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Halo 3 leaked, thousands download
Posted: 2007-09-22 10:16am
by Phantasee
Thought someone might find this interesting
Halo 3, the much anticipated next chapter in Bungie's best selling series has been leaked online, over a week before its official release date.
Uploaded a few days ago, the 6.14 GB ISO file has been making its way through P2P and torrents and downloads are in the thousands. The game of course will only play on modified Xbox 360 consoles.
Microsoft claims the game was being sold at High Street retailer Argos before the company corrected its mistake and took the game off shelves. But the damage had already been done.
Microsoft has told potential buyers of the game to avoid YouTube where the ending of the game has been readily available since the game was leaked.
Posted: 2007-09-22 10:31am
by chitoryu12
Microsoft has told potential buyers of the game to avoid YouTube where the ending of the game has been readily available since the game was leaked.
Which generally means that someone, probably from eBaum, will likely go around to game stores and start shouting the ending of the game like they did with Harry Potter 7.
If you can't make them watch your video, scream it's contents in their ear.
Posted: 2007-09-22 02:14pm
Probably not.
After all, it's not exactly considered cool to hate on Halo.
Posted: 2007-09-22 02:54pm
by Levy Leah
SAMAS wrote:Probably not.
After all, it's not exactly considered cool to hate on Halo.
Actually, at least in my experience, this is quite the opposite. As the saying goes, "The Internet hates anything that's popular" ; I know of quite a few people who would gladly pull something like the Harry Potter spoilers, simply because (to them, at least) it's the cool thing to do. And to be frank, the vast majority of Halo players out there are just getting it for the multiplayer (though this is very generally speaking; I do enjoy Halo for it's single player, though I am likely in the minority).
Posted: 2007-09-22 03:04pm
by General Zod
Levy Leah wrote:SAMAS wrote:Probably not.
After all, it's not exactly considered cool to hate on Halo.
Actually, at least in my experience, this is quite the opposite. As the saying goes, "The Internet hates anything that's popular" ; I know of quite a few people who would gladly pull something like the Harry Potter spoilers, simply because (to them, at least) it's the cool thing to do. And to be frank, the vast majority of Halo players out there are just getting it for the multiplayer (though this is very generally speaking; I do enjoy Halo for it's single player, though I am likely in the minority).
Or maybe it's just that fanboys get defensive when their ultra-popular game/series/franchise/whatever is attacked, and the internet makes it easier to tell that a game is not, in fact, universally loved.
Posted: 2007-09-22 03:14pm
by Levy Leah
Or maybe it's just that fanboys get defensive when their ultra-popular game/series/franchise/whatever is attacked, and the internet makes it easier to tell that a game is not, in fact, universally loved.
Err, please excuse this if I am wrong, but was this directed at me? I certainly wouldn't consider myself a Halo fanboy, I just believe that it's a very annoying and rude act to deliberately spoil something simply because you think that it makes you cool, or simply because the game/book/movie is popular. Just because the series has it's own douchbags dosen't make those people spoiling it totally innocent. (my same stance on the Harry Potter spoilers, at any rate)
Posted: 2007-09-22 03:25pm
by General Zod
Levy Leah wrote:
Err, please excuse this if I am wrong, but was this directed at me? I certainly wouldn't consider myself a Halo fanboy, I just believe that it's a very annoying and rude act to deliberately spoil something simply because you think that it makes you cool, or simply because the game/book/movie is popular. Just because the series has it's own douchbags dosen't make those people spoiling it totally innocent. (my same stance on the Harry Potter spoilers, at any rate)
So? I simply think the "lol it's bashed because it's popular" defense is horribly retarded and overplayed. I'm failing to see how posting the ending video to a game that's not released yet on youtube (where it's retardedly easy to avoid) is even remotely comparable to walking into a crowd of fans and purposefully spoiling anything. Nobody's forcing you to search for the video. As it is I always see fanboys bleating about how something popular is bashed
just because it's popular regardless of whether or not there's any other reasoning behind bashing something.

Posted: 2007-09-22 03:31pm
by Levy Leah
General Zod wrote:
So? I simply think the "lol it's bashed because it's popular" defense is horribly retarded and overplayed. I'm failing to see how posting the ending video to a game that's not released yet on youtube (where it's retardedly easy to avoid) is even remotely comparable to walking into a crowd of fans and purposefully spoiling anything. Nobody's forcing you to search for the video. As it is I always see fanboys bleating about how something popular is bashed
just because it's popular regardless of whether or not there's any other reasoning behind bashing something.

Ah, sorry about that then. To make it clear, I was talking about those people who walk into a store, carrying signs or shouting our spoilers, not to the youtube uploads. (which are quite easy to avoid, though they usually get spammed every where)
Posted: 2007-09-22 03:32pm
by General Zod
Levy Leah wrote:
Ah, sorry about that then. To make it clear, I was talking about those people who walk into a store, carrying signs or shouting our spoilers, not to the youtube uploads. (which are quite easy to avoid, though they usually get spammed every where)
Again, not even remotely comparable or relevant to what the article is talking about.
Posted: 2007-09-22 03:36pm
by Levy Leah
Err, I was refering to chitoryu12's post and SAMAS's reply in my original post. Sorry, should have noted that before.

Posted: 2007-09-22 05:03pm
by mauldooku
It's easy to trick people into seeing stuff on youtube: disguising videos isn't really difficult. And what if the spoiler is a one-line thing, like 'Snape killed Dumbledore?" Someone can just put that in big, title letters for the first 5 seconds of an otherwise normal video, and you're SOL.
Posted: 2007-09-22 06:07pm
by General Zod
Badme wrote:It's easy to trick people into seeing stuff on youtube: disguising videos isn't really difficult. And what if the spoiler is a one-line thing, like 'Snape killed Dumbledore?" Someone can just put that in big, title letters for the first 5 seconds of an otherwise normal video, and you're SOL.
Couldn't you just close the video the moment you realize it's a spoiler? Even if this actually was the case, I've never understood getting so worked up about spoilers. It's not as if knowing the outcome or one trivial fact about the story is going to somehow make the quality of it any less. (Honestly, who plays FPS games for the story anyway?)
Posted: 2007-09-22 07:05pm
by Stark
General Zod wrote:Couldn't you just close the video the moment you realize it's a spoiler? Even if this actually was the case, I've never understood getting so worked up about spoilers. It's not as if knowing the outcome or one trivial fact about the story is going to somehow make the quality of it any less. (Honestly, who plays FPS games for the story anyway?)
The idea that anyone would care about Halo spoilers simply boggles my mind. Boggles it right out the door and down the street.
Posted: 2007-09-22 07:22pm
by Admiral Valdemar
The little poster at the London IMAX gave that spoiler away. It would be hilarious to have a spoiler appear on there because of some disgruntled employee though.
Posted: 2007-09-22 07:42pm
by Shogoki
Stark wrote:General Zod wrote:Couldn't you just close the video the moment you realize it's a spoiler? Even if this actually was the case, I've never understood getting so worked up about spoilers. It's not as if knowing the outcome or one trivial fact about the story is going to somehow make the quality of it any less. (Honestly, who plays FPS games for the story anyway?)
The idea that anyone would care about Halo spoilers simply boggles my mind. Boggles it right out the door and down the street.
A lot of Xbox 360 owners genuinely believe Halo 3 to be the third coming of the fps messiah, so it's not surprising.
Posted: 2007-09-22 08:23pm
by Laird
Stark wrote:
The idea that anyone would care about Halo spoilers simply boggles my mind. Boggles it right out the door and down the street.
There are some people who actually enjoy the game and the story, would you want someone to ruin some movie/game/book series that you had followed closely and enjoyed, then have some retard on the internet/real life come by screaming "LULZ!!!! hurhurhur derp!!111 X happ0nz @ der EnDZ!"?
Posted: 2007-09-22 08:35pm
by General Zod
Laird wrote:
There are some people who actually enjoy the game and the story, would you want someone to ruin some movie/game/book series that you had followed closely and enjoyed, then have some retard on the internet/real life come by screaming "LULZ!!!! hurhurhur derp!!111 X happ0nz @ der EnDZ!"?
Maybe it's just me, but I figure if a tiny bit of information about what's happening will completely ruin it for someone, then perhaps it wasn't that good to begin with?
Posted: 2007-09-22 08:50pm
by KlavoHunter
chitoryu12 wrote:Which generally means that someone, probably from eBaum, will likely go around to game stores and start shouting the ending of the game like they did with Harry Potter 7.
If you can't make them watch your video, scream it's contents in their ear.
If you actually think those people were from EBaumsworld, you make me giggle.

Posted: 2007-09-22 09:13pm
by RazorOutlaw
General Zod wrote:Laird wrote:
There are some people who actually enjoy the game and the story, would you want someone to ruin some movie/game/book series that you had followed closely and enjoyed, then have some retard on the internet/real life come by screaming "LULZ!!!! hurhurhur derp!!111 X happ0nz @ der EnDZ!"?
Maybe it's just me, but I figure if a tiny bit of information about what's happening will completely ruin it for someone, then perhaps it wasn't that good to begin with?
I suppose it depends on what kind of spoiler is being told. Drama and tension don't work very well when you know a main character is going to survive...or die. Unless the game or movie is terrible at doing said things.
Actually re-reading what you said, I see your point. A tiny bit of information shouldn't ruin something completely.
Posted: 2007-09-22 09:41pm
by Nephtys
Sometimes spoiling stuff for people is fun, when they don't know they're being spoiled.
Such as asking 'Would you kindly not tell me the spoilerific climax?'

Posted: 2007-09-22 10:10pm
by Hawkwings
Then again, y'know, there are people that enjoy going through the story as it was meant to be told. I don't want to read through a character's horrifying and death-defying ordeal that really makes me care for their safety, knowing that they'll die at the end getting mugged in the street.
Posted: 2007-09-22 10:15pm
by Vendetta
General Zod wrote:Maybe it's just me, but I figure if a tiny bit of information about what's happening will completely ruin it for someone, then perhaps it wasn't that good to begin with?
Depends what that information is. "Vader is Luke's father" is a tiny piece of information, but it fucks the impact of Empire Strikes Back if you know it going in.
It doesn't actually take much to spoil something, because it changes the approach of the audience from "find out what's going to happen" to "waiting for X to happen".
Posted: 2007-09-22 10:53pm
by General Zod
Vendetta wrote:
Depends what that information is. "Vader is Luke's father" is a tiny piece of information, but it fucks the impact of Empire Strikes Back if you know it going in.
It doesn't actually take much to spoil something, because it changes the approach of the audience from "find out what's going to happen" to "waiting for X to happen".
Perhaps, but it's still an entertaining movie even with that bit of knowledge. If the movie is no longer entertaining with the spoiler information, then there's some problems with the movie in and of itself.
Posted: 2007-09-22 11:38pm
by Davis 51
KlavoHunter wrote:chitoryu12 wrote:Which generally means that someone, probably from eBaum, will likely go around to game stores and start shouting the ending of the game like they did with Harry Potter 7.
If you can't make them watch your video, scream it's contents in their ear.
If you actually think those people were from EBaumsworld, you make me giggle.

But, dude, they ARE from ebaums.
As for the spoilers, it comes out in what, three days?
Come on. It's not that hard to avoid spoilers. If I managed to do it with Potter, I can do it with a game I don't really care too much about.
Posted: 2007-09-23 03:27am
by Praxis
[size=0]Master Chief aka John dies while talking to Cortana in the ending of Halo 3 when the ship he's on explodes. I watched it on YouTube.[/size]
There, now we'll see how many people care about spoilers.
*ducks out of thread*
Don't post spoilers. This is obviously the first, best thing to do. If you just can't resist, please indicate that your post is a spoiler in the subject.
If you post an unmarked spoiler, it will either:
1. Be deleted.
2. Be edited.
Do that again and your ass is grass. ~fg