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Something Awful go to No Mutants Allowed(and other places)

Posted: 2007-07-30 06:12am
by Bluewolf
Get a taste of the Fallout fans:*/d/weekend ... php?page=1
SA wrote:Fallout 3, the long-anticipated RPG from Bethesda Softworks, is coming Fall 2008! What are the true fans saying about the game? This week we went to No Mutants Allowed to get the scoop on the hottest game of next year. But when we got there we just found a bunch of losers bitching endlessly.
Its like Fallout is god. :lol:

Posted: 2007-07-30 06:25am
by Ace Pace
This is hilarious.

Thats too good to be true.

Hey CaoCao, got anything to say about this? Your fellow nuts exposed!

Posted: 2007-07-30 06:45am
by Ford Prefect
You just can't make this shit up.

Posted: 2007-07-30 07:55am
by Bounty
The broken OP link...isn't broken. The text has a *, the URL itself hasn't. Just a heads-up.

Posted: 2007-07-30 07:58am
by PeZook
Ace Pace wrote:This is hilarious.
<snip pic>
Hey CaoCao, got anything to say about this? Your fellow nuts exposed!
Gentlemen, this is evolution at work. These guys will never, ever have children.

Posted: 2007-07-30 08:17am
by Vympel
Comedy gold.



Incidentally - you can see where CaoCao got his spittle-flecked raving against Todd Howard- just a dev before his company bought the Fallout licence, and now the greatest villain of all time to this collection of sad fanatics.

From my own little cursory glance at their little cesspit, it's not surprising where they get their sad, overblown sense of injury and entitlement from:
Fallout 3 is not disliked because it's new. While alot of cynical comments about "Shiny graphics, nukular catapultz and 1mm3rshUn" may make it seem that way. The truth is over the years long time Fallout Fans have managed to deduce what it really is that makes Fallout, what it's about, and what made it uniquely "Fallout". Given recent preveiws, many fans feel that Bethesda is missing the point of Fallout. That the emphasis on swearing and gore and nuclear explosions (cars, the fatman) contradicts the original games.
Did you get that? Like scientists hard at work in a lab, Fallout Fans (note the capitals) have cracked the atom - er - managed to deduce What Fallout Really Is.


Then you've got their reaching for the smelling salts at Todd Howard saying that Fallout's violence is funny:-
Okay, but why all the really mean comments about Todd Howard himself?

A) He's the lead developer.
B) He's also at the front of the hype machine surrounding Fallout 3.
C) He goes on and on about some of the features fans hate the most. Talking about how "violence is funny like Jackass" and seemingly totally missing the point about
D) Listen to the stuff he says and how he acts some time. He does not seem like the brightest of people.
It is funny, you dumbfucks! What, you think those exaggerated animations are real?

Posted: 2007-07-30 08:42am
by Dooey Jo
Ace Pace wrote:This is hilarious.
Thats too good to be true.
I remember reading that and laughing my ass off, but I thought I saw it on an older Weekend Web. Weird :?

Posted: 2007-07-30 01:25pm
by Hotfoot
Jesus, they are one step away from declaring Bethesda Nazi Germany and themselves the Jews.
A guy that froths at the mouth wrote:Bethesda is actively fighting to bury Fallout-like cRPGs and spreads lies about isometric perspective being outdated.
I'm not going to support them just like I don't support white supremacist or judeo-christian musicians. Why should I give my money to someone who spreads lies about my culture?
First off, isometric perspective is a culture? Maybe it's games using isometric perspective...not that the latter concept makes much more sense. Second, likening Bethesda to God Rock and WHITE SUPREMACISTS?

Holy shit. I thought Que Que was bad enough. I thought we had seen a taste of the madness of the rabid Fallout Fans. I was wrong. Compared to them, he's one of the sane ones.

Posted: 2007-07-30 01:43pm
by YT300000
$50 says that they buy/download the game when it comes out anyway, "just for research purposes." :lol:

Posted: 2007-07-30 04:24pm
by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba
Something Awful really dropped the ball - they totally missed all the threats of suicide over this game or death threats against Bethesda or their obsession, Todd Howard. Seriously.

Re: Something Awful go to No Mutants Allowed(and other place

Posted: 2007-07-30 11:10pm
by Xisiqomelir
SA is terrible as ever. Going to NMA and searching "Todd Howard" turns up better stuff than this.

Posted: 2007-07-31 12:24am
by DPDarkPrimus
NMA is a class example of how liking something too much can make you hate the very thing you love.

Posted: 2007-07-31 03:32am
by weemadando
I discuss this a little in my latest blog. That and internet tough-guys and ranting in general. But mainly its about loser Fallout fanboys.

Posted: 2007-07-31 03:36pm
by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba
weemadando wrote:I discuss this a little in my latest blog. That and internet tough-guys and ranting in general. But mainly its about loser Fallout fanboys.
You really stirred up the hive.

Yes you did.

Posted: 2007-07-31 03:54pm
by Cao Cao
Misrepresentation is such a wonderful thing.
It makes me sad that what was once my favorite forum for logical debates has reverted into Trekkie style lies and me-tooing. To rabidly protect Bethesda of all companies.

Posted: 2007-07-31 03:59pm
by Vendetta
Maybe you missed the subtitle. sci-fi, science, and mockery of stupid people.

Posted: 2007-07-31 04:00pm
by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba
Cao Cao wrote:Misrepresentation is such a wonderful thing.
It makes me sad that what was once my favorite forum for logical debates has reverted into Trekkie style lies and me-tooing. To rabidly protect Bethesda of all companies.
Yes, we are truly the last bastion in defense of Bethesda's good name. And did you just come back to snipe or are you going to run away like a bitch like you did last time the logical debate you love ever so much ended with you being bitchslapped?

Posted: 2007-07-31 04:08pm
by Cao Cao
Please. You make yourselves look stupid enough already.
For example, I'll point you to that "I slapped my girlfriend!" post one of you put up without context: ... &start=120

For every dumbass who thought that was funny, there was someone who told the idiot to get a life.
Also note his join date, 21st of June 2007. That sure is representative of NMA alright!

And I don't care to respond to all the hate-filled vitriol that's spewed my way simply because some people can't get over their obsession with 1st person games.

Posted: 2007-07-31 04:11pm
by Bounty
You're right, the context makes it all better, especially scathing replies like this one:
Honestly if she can't see the beauty of the series and understand why the developers must stay committed to its roots, I doubt she'd have stayed committed to you anyway. You made the right choice, I say!

Myself, I'm more or less not on speaking terms with my friends who are planning to buy this game on release day. They'll see when they play the game and see just how shitty it is though.

Posted: 2007-07-31 04:20pm
by Cao Cao
Bounty wrote:You're right, the context makes it all better, especially scathing replies like this one:
Honestly if she can't see the beauty of the series and understand why the developers must stay committed to its roots, I doubt she'd have stayed committed to you anyway. You made the right choice, I say!

Myself, I'm more or less not on speaking terms with my friends who are planning to buy this game on release day. They'll see when they play the game and see just how shitty it is though.
Yeah man, let's just ignore the following:
Funny you say that, 'cause I can say the same about certain men too. Not the hormones part though... in this case there's no brain for the hormones to get in the way of.
I'll join you in kicking freshmeat [the perpetrator of the girlfriend slapper post]. We'll call it "Meatball!"(tm)
While I appreciate your fervor for Fallout.. that's just wrong. Not everybody is obligated to care about Fallout.
Domestic violence is not a joking matter. The more people make psychotic comments, the more ammunition is provided for whiners who want to defame the community.
Agreed. We don't want that kind of thing here.

Freshmeat - This is a your first strike. No more of this subject.

I would suggest everyone drop the domestic violence comments and return to the topic.
Actually it can be assumed that a few of the people who register only to post over-the-top bursts of rage against Bethesda or the world in general are "reverse trolls" from Quarter to Three or similar places, either trying to fuel the perception of our forum as a skum pitt or just for the heck of it.
And this is why cherry picking quotes makes you look bad.

Posted: 2007-07-31 06:21pm
by Vendetta
The fact that the initial post was made at all, without a hint of irony or humour, invalidates any defence of it you care to make.
And I don't care to respond to all the hate-filled vitriol that's spewed my way simply because some people can't get over their obsession with 1st person games.
That's because you know, deep down, that your position on the new fallout is logically indefensible, and you're going to shut up before you make yourself look even stupider. It would be redundant to point out the irony in you decrying other people's obsession for particular videogame presentations, as even George Bush could spot that one...

Posted: 2007-07-31 06:37pm
by GuppyShark
Vendetta wrote:The fact that the initial post was made at all, without a hint of irony or humour, invalidates any defence of it you care to make.
He's not defending that guy. He's saying he's not representative of the forum. Given the guy's recent start date and postcount, I'd have to say that's a fair call.

Although it was amusing to see, later in that thread, a mod ban a guy for (sarcastically) praising Oblivion but freshmeat doesn't seem to be banned.

Posted: 2007-07-31 07:13pm
by CaptHawkeye
I've got to agree that we are being unfair towards NWA. Their were a pretty good number of people on the forum who tore that guy a new one. The mods ate him alive.

That being said, I STILL find the fanatacism of the Fallout fanbase to be fucking retarded. SA put it perfectly, if they want to replay Fallout so much, why don't they just rip out Fallout 1 or 2 again? Let us play something, oh, I don't know, original?

For christ sake, Fallout is a video game. A fucking PRODUCT. How anyone can allow a video game to become such a fundamental part of their existence that they rabidly protest any change to it (Such as calling for boycotts or insulting those who like how the new game is turning out.) is beyond me. Of course, it's not like this is the first time we've seen it happen. Does anyone else remember how a certain group of people reacted when it turned out Xenosaga wasn't going to be a direct sequel to Xenogears?

What I love most of the all is how they genuinly believe Bethesda is just trying to spite them. (It has every right to, frankly.) Or that they are all alone in the pit of despair over their game. Never-fucking-mind series like Mechwarrior and Deus Ex, who's most recent titles didn't even closely resemble what they started out as. What's worse, Mechassault and Invisible War genuinly sucked. Even as stand alone games. But we never saw anything close to this kind of rabid loyalty from MW and DE fans. Maybe if the Fallout Jihadists weren't so fucking retarded, they could help the developers to make Fallout 3 a good game in general instead of their self-righteous wankfest.

Posted: 2007-07-31 07:36pm
by Cao Cao
Vendetta wrote:That's because you know, deep down, that your position on the new fallout is logically indefensible, and you're going to shut up before you make yourself look even stupider. It would be redundant to point out the irony in you decrying other people's obsession for particular videogame presentations, as even George Bush could spot that one...
Oh you mean the position that Fallout 3 isn't a sequel in any sense?
Perfectly defensible, given that the stated aim of the original designers was to make a turn based RPG. That's what Fallout is. And what is logically indefensible is random spewings about "immersion" or how nebulous self-defined aspects of Fallout are what really make it what it is.

Posted: 2007-07-31 07:38pm
by Cao Cao
GuppyShark wrote:
Vendetta wrote:The fact that the initial post was made at all, without a hint of irony or humour, invalidates any defence of it you care to make.
He's not defending that guy. He's saying he's not representative of the forum. Given the guy's recent start date and postcount, I'd have to say that's a fair call.
That's pretty much it. Seriously, it's not like this forum hasn't had it's morons.
Although it was amusing to see, later in that thread, a mod ban a guy for (sarcastically) praising Oblivion but freshmeat doesn't seem to be banned.
Freshmeat got a strike, in NMA you get 3 strikes and you're auto-banned. He apologised for the remark and it was left at that.
The poster who did get banned made ONE post. If your first post on a forum is going to be useless, off topic sarcasm then of what worth are you?