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Dawn of War mod 'Inquisition: Daemonhunt' released
Posted: 2007-06-20 08:49pm
by Feil
This handy full-race mod for Dark Crusade 1.2 lets you take control of the puritanical forces of the Ordo Malleus, and the Grey Knights. It is made to be played with the existing races of Dark Crusade 1.2. Rejoice and be glad, then download, install, and get smiting.
Posted: 2007-06-20 09:09pm
by Hawkwings
Words cannot express my joy. I'll be gone for a few days...
EDIT: Once this thing finishes downloading...
Posted: 2007-06-20 09:25pm
by Lonestar
Posted: 2007-06-20 10:07pm
by Anarchist Bunny
Shit it'll be a while til I can play.
Posted: 2007-06-20 10:27pm
by Feil
And the first-impressions:
Voice acting seems nonexistent; units use voices from DoW, matched appropriately to units. Other sounds are all in place, with no obvious placeholders; buildings all have unique and good sounds. Buildings are pretty. Animations and effects across the board are glorious and fully complete, particularly for the Grey Knight Commander and Terminators. Stormtroopers are a hideously ugly unit, even with fullres_teamcolor enabled; other units are average for Dawn of War, except for the Grey Knights and vehicles, which are very nice. The tech tree is pretty good, but you don't get any Grey Knights at all until Tier Three (which is sad because the other units are fairly ugly, except for the Inquisitor and the builder unit).
Posted: 2007-06-20 10:48pm
by Hawkwings
My first impressions:
What? Only 1 capping unit from the HQ? Though they are pretty hardy. This makes getting started a bit slower.
Stormtroopers are... basically beefed up guardsmen. They get pretty beefy by the end of the game though, plus they can have melta weapons!
Rhinos suck ass. Though I never used one with missiles. It'd still probably suck though, like an almost-sentinel.
Chimeras! The only *real* APC. Pity it's only got 2 slots now though.
Deep-striking stormtroopers are cool, and potentially useful.
Scholars are an interesting support unit.
Grey Knights: ahh yes... deep striking too!
What? My GK dreadnought can fit inside a Land Raider? Plus have room for a normal GK squad?
What? My Land Raider can deep strike?!?!?
So my final assault on the enemy base (A rival inquisitor) started off as 2 chimeras, one with the inquisitor/bodyguards, and the other with advisors.
I drove into the enemy base and unloaded.
Then I UNLOADED my waiting teleport units. 3 squads of kasr - stormtroopers, a dreadnought, and a Land Raider Crusader. Then I continued to unload, bringing out the GK squad and Terminator squad from the dreadnought.
Emperor help you if you ever let the Inquisition in sight of your base.
Death Cult assassins: pretty useless in my game, but...
What if you snuck into the enemy base with one of the assassins, then UNLOADED? That's 5 deep strike symbols appearing in your base in just a few seconds, without any warning.
That would be the epitome of pwned.
Posted: 2007-06-21 02:33am
by Rightous Fist Of Heaven
Wooooot. I've been expecting this for month's, now I finally have an excellent reason to re-install Dark Crusade. Cant wait to open a can of whoopass on some Chaos AI's
Posted: 2007-06-21 02:34am
by Resinence
The real question is, do they have the smiting power to burn the (overpowered) necrons in righteous fire for the emperor?
Posted: 2007-06-21 03:30am
by Hawkwings
Well, stormtroopers are only 45 req and the reinforce really REALLY fast. Plus they can get frag grenades and grenade launchers. I'd say that would be a yes.
Posted: 2007-06-21 07:46am
by nt01jones
Weehee been waiting for this sucker. should hold me over till firestorm over Kronus is finished.
Posted: 2007-06-21 11:01am
by Rogue 9
The mod team stated that they couldn't get all the voice acting done. The custom voices will be added in a later patch, by my understanding.
I'm waiting on the download to finish now.
Posted: 2007-06-24 03:50pm
by Rightous Fist Of Heaven
DAMNIT! Right when I think I'll get to kick some ass with the Grey Knights, my computer starts acting like a bitch on me. Installed Dark Crusade and tried applying the first patch, no friggin dice. It just hangs in the "Patching in Progress" part with the progress bar not moving an inch. Tried re-installing DC for five times now with no success and starting to feel a tad pissed off.
Posted: 2007-06-24 04:57pm
by Feil
Download the patches manually from filefront. If a manual install won't work, uninstall DC and delete the THQ folder entirely, then install again and try it. If that won't work, consider hiring a techpriest.
Posted: 2007-06-24 05:06pm
by Shortie
What other mods are worthwhile? Steel Legion seems to be WA only at the moment, and I've just started DoW XP, which is fun.
Posted: 2007-06-24 06:47pm
by Lord Revan
I have just 1 question about this, What the hell did they do with Gray Knight Squad you get with Space Marines (left it in there?!)?
Posted: 2007-06-24 07:22pm
by Feil
They didn't touch the other races. So you'll get Grey Knights attacking you if you fight Space Marines, and if you fight Guardsmen, they'll be yelling "For the Emperor!" while you purge them as heretics and daemon worshipers.
Posted: 2007-06-24 07:25pm
by Rightous Fist Of Heaven
Feil wrote:Download the patches manually from filefront. If a manual install won't work, uninstall DC and delete the THQ folder entirely, then install again and try it. If that won't work, consider hiring a techpriest.
You wouldnt happen to have the contact info of any good techpriests in that case? Dangit, I've tried the manual way quite a few times with little success. Not enough prayers to the machine spirit I guess.
Posted: 2007-06-24 09:10pm
by Zeond
Feil wrote:They didn't touch the other races. So you'll get Grey Knights attacking you if you fight Space Marines, and if you fight Guardsmen, they'll be yelling "For the Emperor!" while you purge them as heretics and daemon worshipers.
Actually they did remove the Grey Knights squad from Space Marines and added Deathwatch Veterans instead. They work very much like Grey Knights but have the severed heads of various xenos (two types of ork, an Eldar banshee, firewarrior helmets, kroot head and a tyranid head) on their backpacks and bolters with scopes and combat knives fixed as bayonets.
EDIT: Pictorial Evidence
Posted: 2007-06-24 11:51pm
by UCBooties
This is a lot of fun, but skirmishes never hold my attention for long so I think it's a shame that there's no way to play as these guys in the campaign. (Yes, I know what a hideous amount of work that would be)
Off topic question-
Has THQ or Relic announced what the next DoW project is? I just replayed a campaign in Dark Crusade and after the credits there's a teaser which pulls back from Kronus to show two other planets and then says "2007." Any word yet as to what that is all about?
Posted: 2007-06-26 12:12am
by Rogue 9
Well, I've played a few rounds on it.
In 1v1 on a normal map (the 1v1 custom one in there kicks my ass because I can only ever get to one strategic point) against the Chaos comp on Hard, the Grey Knights are fucking unstoppable. 3v3 gives me more trouble, but you can deep strike everything. They should really put a cap on the number of teleporters you can have; dumping your entire vehicle complement on the enemy's head at once tends to make for a very bad day for them.
Posted: 2007-12-09 08:10pm
by Feil
The mod has been patched, adding (very good, very professional sounding) voice clips for all units. The link in the first post now contains the updated mod.
Posted: 2007-12-10 01:02pm
by Lonestar
I downloaded it last night. Very nice, I think. It's a pity they couldn't have copied the stormtroopers voice from the Steel Legion mod though.
Posted: 2007-12-11 07:09pm
by Ritterin Sophia
Is there any way to lower the difficulty so I can just test out the units in skirmish, rather than get swarmed by the Computer?
Posted: 2007-12-11 07:49pm
by Feil
When you start a skirmish game, go to game settings and toggle the difficulty level to Easy. Or is this not what you're looking for?
Posted: 2007-12-11 10:36pm
by Ritterin Sophia
Feil wrote:When you start a skirmish game, go to game settings and toggle the difficulty level to Easy. Or is this not what you're looking for?
Not what I was looking for, the setting is set to easy but within the first fifteen minutes I'm being swarmed by Defilers, Chaos Predators, half a dozen squads of Chaos Raptors, and half a dozen more Cultist, and like eight squads of CSM.