Fallout Jihadist wrote:I said it before, I'll say it again: Being a Fallout fan is like being a Jew in Nazi Germany.
I'm sure an actual Holocaust survivor who's entire family was killed by the Nazis would be very happy to hear some obsessive geek living in his mother's basement considers himself a fellow victim of opression.
We never heard from weemadano since. Quite frankly, I don't know WHY Gamespot decided to feature this guy. It's like mainly a way to kiss Bethesda's ass or if Gamespot was bribed. Especially since Gamespot have been known to take some bribes, according to insiders.

Oh noes Gamespot and weemadando are involved in the great Badthesda conspiracy! In other opinion stated as fac...er, news, FDR setup Pearl Harbor, 9/11 was carried out by the government, and the moon landing was done on a sound stage.
Now, normally I would e-mail him and point out his flaws in his article to him in a MATURE and CIVILIZED manner, but apparently in his eyes, that will just make me a internet bully.
Be a fucking man and admit you're wrong instead of running away.

Best care anywhere.