speak he comes forward and says his mind.

"Gentlebeings, recent events have seriously shaken the foundation of my confidence, and moreso the confidence of my people. When my report returns to my Federation, know that there will be a firestorm of controversy that could take weeks to settle down. Politicians that gave their support for this coalition will withdraw it and the certainty I had going here has vanished. Thus, until my people have once again reached consensus I am afraid that I cannot ratify the coalition, for fear of committing my people to a course of action they will no longer support. While I feel the earnesty of the Poles for this coalition and the ideals it represents, it will take time to convince my people that you are as competent as I know you truly are. I am deeply sorry for this."

Returning to his place, Felsith represses the urge to groan. What had started of as an dream come true had somehow dissolved into a nightmare. The Patriarch and Sensate factions would go nuts over this incident and possibly start pushing for wars against other groups 'for their own good' again.

Turning to his apprentice, Felsith asks, "Please ask the representative of the Logos Centrality where he would like to meet for dinner in light of these... security breaches."

We're going to need all the allies we can get if the coming storm doesn't break soon Felsith thinks darkly.
Thirdfain wrote:

Wisniewieki slammed a fist into the table.

"This is exactly the problem. This is precisely why events have continued today in such a way. The simple fact is that right now, there IS no Coalition. The chaos taking place is the result of actions such as the one YOU are proposing- withdrawal, removal, and diplomatic silence. I have presented a solution to this problem; you want only to wander home, emptyhanded. The Hegemony's actions will go unpunished, a diplomatic incident will likely ensue, and the cycle of violence will begin again. For shame. By walking out of this chamber, you will solve nothing. How can such events be called the fault of a Coalition which hasn't even agreed on a founding document yet? Show some backbone."
Academia Nut wrote:Bristling at the accusation of moral cowardice, Felsith rears up slightly on instinct before settling down and saying, "And I support you. But because I have been charged with speaking for my people, I know what they will say. Many will agree with your sentiments, but many will also call you juveniles running around playing Settlers and Indigs with real guns. Push the hawks too hard and they could push back, resulting in the election of a leader not as open to the concept of peace as the current one. And unless you want me to go into a days long explaination of the internal politics of the Straltoc Federation, you will have to be content with the fact that I am honestly trying to get this Coalition off the ground but because of recent events it will be a damn sight harder selling this to my people than it was before."

And then, because he's pissed, Felsith adds in the jab, "And you will kindly note that I do not in fact have a backbone."
Thirdfain wrote:

"If you support us, Mr. Ambassador, then perhaps you should make an actual effort."
Imperial Overlord wrote:Sol System
Polish Republic
Sant Tomas

"The Logos Centrality is forced to concur with Polish Republic on this matter," said Nathan Hale. "The agreement under discussion is that of a set of diplomatic protocols between nations and the creation of body for meetings and discussion. It is incidents like that which is occurring right now that it hopes to prevent. To withdraw now before we have even settled on the language of the document, let alone ratified it, merely increases the likelihood of similar incidents happening in the future."

Not to mention what it would do to trade, a not unimportant consideration for the Logos Centrality. Greater Hungary alone held the population of all of Mars. The wealth produced by trade had allowed the Centrality to come into existence and secure their own future. As sure as the Beyond wasn't he wasn't going to be the one to tell the First Councilor that he stood silent while this agreement that could have poured an almost endless stream of wealth and resources into the Centrality tanked.
Academia Nut wrote:Sighing, Felsith seems to deflate and says, "I know all of that and I am making an effort, but despite all the talk of being higher beings some of the more fanatical elements of my people spout, we're just as full of bickering idiots as anyone. You will however note that I am not leaving, merely withdrawing my people's stamp for the moment. In a few hours I will have a response from my superiors as to how to procede. I am unhopeful at this point as there is a very real risk that if we join this coalition that the hotheads in my people will see this as our leader signing up with a bunch of incompetents. If we do not cool these firebrands down before signing up with the coalition then there is a real risk that within a year my people will withdraw to go off on some sort of suicidal crusade to bring 'enlightenment' to the galaxy. As I said, I support the Poles in their endeavour, but I am not my people, as much as I speak for them."
Thirdfain wrote:
"I can only wish you the best of luck with whatever internal dissonant elements you need to handle, but I can only reiterate that the Coalition of Nations would be a forum for discussion between the nations of Known Space, nothing more and nothing less."
Academia Nut wrote:"Yes, which is why I and my superiors will be doing our damnedest to convince the idiots amongst our nation that this is not some binding alliance but a forum for discussing trade and peace. Surely you know how motivated groups with an agenda and the resources to influence the media can twist innocent things into the end of civilization as we know it? I know that once news of this incident gets back, and the longer it takes the worse it will sound, there will be politicians in the opposition screaming their heads off and all the consensus that had to be built before we left for Earth will go up in a puff of smoke. Until the smoke clears, my hands are, unfortunately, tied. My mouths and ears are, however, not. Who knows? Perhaps my superiors will decide to forge on in any case."

Posted: 2007-06-19 11:48pm
by GuppyShark
Grim Face of the Unthinkable, diplomat from the Android Colony of Zapf, rose in its podium. The chamber lighting reflected harshly from its polished, black surfaces.


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President Wiśniowiecki, your statement that the Council would serve only as a forum is contradicted by the text of the constitution you have proposed.
The Coalition of Nations wrote:The Coalition of Nations will act as a source of international law and justice, a forum for the airing of grievances peaceably between nations, and an instrument for the expansion of trade and the fostering of mutually beneficial ties between the civilized nations of known space.

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We are not opposed to the principle of an interstellar forum, only the particulars of this constitution.
EDIT: Typo.

Posted: 2007-06-19 11:52pm
by Thirdfain
"Indeed. What sort of forum is toothless? We can all remember the utter failures which historical international bodies have been."

Posted: 2007-06-20 06:40am
by GuppyShark
Dark Face of the Unthinkable rose once more in response to the President's statement.


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Thankyou for clarifying your intent.

It sat, signalling that it had finished speaking its piece and had no further questions.

EDIT: Changed to past tense, for consistency.

Posted: 2007-06-20 07:18am
by Acidburns
[img=left] ... aitke0.gif[/img]

Adrastos rose from the rear of the chamber, where ve had been pleased to find seats of suitable size and structural strength to accommodate vis Avatar. Vis voiced resounded across the assembly, "I can find little to disagree with in the proposal. Such a forum can only be for the benefit of all civilised nations. I shall patiently wait for an accord to be reached."

Posted: 2007-06-20 12:40pm
by Academia Nut
Having gone quiet for several hours, only politely listening, Ambassador Felsith finally rouses himself again and moving forward, begins.

"Gentlebeings, in the immediate aftermath of the incident I was forced to withdraw my support for the coalition for fear of triggering some unpleasant political bombs back home. I have just recieved word back from my government. They have commended me on my decision, saying that it was best that they be consulted first. Well, I am now happy to announce that my superiors have managed to deflect most of the damage and are more than willing to go ahead with the original plan. The Straltoc are back in on the coalition."

Returning to his seat, Felsith thinks darkly It's a damn good thing the Patriarchs are too arrogant to try to understand any language other than our own

Posted: 2007-06-22 01:50am
by Spyder
[img=left][/img] "This is a very interesting proposal, I like it, it's good." Patrick spoke. "First I'd like to start by congradulating the Polish government on bringing us all together, this is not an insignificant feat." He said as a scanned over the crowd. "I think it's highly obvious by the fact that so many of us have gathered here that we are all interested in progressing forward together as an instellar community." Patrick stands as he addresses the room. "There are are issues we need to address before we should proceed. Progress between nations takes time and understanding, now we all come from vastly different backgrounds both biological, technological and cultural.

"It is important that we take time to get to know and understand each other before we commit ourselves. Let it be asked, what requirements will be asked of the member nations of this coalition in order to fulfill the goals put forth in the proposal?
Can this coalition guarantee each nation's right to self governance and policy making?
Can this coalition guarantee each nation's right to affiliation with non-member states?
Will membership require participation in warfare that member states would otherwise not become involved?

I propose that we maintain this gathering as simply a forum for the establishment of political dialogue. Once we have all established dialogue and understand the needs of each member then we should consider regulation."

Posted: 2007-06-22 11:56pm
by Dark Hellion
Minor members and delegations shuffled, not quite standing, but not sitting either, each wishing to be next to speak, but fearful of interrupting and aggravating one of the assembled groups. This was quickly resolved when the massive Emissary of the Heralds rose. The rest quickly returned to their seats; it was hard to gain attention when a seven meter tall combat drone decided that it wished to take the floor.

We, the Heralds of Xylyx, are intrigued by this forum, and in all likelyhood will wish to join it. However, we wish for some clarification. What do you mean by civilized methods of warfare? Is the point of war not the utter obliteration of your enemies? And prevention of aggressive war; is war not by its very definition aggressive? We must admit that the vagueries of these duties confuse us. In what method are we to make war? If a race is our enemy, are we not allowed, as their nemesis, to destroy them? We have seen your concept of limited war whilst scanning your open data networks, but we must admit we find it illogical, inefficient, and while no offense intended philosophically repugnant. If a race would make war upon us, or stand in the way of galactic harmony and progress, we will annihilate them, without pity or remorse. Those who will work together, for The Future, will be protected as if there ships and citizens are our own. We find this logically sound, and nothing in your impressive datasphere has rebutted this. Perhaps the arguments against this are in sensitive documents that we chose not to examine out of respect for your privacy. If so, please share. Otherwise, while we believe we agree with the intent of this treaty, the details dismay us greatly.

Posted: 2007-06-23 02:10am
by Thirdfain
Spyder wrote: "It is important that we take time to get to know and understand each other before we commit ourselves. Let it be asked, what requirements will be asked of the member nations of this coalition in order to fulfill the goals put forth in the proposal?
A member state would have no concrete obligations besides a small yearly dues payment for the maintenance of facilities, such as whatever conference point we as a community chose to build. In the event that a vote for the deployment of a multinational force were to be initiated. forces would be on a volunteer basis.
Can this coalition guarantee each nation's right to self governance and policy making?
Should the Coalition pass a law governing, for instance, tariffs between member states, the member nations would be required to adhere to said law. Also, Member states would agree to abide by the contents of the Constitution of the CoA, as outlined.
Can this coalition guarantee each nation's right to affiliation with non-member states?
Outside of adherence to the constitution, no controls whatsoever would be in place regarding the relationships of states.
Will membership require participation in warfare that member states would otherwise not become involved?
No, as force deployments would be on a volunteer basis.
I propose that we maintain this gathering as simply a forum for the establishment of political dialogue. Once we have all established dialogue and understand the needs of each member then we should consider regulation."
This is very reasonable, but the Republic feels strongly that certain issues, such as piracy, deserve immediate attention. Perhaps a short list of appropriate topics for which immediate legislation could be arranged, with a moratorium on all other regulation until a later date?
What do you mean by civilized methods of warfare? Is the point of war not the utter obliteration of your enemies?
The precise definition of civilized warfare would be a topic of discussion for the Coalition of Nations, with any regulations established after strenuous debate through a democratic process.
And prevention of aggressive war; is war not by its very definition aggressive?
No, wars can be fought for the purpose of defense when faced with external agression. Obviously.

Posted: 2007-06-23 10:33am
by InnocentBystander
"We live in a lawless place, my friends. Every trip through deep space carrries a real risk of attack. How can civilized nations such as ours prosper under these conditions! We have a rare opertunity today, to take action. This treaty represents more than just a desire for good relations between the signatory nations, it is a chance for us to provide our citizens, our people, safe passage through the wilds of deep space.
Today we have a chance to strike back at the Crime Lords and Pirate gangs who rape our transports and murder our merchant marine. Walking away from this Coalition would be doing a disservice to your people, your ecnomoy and the brave beings who travel the stars making the gears of interstellar economy turn. Today Portugal will not only sign this treaty, but pledge a significant investment twoards the creation of well policed transit lanes. There is a saying here on Earth, Put your money where your mouth is! Today we do this, and I encourage all the other presitigious nations which are in attendance her etoday to follow suit. Let us usher in a new era of peace and prosperity between our nations!" the Portuguese ambassador's booming voice dominated the conference hall.

Portugal pledge's all of its 1st month points minus those already pledged to the Solar Transit Authority.

Posted: 2007-06-25 06:13am
by rhoenix
Brushing by the hulking, machine Herald of Xylyx with barely more than a nod of recognition, Archon Kergan Prasad took the podium.

"While the solidarity of the planet we once called home is an admirable goal, we cannot help but feel concerned that this creates a certain amount of bias in this Coalition toward Earth powers.

After all, if majority rules, I feel compelled to ask the difficult question - if even those who vote 'nay' to a vote can have their fleets mobilized over and beyond that of their ruling governments, then how can those of us who do not hail from Earth ensure our interests are properly protected?

I am not declining to join the Coalition at this time, but I feel that I must withhold our support until I am sure that individual sovereignty is to be respected."

A strong breeze seemed to follow him back to his seat.

Posted: 2007-06-25 03:54pm
by Thirdfain
After all, if majority rules, I feel compelled to ask the difficult question - if even those who vote 'nay' to a vote can have their fleets mobilized over and beyond that of their ruling governments, then how can those of us who do not hail from Earth ensure our interests are properly protected?
As previously stated, force deployments will be on a volunteer basis only.
"While the solidarity of the planet we once called home is an admirable goal, we cannot help but feel concerned that this creates a certain amount of bias in this Coalition toward Earth powers.
There is not a single part of the Coalition's constitution which places any emphasis on Earth, and Earth-based powers have no more or less strength within the Coalition- every nation's vote is worth the same. Of course, if your nation chooses not to join, and most Earth nations DO chose to join, Earth will be over-represented and your own region of space unrepresented.

Posted: 2007-06-25 05:54pm
by Dark Hellion
Unphased by Archon Prasad, the Emissary remained standing, scanning the crowd and then turning his attention back to the Polish Ambassador.

While We can respect any man who can be... what is a proper word in your language... snarky to a war construct with a dozen heavy anti-personnel weapons, We must echo the Archon's concerns. While other members could theoretically outnumber Earth's, they would be concerned for their own territory, whilst numerous factions primary concern would be Earth. We are definitely outnumbered in interest, despite what you say. We must believe that either you are foolish not to see this, or deviously attempting to gain yourself a position of power. Do you have a response to this, or are We going to hear more political... bullshit from the Poles.

Posted: 2007-06-27 04:18pm
by Acidburns
Earth: Coalition of Nations Chamber

Adrastos rose from the year of the great hall and descended to the centre podium. While ve had no facial features to indicate vis feelings, vis voice expressed both grief and sorrow. Vis self-amplified voice carried clear across the chamber, “Esteemed colleagues, I must inform you of the unprovoked attack on my nation. Mere hours ago I received reports of a group of unidentified contacts to the galactic west of our territory. At the same time a cluster of defenceless research outposts were destroyed without warning. Over 100 citizens were on-board these stations. While many of them were broadcast to other stations, many were lost before they could be transferred. Most of these were restored from back-ups, however this still represents death by any sentient being's standard. These citizens are the first unwilling deaths in 1 teratau, the equivalent of 27,000 Earth years.”

“Our recovery teams are on site, and we have been unable to find any evidence to indicate the perpetrator of this disgusting act of terror. We would ask the cowards who carried out this deed to step forward and claim responsibility. As much as I would like to see this resolved peacefully, for such an unprovoked assault I believe the only available response will be a declaration of war.”

Ve spread vis arms beseechingly, “I humbly ask the Coalition of Nations to send a group of independent investigators to aid us in establishing the nation that is responsible for this. While our computing technology is far in advance of most, we are not so arrogant as to believe we are perfect. There is still a chance we can save our lost citizens, if any nation can help us in the data recovery we would be eternally thankful.”

Posted: 2007-06-27 05:55pm
by Dark Hellion
The Emissary tilted its head slightly, and sent a tightbeam signal to Adrastos, first a quantum-encryption key, then the heavily encrypted message itself

Event: Colonial Destruction, G W, Nephilim Territory; prob. threat G E Territory Boarder unnacc..
Trans. rel. LR sens info rec to Central Intelligence. Res time: 2 Terran Hours. Info Disclosure: Total. Current rel. info unit Emissary trans.
Offer: Mil. Asis; Total, Data Recov. Asis; Total, Ind. Asis; Total non-imp. & ex. prod.

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Emissary Rel. Data Sector 1f23a96b5cc673a1-b54a4
Personal Communique, Emissary to Adrastos:
We are shocked by a violation of territorial sanctity so close to Our boarders. Be assured that i have made recommendation to Central Intelligence to trasmit all relavent sensor data from Our long range sensors, as well as to provide you will full military assistance if the culprit is identified. i am also requesting that all excess production We have be used to restore colonial functions and can send Our Battle Data Recovery Teams and a Garrison of Heavy Tanks and Combat Drones to the colonies to help dissuade further aggression. An attack upon galactic stability is an attack upon The Purpose, it is an attack upon The Future, and the Heretics will burn.

Posted: 2007-06-27 10:41pm
by Starglider
(ooc note: time in this thread seems to be lagging the main and ngto threads a little, this post takes place pretty much as soon as a +20 comm signal can make it here from the NGTO council site, following the probe incident)

Cahaan'nol paced slowly up to the podium, wings trailing behind him like a great dark grey cloak. His manner was unusually serious and reserved at the best of times, at least by Kiroter'nah standards, but now he was being particularly grave. His voice sounded vaguely like jangling gravel as he addressed the great chamber.

"Delegates, sapients from all nations represented here. As you may know we have delayed addressing this body, initially due to the distressing attack that took place on our diplomatic transport ship, then due to the tragic illness of co-ordinator Serenaas. It was my intent to wait until the workings of the proposed Coalition were better defined before expressing the Overflock's approval or concerns."

"However I am addressing you now out of necessity, to inform you of a barbaric and unprecedented attack on a diplomatic conference similar to this one, taking place in UISC space. A communications relay ship representing the Heralds of Xylyx had been in orbit above the planet, with UISC consent, for nearly five earth weeks. It had transmitted the typical Herald mix of nonsense about manifest destiny, ominous requests that the entire galaxy must unite to serve their goal, and veiled threats about what would happen if this did not occur. The admission process for the mutual defence treaty being discussed at the site requires unanimous consent in any case, but in this instance all six existing members voted to deny the Heralds entry into the alliance."

"Less than hour ago the probe suddenly began to decelerate and plunge out of orbit, heading directly for the conference facility and the newly set up liaison offices around it. We are extremely fortunate that a Chamara ship was passing relatively close to the probe at the time. The Herald device did not respond to hails, so the Chamara ship opened fire, destroying the device mere seconds from impact. Had they not done so, it seems quite likely that many of our best diplomatic and defence planning staff, along with a great many UISC civilians, would have been vaporised by the device's doubtless deadly payload. At it is the explosion and shockwave caused considerable damage to buildings below, along with many cases of laceration, shock, burns and blindness."

"In the context of the multiple groups of ships tracked by several nations crossing the Nephilim border from Herald space, plus of course the unprovoked surprise attacks on Nephilim outposts, we can only conclude that we are under attack by Herald forces and that an invasion may be imminent. Mutual defence obligations have been activated and NGTO forces are on the way to support the Nephilim as I speak. A full multi-governmental investigation is of course pending, but we fear that further hostilities and indeed a state of war between the NGTO and the Heralds of Xylyx may be unavoidable."

"While these events are a shock, in retrospect they can hardly be a surprise. This is a race of machines that claims their divine purpose is to lead the galaxy to ruin. We believe they destroyed their organic creators in an unspeakable act of genocide. Both this action and the sneak attacks on us and our allies are entirely consistent with the earlier comment of the Herald emissary to this very body, demonstrating a total lack of comprehension of the very notion of civilised warfare and a belief that their enemies should be exterminated by any and all methods."

"We will of course endeavour to keep the Coalition informed of further developments as more information becomes available."

Posted: 2007-06-27 11:12pm
by Dark Hellion
The Emissary of the Heralds stood, armoured cloak now wrapping around it, weapons and shields put into stand-by mode. It's massive baritone voice pounding out over the clatter, and his huge bulk towering over every other delegate.

i am not informed of these matters, i will recieve Our information on the event in short order. Until then i can give you Our assurances that the probe was incapable of any offensive action. The probe's schematics and statistics will be relayed to all parties computers from our courier ship, and you can expect Our complete cooperation in investigating the destruction of Our probe. We offer our condolenses on the loss of life, but We cannot abide by the implication that we would initiate such a first strike. We have chosen to interact on the stage of politics, and as such i have been programmed and constucted for the purpose of negotiation. We have no necessity for such sneak attacks, We have made every rational action despite the emotional irrationality of many surrounding nations. We petition that the first act of this Coalition be the investigation of this incident, and We hope that the NTGO will be open and transparent in providing their evidence, and that hostilities on the part of their rapidly massing fleet will be minimal. We will defend Ourselves mercilessly if attacked, and We suggest that an attack upon Herald Territory will be considered an attack upon the Coalition until the NTGO can provide a full multi-governmental investigation that includes neutral, non-partisan governments.
And until this body can provide Us with suitable answers, i will be staying here, in constant contact with Our ship, and i will request that my bodyguards be allowed in as well, as it is conceivable to me that a conspiracy against Our interests could be initiated. Lest anyone forget, i am the Emissary, i represent Our power and Our knowledge. Aggresions in this chamber will be ill adviced. We will stay resolute in the knowledge that the pursuit of The Purpose will be shared, and the misinformation that has placed the NTGO upon this path will be cleared away. The Future is too important for hasty, irrational decisions to stand in the way.

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Schematic: Communications probe
 serial number:1f34a1
Disclosure level:8

Posted: 2007-06-28 01:35pm
by Redleader34
A man, obiously of african decent, would wait, and after the inital negoations would speak to the Coalation crowds, with a message on his mind. Gentlebeings, I am the man known as the Uche in my homelqand, but my real name is Uchenna Engola. I was born on this planet, in America around 500 years ago. I have seen this orgisations, Earthly counterpart, the United Nations, as it was, fall apart due to negliance and greed. I am for this Coolation, and when we join after the vote is passed," He was intrupted by a kitsune, one of his security escort, walking up to him and whispering something, but he resumed his speech quickly. "Now then, a minor correction, that the bill has been passed, the Trans-Genetic Alliance would andd will join the Colation. We have some concerns that we would like to state first of all. The first issue is that of Exploration. We feel that there should be free rights to explore fellow members in preannounced sub cruiser class ships, with no cloaking devices, with the exception of cultural sites of importance, military instlations, and areas of dangerous spaical pheonema. We also feel that there should be a divison of this Colation decitated to the exploration of unknown space, made up of the best and brightest of all members of the Colation, and if they requested, non allied members of the other powers in Known Space. We would propose the name Starfleet for this interstellar fleet. We have more on this proposal, as it is bbeing sent via hyperwave to all known goverments. We would request that this be retransmitted to as many goverments as it possibly could. On another note, we would like to see what The Heralds would like to say on the issue of the assualt on the city of Oberion. I only heard recently due to running the affairs of the Coperative, and this incident does not bode well on my mind. On the isssue of the interstellar police force, the African divison would be glad to build a decitated sensor grid in the rebuilt forest of congo region, as well as in the dune seas of the Sahara Desert. That being Said, would there be a set value exchange on resources for the Colation?" The man would walk back to his seat, exhausted after his lenghty speech, and look at Starbliss and say "The truth sets you free, eh honey?"

Posted: 2007-06-28 04:35pm
by Dark Hellion
I don't know anything about the Oberion Incident dumbass. You guys haven't PMed me about it, ever. Send me some PMs about this stuff, dipshit.

Posted: 2007-06-28 06:07pm
by Imperial Overlord
Nathan Hale stared at the Herald's ambassador. That thing had uttered a veiled threat to commit murder in the middle of a diplomatic meeting to an ambassador. This was the kind of programming they gave to its ambassadors? Were the AIs insane?

Publicly he said nothing, but he was greatly disturbed.

Posted: 2007-06-28 11:15pm
by Dark Hellion
The Emissary stood, the hooded shroud of battlesteel sliding back into a cape as he proceeded to the podium at the center of the Coaltion meeting chambers. The Emissary towered over the small metal podium as its massive voice boomed out over the audience, multimedia displays hovering around it, displaying charts and timelines for the assembly to view

Central Intelligence and i have discussed the probe, and We find incongruities in the story of the Kiroter'nah. As you can see by the charts that have been sent to your personel computer systems, Our probe was located in the gulf between NTGO space at time marker Alpha. Contact was lost shortly after being heavily scrambled, likely caused by a capitol ship grade jamming system. Closely following this, at time marker Beta, in Chamaran space, several sectors from the location of the probe, and object, supposedly the same probe, nearly crashed into the NTGO meeting hall. As any being can see, the events happen many sectors apart, in far less time than any FTL system that We know of can travel. However, a signal could have been sent from the location of Our presumably self-immolated probe, and the incident in question. Almost immediately following the destruction of the supposed probe, the Kiroter'nah sent a signal here, claiming that We had attacked them. They have also implied that We attacked the boarder of Nephilim space. As the members of this body can tell, We are not ones for covert actions. We have chosen to interact on the public stage, and have made Our actions outside of Our territory transparent. We can believe that the Kiroter'nah are mistaken in this regard, and that they are, as many biological species are wont, behaving based upon emotional irrationality. We hope that this is the case, because the alternative is far more damning, that the Kiroter'nah have manufactured this incident to begin a war with Us. We would hope that no species is truly that foolish in this day and age. Lest i remind the rest of this august body that if the Kiroter'nah can do this to Us, who have been honest and transparent at all times, on all manners that are not directly contradictory to our own national security, they can easily do it to the other species present here. Even glancing at the various members of the NTGO their own allies. Species of the galaxy, should we let emotions ruin the chance of galactic harmony, and of Glorious Future? We cannot!

And, if the Kiroter'nah truly wish for war, We can do nothing but shake Our heads in shame. Belligerence and warmongering has solved nothing, as the factions of Earth can tell you.

However! Massive metal fist pounding down upon the podium If you continue this uncalled for aggression, know that you will not prevail. You cannot take The Future from Us, and every citizen will fight for the sake of The Purpose. You will pay for every inch of space you take. Do not trifle with Us. We have done nothing wrong, but any attack upon Our space will be met with Our adamantine will.

The Emissary stepped off the platform, leaving the twisted metal podium. "I hope that the beings of this body are not foolish enough to fall for such an obvious farce. Who do the Kiroter'nah think they are fooling? This incident, which threatens Our great civilization, is so contrived, it feels like a bad plot of one of Earth's old science fiction novels. We can only hope that reason prevails, or that the Black Angels will protect their faithful. The later seems unlikely, this is Our great test. Our faith will be put to the forge, and it shall temper, or it shall turn to slag. However, we should prepare, raise our defenses, and ask Our friends in the Coalition for political asylum. Central Intelligence must be saved. We cannot lose The Purpose, even if Our empire must burn." The courier agreed, and in a few hours time, defense preparations would begin in Herald space. The NTGO had no idea of the true fanaticism of the Heralds. They would not soon forget it, if their reckless action continued.

Posted: 2007-06-29 01:10am
by rhoenix
Looking with disdain at the wreckage of the podium, Archon Prasad stood and turned to look at the "diplomatic" artillery drone the Xylyx race had sent as their Herald, and back to the twisted hunks of metal that once was the podium.

Walking with a measured pace, Archon Prasad moved to the center of the platform, facing the delegates of the Coalition with a look of contained disgust on his face. His voice echoed richly throughout the room. "Honored delegates, I have heard this Herald try, in a disgustingly simpering manner for one without 'biological irrationality,' to not only threaten me, but the entire nation now of the Kiroter'nah."

He turned to look directly at the Herald, staring directly into what passed for its eyes. "Allow me to see if I have your story straight, Herald. The Kiroter'nah destroyed a probe of yours that malfunctioned and was going to fall into one of their worlds, only it wasn't yours, it was a 'fake' used to set you up. Therefore, you're going to attempt exterminating them."

"Well, since my 'biological irrationality' allows me to make friends, care for life and the richness of living, to enjoy each moment as a blessing, and take offense when a friend receives a slight, allow me to correct your rather flimsy lies for this Council."

His teeth clenched for a moment, and sensitive observers noticed an increase in the ozone within the room. "We responded to a well-coordinated attack on several Nephilim outposts executed with machine-like precision, along with the Kiroter'nah, and discovered that as another piece of this rather disturbing puzzle, one of your probes had apparently malfunctioned, and was going to impact one of the worlds of the Nephilim, necessitating it be destroyed - which it was, in the bare nick of time. As it is, to the best of my knowledge, many sentient beings lost their lives in that attack."

"Now, Herald, you immediately speak of 'setups' and 'grand schemes,' insult our 'biological inferiority,' and place your gaze directly, with machine-like intensity, on the Kiroter'nah."

"Honored delegates, I ask that you decide for yourselves, that you look deep within your own 'biologically inferior' hearts and minds, and see what you think about this situation. I'm of the opinion that the machine race of Xylyx had to have had makers at some point, biological makers, who are no longer here to speak their story. Whose 'biologically inferior' lips, lungs, and brains are not here to tell us what happened to them, replaced now with a large, hulking, sentient combat assault drone, complete with anti-personnel weapons and live ammunition, who tells us that one of our tentative number needs to die, en masse, as a race. I ask you look within your hearts and minds, and make your own decision of what's happening now, and moreover, what is a sign of things to come from the mechanically precise Xylyx."

"Allow me to make this clear, Herald - my people consider the Kiroter'nah to be allies in recent times, and my people work for peace in other parts of the galaxy as well. If you attempt to follow through with your threat, I will personally see to it that the very fate you threaten to them will befall you, with the swiftness, surety, and implacability of a supernova."

With that, he strode back to his chair and sat, already beginning to use his lightpad.

(EDIT: minor fluff fix)

Posted: 2007-06-29 01:38am
by Dark Hellion
The Emissary smiled internally. The Combine had guts, and it could appreciate this. It met the gaze of the Archon without flinching, and remaining seated replied, before the Archon could even be fully seated

Perhaps you will remind me were i threatened the Kiroter'nah with annihilation? It seems that i was willing to give them all benefit of the doubt? Is this not what you call politics? You use harsh language to describe Us, but you have yet to make a single peaceful overture, nor have you asked your supposed allies to provide details about this event. Where as We have been forth coming. We have provided timestamped, and location tracked records of the happenings, unedited, in an attempt to find the truth. We wish only for honesty, We cannot see how Our probe managed to get several trillion kilometers off course without Our knowledge.

However, if you chose to continue with this, We will regrettably have to treat you as enemies upon entrance of Our territory. We wish for cooperation. Imagine the joyous Utopia that the biologicals can enjoy, when the galaxy is held under a single unified leadership. Would you not join us instead of making foolish war? We have industry, might, and purpose. We will protect all who look to The Future. Why would you wish to destroy the Future with this petty conflict?

We are sorry for any loss of life that has occurred within the NTGO territory, but trillions of beings have lived and died. How long will the lives lost here matter, compared to how long the lives lost on foolish conquest. How do you give them worth, by throwing away a billion more lives in vain conflict? Would you honor their loss with bloodshed? Why not honor them with peace, with understanding, and with the valor that admission of mistakes brings? Is this not your customs? Have We misread your intentions?

We await the day when biological and mechanical and all other type of being can work together. We can wait until the stars burn cold for this. We will rival the gods themselves, in The Future.

We are unified in Our Purpose. All of Ourselves labours for the Future. Can you say the same? Do you have this peace?

Do not make the mistake that We are petty minded conquerers. We are visionaries. We have spoken with the Angels. We have seen Purpose. We will not succumb. Enter Our space, and prepare to face the fury of the void itself.

Posted: 2007-06-29 02:49am
by Tanasinn
Kel-mar-Chul, the High Diplomat representing the Kuhlassian Republic, had thus far remained both silent and stock-still, listening to the various suggestions and hot-tempered statements made by the other diplomats. Consulting briefly with his robed Gharn and Shultakk aides, he strode forward on his motion-tentacles to the podium, hands interlaced and mid-tentacles wrapped around his body.

"Speaking as the representative of the Glorious Republic's Senate and the Imperial Majesty, I find myself ill at ease with the current state of affairs within these chambers. We have been told that the Heralds of Xylyx have launched unprovoked attacks on Nephilim research outposts. We have been told as well that the Heralds of Xylyx have attempted to bombard some of the UISC's best and brightest with a disguised communications probe. The Republic finds these claims most curious. We have been given no specific evidence of any kind that indicates that Herald vessels attacked the destroyed Nephilim outposts. No visual recordings, no in-depth or even low-level scans that would indicate the tech used in the ships and thus identify them positively. Indeed, the representative of the Nephilim present here has already stated that there was no evidence to be found of the perpetrator's identity. I am further unimpressed with scans indicating that ships crossed the border from Herald space to Nephilim space. It would be a trivial tactical maneuver to redirect cloaked vessels through Herald space before openly crossing the Nephilim border and attacking defenseless research stations," the Khurl paused, perhaps to allow his listeners to think on what he had said.

"Further, evidence presented by the Heralds' Emissary concerning the whereabouts of the Heralds' probe prior to the alleged attack on the UISC would seem to throw into doubt claims of aggression. The only responses to the representative of the Heralds have consisted of nothing but anger and incredulity. Finally, I find it odd that any nation would engage in military actions against two seperate but powerful nations simultaneously. More to the point, I find it unbelievable," the Khurl unlaced his hands, gesturing minutely to the Heralds' Emissary, "I cannot blame the representative of the Heralds for requesting to retain his bodyguards. I cannot blame him for asserting that his nation will fight to the last. I cannot blame him, gentlebeings, because it seems to me that there is an attempt to wage war on the Heralds of Xylyx based only on righteous anger and somewhat curious evidence," the diplomat brought his hand down on the podium, open-handed, "At the current time, the Glorious Republic suggests that a multinational investigative unit be formed to explore the truth of these claims of aggression," the High Diplomat paused once more.

"The Republic will, at the current time, not support or condone war on the Heralds of Xylyx, and we urge representatives present here to think carefully concerning their own stance. Countless lives on all sides hang in the balance."

The Khurl stepped back.

Posted: 2007-06-29 12:24pm
by Thirdfain
"The Polish Republic moves for an immediate ratification of the following terms by the present powers, with the caveat that further ammendment be made at a later date, so that we may face this difficulty promptly as a civilized forum."

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The Coalition of Nations

The Coalition of Nations will act as a source of international law and justice, a forum for the airing of grievances peaceably between nations, and an instrument for the expansion of trade and the fostering of mutually beneficial ties between the civilized nations of known space.

Each member will hold one vote, measures and decisions will be passed by a general vote of the coalition, with majority rule. Decisions to add or remove members, or to change the Terms of the Coalition's Agreement will  require a vote of at least 2/3rds in assent to pass.

In the event that a nation fails to vote on an issue for 1 standardweek, their vote will be counted an "Abstain." Any member will bee free to present a suggestion before the Coalition for voting.

The precise duties of the Coalition will be to:

I)  Secure free and equitable trade between all members 
II)   Secure the spaceways and persecute piracy
III)    Provide a forum for organizing international efforts against organized crime
IV)   Provide an international court for the moderation of disputes between nations
V) The Coalition will under no circumstances require the deployment of troops on anything other than a volunteer basis in the pursuit of these goals

Members will be required to pay a small due for the maintenance of CoA facilities and meeting-places.

The Coalition is not a mutual defense pact or a military alliance- it acts as a forum for the discussion and the reaching of decisions for the common good.

Signed by authorised representatives of the following founding sovereign