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Starlancer Glitch
Posted: 2007-09-10 12:30am
by Darksider
So i'm flying through the campaign, blasting those evil space commies into dust, when I come to the mission where I have to take out the Black Guard flagship and all their fighters. About four or so minutes into the mission, after i've blasted all their fighters, turrets bombers, and their shield generator, the game crashes. Has anyone here had this problem before? A cursory look on google doesn't turn up an official patch, or an unofficial fix. Does anybody know how to fix this?
Posted: 2007-09-10 03:31am
by weemadando
Is this the one where you're flying a stolen torpedo bomber?
If so, you're fucked. I had that same issue. There is no fix.
Allegedly completely disabling your sound hardware is a workaround for that mission. But that's just what I've heard.
Posted: 2007-09-11 03:37pm
by Darksider
Then do you know which Files I need to transfer to copy over my saved games?
IIRC I never had the glitch on my Dad's comp, and I don't feel like starting over.
Posted: 2007-09-11 04:42pm
by weemadando
Not a clue about that I'm afraid. I never got to finish the game because of that bug.
Posted: 2007-09-12 01:14pm
by Sarevok
You can cheat to finish the mission if you want to continue the campaign. Hold CTRL and type potato. Then press CTRL + ENTER.
Posted: 2007-09-12 02:58pm
by Darksider
Sarevok wrote:You can cheat to finish the mission if you want to continue the campaign. Hold CTRL and type potato. Then press CTRL + ENTER.
The game crashes instantly if I do that, so I guess i,m screwed.
Posted: 2007-09-12 05:30pm
by Enigma
Is this the game that if you accidently shoot down a fellow pilot you get executed for high treason?

Posted: 2007-09-12 06:05pm
by Temjin
Enigma wrote:Is this the game that if you accidently shoot down a fellow pilot you get executed for high treason?

That's only after your copilot takes control of your craft to dock in the middle of a pitched battle.
The same asshole who can't be bothered to use the back to turret to actually shoot instead of just sightseeing.
Posted: 2007-09-12 06:19pm
by Enigma
Temjin wrote:Enigma wrote:Is this the game that if you accidently shoot down a fellow pilot you get executed for high treason?

That's only after your copilot takes control of your craft to dock in the middle of a pitched battle.
The same asshole who can't be bothered to use the back to turret to actually shoot instead of just sightseeing.
Ahhhh good times.
I still remember the mission in which I was supposed to shoot down torpedos fired at some ships I was supposed to protect. I overshot and instead of shooting down a particular torp, I destroyed the ship instead.
Posted: 2007-09-13 10:38am
by Sarevok
Temjin wrote:Enigma wrote:Is this the game that if you accidently shoot down a fellow pilot you get executed for high treason?

That's only after your copilot takes control of your craft to dock in the middle of a pitched battle.
The same asshole who can't be bothered to use the back to turret to actually shoot instead of just sightseeing.
I am pretty sure the rear guns fire but you would need a ship with a tracking rear turret to notice it because a fixed gun almost never locks on.
I still remember the mission in which I was supposed to shoot down torpedos fired at some ships I was supposed to protect. I overshot and instead of shooting down a particular torp, I destroyed the ship instead.
Pretending to be like starbuck shooting down cylon missiles aimed at galactica was fun, untill you find repeating the same mission over and over. The galactica analogy is not too far since besides the player and wingleader everyone on the squadron was an worthless nugget being killed by even more useless cannon fodder Raiders (coalition pilots).
Posted: 2007-09-13 03:52pm
by Temjin
Sarevok wrote:I am pretty sure the rear guns fire but you would need a ship with a tracking rear turret to notice it because a fixed gun almost never locks on.
No, they didn't. They would track targets, but they would never actually fire.
It was kind of an on-going joke in the StarLancer community.
Posted: 2007-09-13 05:03pm
by Enigma
Sarevok wrote:
Pretending to be like starbuck shooting down cylon missiles aimed at galactica was fun, untill you find repeating the same mission over and over. The galactica analogy is not too far since besides the player and wingleader everyone on the squadron was an worthless nugget being killed by even more useless cannon fodder Raiders (coalition pilots).
The first time I was executed was when I accidentally bumped into the blackbox of a secret destroyer. I was looking for it and it smacked into my cockpit. Seconds later I was found guilty of high treason and then executed.

Posted: 2007-09-14 05:30am
by Netko
Ah, good times. I actually prefer Starlancer over Freespace (heresy, I know). It just has a much better, atmospheric story and a much more cinematic feel. The intro movie is still near the top on the list of my favorite video game cutscenes, as well as several others (DA could really make cool ones - the intro the the semi-sequel, Freelancer, is also excellent).
It also has a lot of awesome moments. Like in one of the earlier missions when your squadron gets in over its head against Coalition heavies and the fighter screen is chewing your squadron to bits (and there really is a lot of them) then suddenly the Yamato jumps in and wastes the Coalition along the way to some future engagement. Or the mission where you jump in right behind the Coalition convoy and you can see them break formation and turn towards you and other similarly nice, atmospheric, cinematic moments.
I tried to get it to enjoy a bit of nostalgic fun, but I lost my discs and can't find it anywhere (either legally or less so).
Posted: 2007-09-14 06:10am
by Temjin
Starlancer is good. There's just a few things which piss me off about it. The biggest one is the damn luck factor.
In one of the early missions, you get a distress call from a station that's under attack by a a small carrier. You jump in just as the station is destroyed. Your mission is now to protect the escape pods. one of which contains a very valuable V.I.P. Unfortunately, you have no bloody idea which fucking escape pod he's in, making this part of the mission pure luck. Sometimes he'll last a few minutes, sometimes he'll last all of 10 seconds. Oh sure, you could let him die and just continue the mission, but I'm a damn perfectionist. I have to save the asshole. and see that high five at the end.
Then, after the goddess of luck has smiled upon you allowing you to save the V.I.P, you get to help take out the carrier.
Unfortunately, after you've disabled the shield, it's revealed that your captain is really a Coalition spy sent in to sabotage the allied war effort. See, instead of launching the fucking torpedoes from the carrier it's self, he has to launch the god damn bombers.
Really, he's fucking close enough to reach out the window and touch the damn enemy carrier, but he sends in the bombers.
Anyway, now you have to protect the bombers. This wouldn't be so bad if they just moved in something other than a straight line, Or maybe do something really crazy and actually use their fucking cloak. But no, they just sit there and bitch at you for allowing the enemy to shoot them.
Oh, and if one dies, you don't get a perfect on the mission anymore, Which means that if you want that perfect, you have to redo the entire damn mission, including saving the fucking V.I.P from before.
Why do I like this game again?
Posted: 2007-09-14 06:32am
by Netko
LOL, yeah, I remember the experience. The first time around I actually said "fuck it" and let the carrier escape (or something - it was still alive at the end). So I'm thinking, well, who gives a damn, only one mission. Anyway, a dozen or more missions later, there is a mission about assaulting another Coalition carrier, except, suddenly the first one shows up because you didn't blow it up all the way back making the mission two times harder (the perfectionist in me at that point hit the practical guy over the head with a sledgehammer so I went all the way back to redo that first mission). I loved touches like that - they made the game world feel much more organic and realistic instead of the limited effects of the last couple of missions that you get in a lot of the games in the genre.
Posted: 2007-09-14 10:52am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
I only typically manage to complete all the objectives on easy. Sadly, anything about makes it hard.
Of course, I went around playing with mod fighters and had a fighter modified to carry tonnes of guns.
As for this mission, I remember quite vaguely attempting to fire the torps at the Yamato. Sadly, she didn't blow up.

Posted: 2007-09-14 10:57am
by Siege
Oh god, I wasted so much time on Starlancer.
Particularly the last mission with that god-damn ion cannon. After a dozen tries I just went with the cloaking superfighter so you could cloak and escape the lock of the cannon of doom... But of course that damned thing had no firepower to speak of, so you had to shoot at the enemy for ten years in order to scratch their paintjob... And then when you FINALLY disabled half of the enemy ack-ack, the captain of the Yamato sends in the Rippers. Rippers! With 50% of the ack-ack and ten squadrons of enemy fighters and a fucking operational ion cannon still around!
Predictably, I never managed to get through that mission.
Mind you I loved the game itself, from the assaults on the Varyag and the Czar down to killing that cocky bastard Petrov by shoving a big missile up his tailpipe. But some of those missions were insufferable
Posted: 2007-09-15 04:35am
by Sarevok
If only Starlancer had a quick save 90 % of problems with the game would have dissappeared.