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Command and Conquer: Whats next?
Posted: 2007-07-27 11:05pm
by Zor
Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars did pritty well in both the reveiw and sales department, after a decade of existance the label still has selling power. Now the Million tiberium Credit question is (after the expantion pack/s to Tiberium Wars) were they are going to go next. Are they going to do a forth Tiberium RTS? Will they do a second FPS rollplaying game? Will they go back to the Tesla Coils and Cronospheres of the Pistonpunk/Alternate History world of Red Alert with a third game. Will the United States, China and Global Liberation Army return for Command and Conquer Generals: 2? Will a new C&C universe come into existance? What do you think the next Thing for Command and Conquer will be?
Posted: 2007-07-27 11:19pm
by Andrew_Fireborn
Hmm... I'd rather stop seeing C&C slapped onto random unrelated RTS game #42. (Seriously, generals could have been named ANYTHING else and it would have been the same... It has no relation at all to the rest of C&C. Never played it, so I won't comment on quality, but I've heard scant good about it.)
I think EA, with C&C 3 realized that C&C would get more buyers if it was still C&C. I'd kinda hoped Wars would close up the Tiberium universe, and have a little more epic feel to it like TS, but I'm still pleased with it. (Even though Nod taking a step back in terms of equipment, training, and stealth technology annoyed me... GDI in a way advanced.)
If I'm remembering right, there was a new Red Alert game that was shelved when they realized people wanted another Tiberium series more. So they'll likely work on that next.
Posted: 2007-07-27 11:43pm
by ray245 long as red alert got naval units to make it fun.
Posted: 2007-07-28 04:50am
by Invictus ChiKen
I'd love to see a Red Alert 3. But I hope they cut down on the sadistic level design!
Also my second wish. Have a game start out where the "bad" side won.
Posted: 2007-07-28 06:22am
by Laughing Mechanicus
Immediately next is almost certainly a C&C3 expansion pack, as there has never been a C&C RTS game without one (plus it's easy money).
There were rumours flying around recently that EA has licensed the Crysis Engine for a C&C FPS, and that's probably not entirely unlikely even if they don't end up using that engine. FPS's are hot property on the consoles so you can bet EA wants to grow C&C to include them.
I would also love to see a new Red Alert series game, it's always been my favourite out of the two. I would actually prefer they did something along the line of remaking the original with some modern RTS features and shiny graphics, like World in Conflict but with Tesla Coils.
I would also like another C&C Generals at some point, I can never understand all the hate focused towards it; I'm as a big a C&C fan as they come, and you can bet my bullshit alarms went EA announced it. They proved me wrong though, I keep it installed even now as it's great fun for skirmishes and on the LAN and has an fantastic diversity of units and sides. In my opinion it's a great addition to the franchise. It's not as if the Red Alert and Tiberian universes exist in the same time line any more anyway.
They could totally blind side us and come out with a new Dune game, but I think Westwood handily buried that series with Emperor.
Posted: 2007-07-28 11:07am
I think it was the general disconnect from either Command & Conquer universe. Had they removed the C&C name, the game wouldn't have been changed one bit.
Posted: 2007-07-28 11:42am
by Dartzap
I'm personally looking forward to the next incarnation of Hell March.
Posted: 2007-07-28 12:40pm
by Trogdor
IIRC, they refused to name C&C3 "Tiberian Twilight" because they didn't want to give the impression that the series was ending. Since C&C3 did well, I expect we'll see C&C IV sooner or later.
For what's next however, my money's on either the next Red Alert game or another FPS. If it's the latter, I hope it's set in the Tiberian-verse, and you get to play as a Nod operative this time.
Posted: 2007-07-28 02:20pm
by Laughing Mechanicus
SAMAS wrote:I think it was the general disconnect from either Command & Conquer universe. Had they removed the C&C name, the game wouldn't have been changed one bit.
How is that any different from Westwood introducing a new "universe" with Red Alert? Or are you referring to moving the game to 3D and adding new gameplay elements?
As for a new FPS I hope they revive the idea behind Renegade 2, the premise of which was to connect the Red Alert and Tiberian universes and clean up the continuity. However EA may prefer they remain separate franchises, much more scope for sequels/expansions that way. Take a look at the logo on the side of this
Kirov airship for an idea of where they were going (or, you know, just finish the original Red Alert as the Soviets).
Posted: 2007-07-28 03:26pm
by InnocentBystander
Aaron Ash wrote:
As for a new FPS I hope they revive the idea behind Renegade 2, the premise of which was to connect the Red Alert and Tiberian universes and clean up the continuity.
Err, where did that come from? I didn't notice any Red Alert elements in Renegade. I always enjoyed Renegade. The tanks, the bases, it was all really cool. Sure Tribes had vehicles but what game had bases and resources?
Posted: 2007-07-28 03:57pm
by Trogdor
The only RA elements I can think of in Renegade is that inside one of the Nod buildings, the Temple of Nod in the last level, I think, there were pictures of Soviet Apoc tanks from RA2 on the walls.
Personally, I wouldn't want the two universes united. It would require way too much retconning.
Posted: 2007-07-28 05:06pm
by Instant Sunrise
Wasn't Stalin assassinated by Nod assassins at the end of the first Red Alert?
Posted: 2007-07-28 05:28pm
by Laughing Mechanicus
Sorry, should have been more clear- that was the idea for the story of Renegade 2 (which was fairly far along in development till it was scrapped), the original Renegade itself had nothing to do with that uniting the two universes.
You can find concept art/screen shots for Renegade 2 around the net. The whole theme is a collapsed Soviet Empire after Red Alert 2 is being taken over by Nods influence. One of the pictures suggested that the Hands on top of the Hand of Nod were recycled from demolished Soviet era statues. Certainly explains how Nod was able to acquire advanced tech but also lost lots of the old Soviet tech.
IGN has some pictures of statics created for the game.
Pictures here of a destroyed industrial lanscape test level plus some RA2 vehicles in the engine.
Some Renegade 2 concept art and renders.
Dartzap wrote:I'm personally looking forward to the next incarnation of Hell March.
You're extremely unlikely to ever hear one. Frank Klepacki (the artist responsible for almost all of C&Cs music up until Generals) now works for Petroglyph studios. Hence why the music in C&C3 is rather forgettable. There is a Hell March remix made for the game Sole Survivor that most people haven't heard which is pretty cool.
Posted: 2007-07-28 05:32pm
by Andrew_Fireborn
Aaron Ash wrote:SAMAS wrote:I think it was the general disconnect from either Command & Conquer universe. Had they removed the C&C name, the game wouldn't have been changed one bit.
How is that any different from Westwood introducing a new "universe" with Red Alert? Or are you referring to moving the game to 3D and adding new gameplay elements?
As you said later in that post, RA was originally a prequel to C&C. RA2 kinda screwed that up... And established it as a second universe... (The first of EA's efforts... Although good and fun to play, was entirely too bright and comedic. And I loath their structure art...)
At this point, it would require alot of rewriting/retconning to say that RA & RA2 were part of the timeline... And since it's basically an established guide line that Tiberium universe doesn't have ships while RA does... it's probably better they stay seperate.
Posted: 2007-07-28 11:45pm
by defanatic
I'd personally like to see an RA3 that is a lot grittier than RA2.
Posted: 2007-07-29 12:33am
by Uraniun235
defanatic wrote:I'd personally like to see an RA3 that is a lot grittier than RA2.
When would RA3 be set in?
Posted: 2007-07-29 12:41am
by weemadando
A next gen renegade would be fucking awesome.
Posted: 2007-07-29 12:56am
by Andrew_Fireborn
Uraniun235 wrote:defanatic wrote:I'd personally like to see an RA3 that is a lot grittier than RA2.
When would RA3 be set in?
Good question... The first one was an alternate WWII, the next one kinda oozed 50's/60's...
GDI and the first Tib war were supposed to happen in the late 90's early 2000's...
So, even if they want to retcon it back into it's original purpose, there's still a few more decades between RA & Tiberium... If they keep on the tangent of complete disconnect, it could be anytime really. Heck, it's already disconnected enough from reality that they could make it setting "modern day"...
Posted: 2007-07-29 02:48am
by ray245
Screw the connection between both universe, make RA3 a alternate universe to make it more fun!
And dammit, is it so hard to put ships back in RTS games now? Especially C&C series?
Posted: 2007-07-29 05:12am
by Karza
defanatic wrote:I'd personally like to see an RA3 that is a lot grittier than RA2.
I'd like to see RA3 as well, but I'd keep the atmosphere just the way it was in RA2. Somehow the happy-go-lucky nothing makes sense feel of it never ceases to amuse me

. Although Yuri & co have to go, the whole telepathic crackpot army was quite boring.
Posted: 2007-07-29 12:48pm
by ray245
Agreed. When you play RA2, it sort of brighten your day, as compared to TS, which makes me feel depressed by the atmosphere.
Posted: 2007-07-29 01:00pm
by Uraniun235
liked the atmosphere of Tiberian Sun. There were gameplay issues, yes, but I thought the atmosphere of TS was one of the best aspects of that RTS. I'd love an RTS with the same atmosphere and better gameplay.
ray245 wrote:Screw the connection between both universe, make RA3 a alternate universe to make it more fun!
And dammit, is it so hard to put ships back in RTS games now? Especially C&C series?
Most RTS games are too small scale to really warrant a naval component, meaning the navy tends to either be irritably small-scale (i.e. battleships equivalent to perhaps 3.6 tanks) or threatens to dominate any battlefield they're deployed on (i.e. the battleships from RA1).
Posted: 2007-07-29 01:51pm
by Andrew_Fireborn
I felt the RA2 navies were about right... If heavily map dependant and causing a few maps to have naval paths included for no other reason...
Gotta agree though, I liked the atmosphere of C&C, TS & RA. It's a war, it should feel like one. RA2, yeah a little cheesy and overdone atmospherically (Still want to flog their building artist...) but the ending of the allies main game was just...
I mean "Tanya" and a generic bust in, find the Soviet leader and PANTS him... It wasn't funny at all, and damn pathetic. Doesn't help that I liked the RA Tanya's actress far better than RA2's...
I don't remember the soviet one... though, so it can't have been as bad.
Posted: 2007-07-29 02:09pm
Aaron Ash wrote:SAMAS wrote:I think it was the general disconnect from either Command & Conquer universe. Had they removed the C&C name, the game wouldn't have been changed one bit.
How is that any different from Westwood introducing a new "universe" with Red Alert? Or are you referring to moving the game to 3D and adding new gameplay elements?
Remember, Red Alert 1 was a
prequel to Tiberium Dawn(The Soviet ending even explicitly mentions
Nod). Of course, it had the same look, interface, and in many cases, the same
units as the first game.
Red Alert 2
did go off on a tangent big time, but kept a connection to it's predecessor, and thusly, to the series as a whole.
Generals, on the other hand, could've had the name changed,
and nothing else, and nobody would have been the wiser. I think that turned off a lot of people.
Posted: 2007-07-29 03:17pm
by Ritterin Sophia
Andrew_Fireborn wrote:I don't remember the soviet one... though, so it can't have been as bad.
The Soviet ending was the soviets destroying the Chronosphere in Alaska with a nuclear missile. Then it switches to a news cast where the Comrade-General becomes the Premier of Pax Sovietus, with the people of the United Kingdom celebrating the end of the Great World War III and a soviet parade through France. Finally a message of Yuri lamenting that he did not get a chance to look inside the new Premiers mind, though, he seems ecstatic to know he may yet have a chance.
Here. Of the RA2 and RA2:YR Endings, mine are the Soviet ones.