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If You Could Do One Thing to Fix World of Warcraft...
Posted: 2007-08-17 06:46am
by Broomstick
Even people who like World of Warcraft bitch about it.
If you could do one thing to fix WoW what would it be?
Re: If You Could Do One Thing to Fix World of Warcraft...
Posted: 2007-08-17 06:55am
by Crown
Broomstick wrote:Even people who like World of Warcraft bitch about it.
If you could do one thing to fix WoW what would it be?
Make getting from 1->60 faster. Like a lot faster. This includes also Proffessions from 1->300. 60 isn't endgame anymore, and it shouldn't be so fucking boring, hard, long getting to it.
Also, PvP naked. Should cut down the QQ over oponents who massively outgear others two shotting them, although I will allow the PvP trinket, since Warlocks (I have a 70) have 2 CC's that would just pwn others without the trinket, but then again if everyone's naked, spell damage vs stamina should be more balanced, right?
Posted: 2007-08-17 07:02am
by wautd
The graphics. I simply loathed the Looney Tunes settings
Posted: 2007-08-17 07:02am
by Zwinmar
In one word: Itemization.
Its bs that it doesnt matter your level so much as it does the gear you have. Big differential in level not included.
I play a 70 hunter, and itemization really sucks, never the right stats, no matter what spec. Ive vendored more 70 quest rewards than I care to remember.
Gear should be equal across the board, none of this cloth wearers get epics from tailoring at 300 (or whatever it is) while every else gets screwed.
Posted: 2007-08-17 07:23am
by Resinence
Un-nerf druids. Whining little fucking warriors...

Posted: 2007-08-17 08:06am
by Alferd Packer
Make it free to play.

Posted: 2007-08-17 08:20am
by Faabio
Fix all the bugs in raid and other bosses/events. Those annoy me the most at this particular moment
Posted: 2007-08-17 08:52am
by Broomstick
Well, I'll weigh in at this point - on PvP servers I'd set a limit on how low you could gank the levels below you unwillingly. Say, anyone more than 20 levels below you is off-limits unless they attack you first. It's just stupid that a level 70 can whack away at level 20s.
Posted: 2007-08-17 08:57am
by Ar-Adunakhor
Player interaction with the world, allowing for players to rise in the gameworld to command cities (or build their own). PvP warfare or diplomatic relations where said cities and territories can be taken over would also fall under this change.
Then again, that would require the entire game to be changed. I don't think it would be a bad change, but many others might.
Posted: 2007-08-17 10:10am
by Azazal
Allow Horde and Alliance to actully work together in the outlands? Both can join the Scryer or Aldor factions, so why can't they team-up?
Posted: 2007-08-17 10:49am
by Flagg
Flying mounts in Azeroth.
Posted: 2007-08-17 12:02pm
by Lord Pounder
Boot anyone under 18. The game is ruined by teenage twats griefing.
Posted: 2007-08-17 12:19pm
by Dark Hellion
Make it run by a different company who knows how to properly fix problems. Many issues continue only because of Blizzards refusal to address them as problems (look at pre-first patch warriors for the best example ever).
Posted: 2007-08-17 12:23pm
by InnocentBystander
Massive GM run storyline events. Not the silly little invasions and shit they started doing after like 8 months; but major world changing events and epic campaigns.
Posted: 2007-08-17 12:29pm
by Flagg
Lord Pounder wrote:Boot anyone under 18. The game is ruined by teenage twats griefing.
Ok, I change my vote to that. At least have some 18 and older servers, anyway.
Posted: 2007-08-17 01:15pm
by Ghost Rider
For WoW alone?
Some classes, such as Rogues, Hunters, Mages, and Warlocks has shitty itemization at parts but ungodly abilities. Thus they get some benefits from only select pieces, and have some bizarre gear match ups. Also for some reason Blizz has the most fucked up point allocation for them. They get a focused stat, and another alternative stat that is benefical...then they finagle with the class making them NEED a third and often underused stat.
Others like Warriors, and Priests and nearly their entire arsenal tied intrisically to weapons/armor. Which makes them shit through out most of the game until they reach the end level and THEN start gearing for playing.
Then some like Druids, Shamans, and Paladins...sit in the kinda middle. They benefit from some parts, pissant from others. This pigeon holes them even if they have respectable abilities in whatever they select.
There are many complete and total rehauls I would do, but one thing without changing the entire game of World of Warcraft, this would be it.
Posted: 2007-08-17 02:28pm
by The Yosemite Bear
Dark Hellion wrote:Make it run by a different company who knows how to properly fix problems. Many issues continue only because of Blizzards refusal to address them as problems (look at pre-first patch warriors for the best example ever).
I found out Blizzard Hired GW's Andy Chambers....
wait on it, we shoudl be getting treated worse soon.
Posted: 2007-08-17 04:07pm
by Xenophobe3691
Add a crowd control class, a la Enchanters in old EQ.
That's the only reason I don't play WoW...
Posted: 2007-08-17 05:06pm
by Hotfoot
What should be added to EVERY MMO.
City of Heroes Sidekick/Exemplar system. Fuck playing through the grind solo, this is a fucking MMO. I want to play with my friends god damn it, and MAYBE some random puggers when we need extra bodies.
Posted: 2007-08-17 05:43pm
by Starglider
Ar-Adunakhor wrote:Player interaction with the world, allowing for players to rise in the gameworld to command cities (or build their own). PvP warfare or diplomatic relations where said cities and territories can be taken over would also fall under this change.
If there are a limited number of slots for people to do this (and I don't see how there could not be) then only the insanely dedicated players will get to do it. Plus it sounds like another way for dedicated assholes to fuck things up for everyone else. However there are other sorts of world interactivity that would be much more practical.
Flagg wrote:Flying mounts in Azeroth.
Hell yes. I almost gave WoW a try when it first came out until I heard that they'd deleted storm crow form for druids.
The thing I personally would want fixed (disregarding what everyone else wants or thinks) would be to make all the cute/cool races like harpies and dryads and wildkin and cenaturs and gargoyles and nerubians etc etc playable.
Posted: 2007-08-17 06:26pm
by Feil
Overwrite it with TETRIS. One simple fix. Thousands of problems solved.
Posted: 2007-08-17 11:04pm
The one single change I would make:
Go back and keep them from constantly fucking with WC canon every time they feel like it.
Something I would have changed overall:
None of this oversimplified "Alliance vs. Horde" BS. I would keep the main conflict between Orcs and Humans, with their basic allied races (Trolls/Tauren and Dwarves/Gnomes), but Night Elves and Undead would still be their own factions able to deal with.
Posted: 2007-08-17 11:06pm
by Tanasinn
Take it offline.

Posted: 2007-08-17 11:53pm
by The Yosemite Bear
I would kinda like a mummer's clan option for those of us that want to play Co-op against truely nasty things....
of coursewe would have to ask for bards, and the option of uploading our own noise.....
Posted: 2007-08-17 11:57pm
by Ford Prefect
SAMAS wrote:None of this oversimplified "Alliance vs. Horde" BS.
I'd have to agree with that. Politics in Azeroth aren't as clear-cut as that.
It's either that or this: Blizzard makes positively obscene amounts of money out of WoW, yet it honestly doesn't seem like they're spending it. There are nine
million suscribers.