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A new C&C FPS in the works
Posted: 2007-10-08 05:47am
by Zor ... id=6179628
Renegade was pretty good so I shall remain cautiously optimistic about this.
Posted: 2007-10-08 06:40am
by PeZook
Pretty good? Come on, it was the guilty pleasure inducing action movie of the computer game world! It was awesome
"Congratulations kids, we now rank as a nuclear threat!"
Posted: 2007-10-08 06:55am
by Lazarus
Renegade was good? The review I read in PCG panned it, I only played it recently and wasn't especially inspired, but then I jumped onto C&C with RA and never played the original so...
Posted: 2007-10-08 07:02am
by PeZook
Lazarus wrote:Renegade was good? The review I read in PCG panned it, I only played it recently and wasn't especially inspired, but then I jumped onto C&C with RA and never played the original so...
Gameplay wise it was a generic FPS with little inspiration. There were some nice things, like blowing up NOD bases, but the buildings just kinda...blacked out. No, the game itself was mediocre.
It was main character's approach to life that sold this thing for me. When his main reaction to having a nuclear missile launched at him was a smartass comment, I just knew this guy was lovable. Every single cutscene made me laugh out loud. If the game actually took itself seriously, I'd have played for ten minutes and threw it out the window, probably.
Posted: 2007-10-08 07:03am
by Chris OFarrell
I think Renagade got paned because it WASN'T trying to pretend to be another Half Life or Halo, self appointed 'revolutionary' FPS games - though it did innovate in its own way. I liked it because it was a fun, classic, smartass FPS which I could sit down and have a great deal of FUN playing.
And the multiplayer wasn't half bad either.
So I look forward to this.
Posted: 2007-10-08 07:11am
by PeZook
Chris OFarrell wrote:I think Renagade got paned because it WASN'T trying to pretend to be another Half Life or Halo, self appointed 'revolutionary' FPS games - though it did innovate in its own way. I liked it because it was a fun, classic, smartass FPS which I could sit down and have a great deal of FUN playing.
And the multiplayer wasn't half bad either.
So I look forward to this.
IMHO, the makers either had good instincts or were pretty damn smart when it came to design decisions. The main rewards for the player of an FPS are plot progression and new abilities (mostly weapons). Renegade did the weapons correctly, though nothing much could be added here that could be really inoovative. The other part, though, was made of win. You played through all those levels, some of them frustrating, just to look at the next cutscene or hear more smartass comments from Havok. Throw in good voice acting and voila - win! The only complaint of mine is that the game is short, but then again - thanks to that, it's not repetitive. Thank god.
And besides, the list of classic one-liners is just too long to mention
*Protagonist and his former love interest, while aiming pistols at each other*
Sakura: Hello, honey
Havok: Hi. Miss me?
Sakura: Not at this range.
Posted: 2007-10-08 08:35am
by Ritterin Sophia
Cool beans, maybe they'll give us better maps with longer ranges than Renegade did.
Posted: 2007-10-08 09:03am
by Vympel
Renegade was good? I have it (my brother's copy), never played it. Huh. Should I give it a go?
Posted: 2007-10-08 09:06am
by Keevan_Colton
Vympel wrote:Renegade was good? I have it (my brother's copy), never played it. Huh. Should I give it a go?
It's good in a similar fashion to the Arnie film "Commando" disengage brain and enjoy

Posted: 2007-10-08 09:09am
by PeZook
Vympel wrote:Renegade was good? I have it (my brother's copy), never played it. Huh. Should I give it a go?
Sure! It won't take you more than 5 hours to beat, anyway, so why not? Like Keevan said, it's "Commando" of computer games.
Posted: 2007-10-08 09:17am
by InnocentBystander
I seem to recall having a very good time playing it. The single player was okay, but the mulitplayer was really fun. It was kinda sorta like C&C and I enjoyed it. Maybe we'll get a more modern version where you can build bases and stuff.
Posted: 2007-10-08 10:47am
by Siege
It was walking through a game of C&C in FPS perspective and "that was left-handed!" Havoc that sold the game for me. Sure, it was never much in the graphics department, but it was
awesome all the same. If this new game is just as much fun, it's success guaranteed as far as I'm concerned

Posted: 2007-10-08 11:03am
by Andrew_Fireborn
Heh, wonder why they don't make snarky, action movie type FPS anymore... It's what sold me on Serious Sam.
Posted: 2007-10-08 01:22pm
by Stormin
Anyone play the A Path Beyond mod?
It looks pretty fun, but my game time has been filled for quite some time now.
Posted: 2007-10-08 02:55pm
by Zor
Did i see T34s in there?
Posted: 2007-10-08 03:01pm
I found the game rather interesting and it has the nerd appeal of seeing shit from the perspective of a guy. Its just funny to play a guy who you were right clicking around a base etc.
Multiplayer was ok but it has more than its share of problems. The game has a few bugs which are easily exploited by players due to the limitations of the game. Flaming APCs and cross level base shooting come to mind.
Gets rather laggy too in some of the larger games. I found the strategic element exceptionally lacking in MP. Buying stuff was ok but it was mostly the issue with buying characters for their weapons rather than be able to buy the weapons themselves.
You end up having dozens of players running around looking like Havoc with Ion / Nuke beacons doing suicide dashes with no real sense of team play. Levels are fairly short and bland as well.
Posted: 2007-10-08 04:18pm
by Jaepheth
It was a mediocre FPS, but had it's memorable moments.
random soldier: "You against a whole ship of NOD forces?"
Commando: "Doesn't seem fair does it? Maybe I'll shoot left handed..."
Posted: 2007-10-08 04:41pm
by Covenant
Jaepheth wrote:It was a mediocre FPS, but had it's memorable moments.
random soldier: "You against a whole ship of NOD forces?"
Commando: "Doesn't seem fair does it? Maybe I'll shoot left handed..."
Did he? It woulda' been interesting if you'd then played that level with the weapon-hand swapped and your accuracy slightly reduced.
Posted: 2007-10-08 05:03pm
by DesertFly
Covenant wrote:Jaepheth wrote:It was a mediocre FPS, but had it's memorable moments.
random soldier: "You against a whole ship of NOD forces?"
Commando: "Doesn't seem fair does it? Maybe I'll shoot left handed..."
Did he? It woulda' been interesting if you'd then played that level with the weapon-hand swapped and your accuracy slightly reduced.
No. Although when I played that level, I used the pistol exclusively, just to give them a fighting chance.
Posted: 2007-10-08 05:35pm
by SirNitram
Vympel wrote:Renegade was good? I have it (my brother's copy), never played it. Huh. Should I give it a go?
Give it a whirl. Vehicles, giant explosions, semifunctional allied AI.. For it's time, it was amazing for implementing these things and focusing on being fun. It's not T3h HAL0Z! or anything, but nothing quite beats the smartass commentary, the running and gunning, and yoinking a NOD vehicle from time to time.
Plus, from one mission-load screen: [Picture of a mushroom cloud] Expect The Worst: NOD has nuclear capability and no further use for this town.
"Congratulations kids, we now rank as a nuclear threat!"
Posted: 2007-10-08 07:16pm
by Rekkon
My favorite cutscene was after you rescue whatsherface (Sydney?) from the one Nod base and are driving away in a stolen truck.
Sydney: "You were supposed to rescue all three of us! Are you always this incompetent!"
Havoc: *turning to look forward* "Cow."
Sydney: "Pig!"
Havoc: "No. Cow."
*cow on the road appears in the headlights forcing Syndey to swerve*
I was never particularly impressed with the single player, but I played multi to death starting with the demo, at least until Battelfield 1942 came out. Got some good war stories from Renegade (like the time I killed a power plant with my pistol), especially after they added aircraft.
Posted: 2007-10-08 11:44pm
by Pelranius
Since EA has licensed the Crysis engine, there's a pretty good chance that will be used to for the C&C FPS. Hope that allows them to implement all those fun Tiberium fauna from Sun.
Posted: 2007-10-09 01:54am
by PainRack
I think the only disappointment the game had for me was the Ion cannon beacon. You only need to use that beacon once and get to use it for a grand total of 3 times max.
Hell, i still recall venturing inside a demolished Hand of NOD just so that I could pick up ammo, and still having to clear the respective patrols inside.
Also, has anyone found the Alien Scrin ship in Renegade?
Posted: 2007-10-09 02:53am
by SirNitram
PainRack wrote:I think the only disappointment the game had for me was the Ion cannon beacon. You only need to use that beacon once and get to use it for a grand total of 3 times max.
Hell, i still recall venturing inside a demolished Hand of NOD just so that I could pick up ammo, and still having to clear the respective patrols inside.
Also, has anyone found the Alien Scrin ship in Renegade?
Yes. Is there anyway inside? My radar keeps telling me someone survives within. I cannot enter the Temple until I have
purged the surface.
Preferrably with flamethrower.
Posted: 2007-10-09 02:58am
by PeZook
SirNitram wrote:
Yes. Is there anyway inside? My radar keeps telling me someone survives within. I cannot enter the Temple until I have purged the surface.
Preferrably with flamethrower.
The door opens with a red key, I think. It's pretty unimpressive, though - just some chemtroopers and a tiberium weapon, IIRC.
I like the "tropical island base of doom!" levels the most. Lots of buildings to blow up.
The Village was good, too, because of the smartass quips.
"Havok! I'm stuck in the town square, NOD units advancing!"
*irritated after having to run around saving everybody* "I'm coming, I'm coming!"