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DoW heroes in Table top (WH:40K)
Posted: 2007-10-09 07:13am
by Lord Revan
I've been thinking for while about what would the named Dawn of War series heroes be like in the Table Top version of Warhammer:40,000 (aka modify the characters to fit the Table top rules while keeping them as true as possible to their DoW apprence (with some limits like Eliphas being in his pre daemon prince form)).
so I could use some help from the people who've played WH:40K table top longer then me so they know what compormises and such would had to be made.
Posted: 2007-10-09 08:53am
by Chris OFarrell
You should be able to match up most of the characters well enough to in game equivalents.
Inquisitor Toth, the Eldar Macha, Brother Captain Gabriel Angelos (though I think Games Workshop actually DID write up specific rules and even make a model for him) all can be made with existing rules.
Toth for example would be an Inquisitor of the Malleus. He carried, at least for the battles upon Taratrus, a Daemonhammer and had the typical wargear you would expect for the Inquisator (plasma pistol, built in auspex, was a psyker e.t.c.)
Macha would be a standard Farseer more or less, though she does travel with a bodyguard unit of Sears and Aspect Warriors.
Posted: 2007-10-09 11:44am
by Lord Revan
well here's stuff I though that force commander in dark crusade (Brother Captain Davian Thule)would have
stats:same as space marine captain
wargear:Artificer Armor, Iron Halo, Plasma pistol, Power weapon(or Daemonhammer), Auspex.
not that wankish but I tried to keep it under the 100 points of wargear limit.
Posted: 2007-10-09 01:06pm
by white_rabbit
Although I don't think there is a specific ruleset for any of them, the "Masters of the Chapter" models released for the Apocalypse supplement feature the master of the fleet with a customised powerhammer incorporating a targetting relay/beacon for orbital bombardment

Posted: 2007-10-09 09:35pm
by Typhonis 1
Surprised they havent unlashed Kais for the Tau yet.