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Wow Players: Show off your character

Posted: 2007-09-26 12:35am
by Flakin
Thanks to the beta Wow Armory it's now possible to show people what you've managed to obtain in your time in Azeroth.

Here are my two mains, my 70 Tauren Hunter, Napstitch and my 30 Blood Elf Paladin Nappern.

Figured we could coo or laugh over each others gears and skills (or lack thereof).

Share 'em if you've got em. I'd be interested to see who's got and done what.

Posted: 2007-09-26 12:47am
by GuppyShark
Roefyll, 70 Blood Elf Rogue

In a raiding guild with my RL mates.

Posted: 2007-09-26 12:50am
by RazorOutlaw
Dory is the only character I have worth looking at currently. He's a Retribution Paladin.

Posted: 2007-09-26 12:52am
by Lancer
Ulthanesh of Misha

I haven't had a chance to finish grinding rep yet, so no awesome raids for me :cry:

Posted: 2007-09-26 02:06am
by Lord Revan
my current main though "in exile" due to PC problems atm.

this would my current healer gear too.

EDIT:I'd post rest of my chars (active ones that is) but it would probably over whelm this page.

Posted: 2007-09-26 03:46am
by Karza
Athenys, lv70 night elf warrior. A pvp character for all intents and purposes, because no one wants anything but protection warriors to raids, and I'm not going to destroy my solo/pvp viability just to get to do the most boring job there is in a raid. Yes, I'm slightly bitter :) .

And no laughing at the weapon, I'm working on getting something better :P .

Posted: 2007-09-26 07:34am
by 2000AD
The one and only Twokad, the soloing Tauren Druid.

That reminds me, I need to install WoW on my new computer.

Posted: 2007-09-26 10:05am
by Ayrix
he isnt the one, nor the only, but he gets the god damn job done, Ayrix, holy paladin

Posted: 2007-09-26 10:16am
by D.Turtle
So what if I'm not very creative - almost nobody knows where this name is from in Germany:

Hodor, the normal raiding Resto Shaman

Currently letting myself be beat up by Kael'thas - the bastard.

Posted: 2007-09-26 02:51pm
by Deathstalker
My first toon a level 70 arcane/frost mage Delic

My 70 combat rogue Jesamine

Up and coming Holy Pally Finlay

Posted: 2007-09-26 03:27pm
by Comosicus
My main is Shacklebolt, lvl. 70 Human Frost Mage.

Have a few less-than-20 alts on the same server and two forgotten Horde chars on another realm.

However I'm taking a break from WoW for a while. I'll see if I'll return or I'll drop it completely.

Posted: 2007-09-26 09:13pm
by Quadlok
Quadlok, lvl 70 prot warrior.

Because someone has to sit there and get wailed on.

I've got my pvp helm on because its meta gem is helpful with runbacks.

And some of you peoples characters are reminding me that I really need to get into a somewhat better guild and start doing Kara.

Posted: 2007-09-26 09:48pm
by Faabio
Jager lvl70 Mage

Currently trying to kill hydross and progress into Serpentshrine cavern. This is not my first or only character but the first that's really gotten into the endgame content pre and after the expansion and the one I play most of the time..

Posted: 2007-09-27 12:14am
by Anarchist Bunny

Posted: 2007-09-27 01:05am
by Archaic`
Tomoyo, 70 Undead 'lock. Only have one other character besides this one, and it's the only one worth looking at. ^^;

Posted: 2007-09-27 05:47am
by The Yosemite Bear
mine are all <30 so who knows....

Posted: 2007-09-27 06:51am
by Broomstick
Meet my alter-ego Red

I've got a bunch more, but everyone else seems to be listing just one so I chose my highest.

Posted: 2007-09-27 08:31am
by DarkSilver
Than, my lvl 42 Beastmaster

Astertes the Elemental Shaman

Meh...I don't play it and on really....
it's mostly off right now..

Posted: 2007-09-28 09:01pm
by Crown
My first ever character, and also my highest, he is retired now; Nikecrown Male, Human Warlock 70.

My new 'main' Forenz Male, Undead Warlock. That's right, he's leveling Destruction baby (and it's painful, but I love it).

I also have a bunch of more < 40's leveling on the same server, as the 40 -> 60 grind is PAINFUL.

Posted: 2007-09-28 09:18pm
by Crown
I have a question; has anyone got any experience with Balance Druids? I've got a druid leveling at the moment Hunglikea as feral (since it is just super no downtime), but I want him to be a BOOMkin, and was thinking of waiting until he gets to around level 42 so he can get the mana regenerate talent (since I'm also leveling a Priest, and fuck that downtime). So can I do it earlier? And what about gear itemisation? I'm guessing leather won't really be available for the stuff he's meant to do, right?

Posted: 2007-09-28 09:21pm
by Ghost Rider
Crown wrote:I have a question; has anyone got any experience with Balance Druids? I've got a druid leveling at the moment Hunglikea as feral (since it is just super no downtime), but I want him to be a BOOMkin, and was thinking of waiting until he gets to around level 42 so he can get the mana regenerate talent (since I'm also leveling a Priest, and fuck that downtime). So can I do it earlier? And what about gear itemisation? I'm guessing leather won't really be available for the stuff he's meant to do, right?
I have a friend who went Balance. Basically he went a route of Cloth with Leather smatterings. Balance has a very whacked itemization, especially at the high end. You become nearly the hunter of the cloth classes as you need all the stats because of damage and your mana consumption.

Posted: 2007-09-28 09:32pm
by Crown
Ghost Rider wrote:
Crown wrote:I have a question; has anyone got any experience with Balance Druids? I've got a druid leveling at the moment Hunglikea as feral (since it is just super no downtime), but I want him to be a BOOMkin, and was thinking of waiting until he gets to around level 42 so he can get the mana regenerate talent (since I'm also leveling a Priest, and fuck that downtime). So can I do it earlier? And what about gear itemisation? I'm guessing leather won't really be available for the stuff he's meant to do, right?
I have a friend who went Balance. Basically he went a route of Cloth with Leather smatterings. Balance has a very whacked itemization, especially at the high end. You become nearly the hunter of the cloth classes as you need all the stats because of damage and your mana consumption.
Thought as much, but with the 2.3 patch notes it appears their mana regen is getting buffed, and well I'll never see T6, but Zul'Aman should have Balance drops ... we'll see, was just something I wanted to see written by someone else, but I already figured out anyway. Well I'll get him to 39 and then farm BG's for enough marks to get the caster rings/leather pieces from WSG/AB and then; we'll see I guess.

Thanks mate.

Posted: 2007-09-28 09:54pm
by Gerald Tarrant

A Prot Pally, it means I'm stubborn and foolish. He was very playable through all of the 5 man dungeons and most heroics, but Kara has so many silencing and anti-magic things that his usefulness in a raid is pretty low.

Although the high-point of my tanking career was when I tanked Midnight and Atumen simultaneously.

Posted: 2007-10-06 02:46pm
by Drowsong
Sorry to bump and "old" thread, but I felt like sharing my character.

70 Hunter with a little more than 85 days played. I used to raid MC and BWL, were I was usually in the top 3 for damage.

I don't raid very often now (shifted focus more to "real life"), but I will help out my guild from time to time. I helped kill Mags a less than a week ago, and, according to a fellow hunter guildie, I topped damage.

I'm somewhat addicted to doing well on damage meters, in case you can't tell :wink:

My highest level alt is level 30-something. Leveling is too slow (though they are supposedly fixing that in 2.3 or soon after).

Got my epic flying mount less than 1 month ago. It's a lot of fun :)

Posted: 2007-10-06 03:02pm
by Broomstick
Well, I just hit level 70 this afternoon.