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A WH:40K (gaming) question

Posted: 2007-07-17 03:26am
by Lord Revan
Since it been so long since anyone has posted in the WH:40K gaming thread I desided to make this into a seperate thread so I wouldn't nerco the other thread

how would you build your force if you had 2 IG detachments with 2500 points to spend for each and 1 Chaos detachment with 2000 point (Yes I know this is a huge one).

the battlefield would be urban with entrenched fortifications on the other(aka opponent side)

the Opposing force would a mixture of Daemon- and Witch hunters, Imperial Guard and Space marines (with 2000 per army there and inquisation forces being just 1 army)

Note:you won't able to get Leman Russ demolisher or Basilisks (or any other heavy tanks there is but weren't in the Game Workshop website miniature list).

edit:Of course you're not allowed to use any IG special characters either, but chaos special character are ok.

Posted: 2007-07-17 04:27am
by Keevan_Colton
For a heavily urban environment guard with cameloline are just a huge pain to deal with...nothing but flamers will dislodged them easily (and the psy weapons of the deamon hunters)...and massed guard fire can be really fun when you're sitting with a 3+ cover save.

The much neglected mortar would probably be quite fun too, and a roadblock of commisar led conscripts would be fairly amusing, particularly with a few flamers to aid in building clearance.

Would standard Leman Russ tanks be available? It's a shame about the lack of armour options, this sort of scenario is almost ideal for indirect fire Earthshakers and Griffons.

As far as Fast Attack goes, if you've got room on the table (some roads and so on) you can have a lot of fun with Hellhounds and their Inferno Cannons. Strength 6, AP 4, and no cover saves. Great to deal with other guardsmen.

I'd think some sentinels would be quite fun too, they can move through difficult terrain as with other walkers and are a lot harder to dislodge than guardsmen themselves in an assault (strength 3 and you're shit out of luck).

I've never really played as Chaos, just on the killing them side of things so no advice off the top of my head.

Oh, and the 40k thread is pretty much for necroing.

Posted: 2007-07-17 05:19am
by Lord Revan
well first off this force is the attacking one (with defending force more or less being deployed on the objective) and lack of heavy armor and fire support in to depict that this is a PDF that was corrupted by chaos one way or another.

Posted: 2007-07-17 04:57pm
by Dark Hellion
Do you want a fluff list or a competitive list?

The differences will be huge, but I can do both. Fluff list would get a list of names and shit attached, the comp. list will have a tactical brief.

Posted: 2007-07-18 12:25am
by Lord Revan
Dark Hellion wrote:Do you want a fluff list or a competitive list?

The differences will be huge, but I can do both. Fluff list would get a list of names and shit attached, the comp. list will have a tactical brief.
both if you don't mind

Btw feel free to use the adverseries rules for Witch- and/or Daemonhunters, assuming they cen be used and you don't go too much over board with it.