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Worst WoW Elitists?
Posted: 2007-10-09 08:16am
by haas mark
There are a few different kinds of people that are "elitist" on WoW that I've seen. That is, the know-it-alls of a given class. Those that run an instance eight bazillion times and know it inside and out, but don't know how the people they're playing with play.
Myself, for example, I like to go through an instance slowly, to try to get to know it, because I know I'm going to be farming something later. Case in point, Zul'Farrak (I want the damned Bad Mojo Mask, but it such a low fucking percentage drop). Probably one of the easiest instances to learn, too, sadly.
In any case, back to my original point (though, most of the second paragraph has actual pertinence). Who do you find are the most godawfully annoying class-elitists? Those that "know" everything about everything, but are unwilling to bend to your needs while running an instance? I'm going to go through every class, just because.*
My personal bane are feral druids. Anytime one of them has to tank, I tend to leave the group early on. I say I need mana, I get in responce, "Life tap!" or "Well, we'd slow down if you were a mage." Life tap and dark pact are not the solution to all a warlock's mana problems, but feral druids do not seem to understand this.
Fury warriors. As a rogue player, these are my most hated class. Not only do they tend to get better weapons with better bonuses, and can use plate to boot, and can thus tank, they act like they're better than everyone because they can tank and DPS in the not-quite-so-high instances. Thankfully, one of the people that I group with frequently is a COOL fury warrior.
Enhancement shamans. Not really much to say here, other than that they tend to be awful at keeping up with off-heals and off-tanking as needed. A recent run in Sunken Temple showed me why I don't really care for most shamans as a whole.
Demonology Warlocks, because oh yes, the felguard is awesome for leveling. I don't want the felguard, personally. Plus, get enough dots on something, and it will die, and your voidwalker will still hold aggro, as an afflic lock. Well, as long as you don't proc Nightfall three times in a row against something 5 levels above you... Personally, I don't like destruction, I specced dest for a day before respeccing a second time for afflic.
Mages, as a general, because so what if you have the highest DPS? They still pull aggro and they wear cloth and we still have to resurrect their ass when you do it.
Retribution pallys, because they only seem to know how to give out Blessing of Wisdom for casters. Blessing of Salvation is what you want for your locks and mages and heals. SALVATION.
Shadow priests, because they suck at off healing. And not because their gear sucks, but because they, the players, suck at off healing. Yes, I know you do nice damage, but heal the healer once in a while, eh?
Dagger rogues. Okay, so not a spec, but I rarely see someone not combat specced. Either way, they are very obstinate about having daggers. I like my swords with my rogue, personally, even if the daggers get really freaking awesome. I still use them (actually have to respec at some point to Assassination I believe), but I prefer sometimes to use swords.
Marksman hunters, because they really are the bane of locks in pvp. And because you never see many high level beast mastery hunters at higher levels, but typically, the marksman hunters are extremely picky about who they will group with for some reason.
Anyway, who do you find elitist in WoW, and why?
*This is very server specific, and a lot of people are idiots on Runetotem.
Re: Worst WoW Elitists?
Posted: 2007-10-09 08:45am
by Sir Sirius
haas mark wrote:Anyway, who do you find elitist in WoW, and why?
Umm... You. I read the opening post of this thread.
Re: Worst WoW Elitists?
Posted: 2007-10-09 09:36am
by Archaic`
Going to have to agree with the above poster, based on the following (as a fellow afflic 'lock, and GM of
Nyx on Emerald Dream)
haas mark wrote:Anytime one of them has to tank, I tend to leave the group early on. I say I need mana, I get in responce, "Life tap!" or "Well, we'd slow down if you were a mage." Life tap and dark pact are not the solution to all a warlock's mana problems, but feral druids do not seem to understand this.
No, they're not, but you're an Afflic lock, so you've got other things (like Drain Life, Siphon Life, the use of a passive Imp as a mana battery, and maybe even a full set of Frozen Shadoweave) to make up for it. It's the healers responsibility to keep your health at maximum anyway, so whenever Dark Pact can't satisfy you, Life Tap to your hearts content. You'll find that they'll slow down to a reasonable (but still rapid) pace when you do this, as the healers start to have to keep up their own side of things. No group will storm ahead when they've run out of mana, and no one will dare complain about the 'lock doing what they must in order to keep up their DPS at a rapid pull pace.
Posted: 2007-10-09 09:51am
by Ghost Rider
It gets funnier with leveling....ah, when mages QQ about one warlock or still my favorite from this patch?
"Rogues needed the nerf!"...because every rogue is so decked in haste that he can proc everything for 800+ haste, am I right?!
Because doing damage to kill Fucking Shazz is obviously bad
Raiding is when guild's or the elite guil;ds become 5 year old retards.
Let's go down the list:
1. Ret Pally? Sorry dumbass, you have the WORST DPS and THREAT. Yes, that's right...threat. You suck. Deal. Blizzard wants you to have Tier 6 to compete, and what's that? Your threat makes a Enchancement Shaman blush?!
2. Shaman. Stop complaining. At least your trees are viable for groups, and aren't a fucking heal only bot that they've made the paladin.
3. Mages. Stop QQ about that one warlock who's pouring every fucking thing into a fight to get the top spot, only to get assraped by the rogue. Having spots 3-10 insures your raid viability.
4. Fury warrior. Do what I the goddamn threat meter. And no I don't want to hear "Mags just turned on me!!!". I only accept that bullshit on PuGs.
5. Protection Pally. I am sorry Blizz assraped you for raids. Hopefully you get an upgrade in HP so our only two protect warriors will have a day off.
6. Balance Druid. Yes, you are viable....only problem? You are literally the hunters of cloth, and when you demand shit over tends to piss people off.
7. Scorpid Hunters. Deal with it. You knew Blizz was going to nerf it when it affected their all precious arena.
8. To too many others....Mortal Strike is not a one button killer and is the only reason I am practically on a team.
There are more, but these aer a few reasons why I take months at a time off.
Posted: 2007-10-09 12:07pm
by Lord Revan
Lets see.
Elitist Healer aka "I Heal the main tank and nobody else", since I started playing a healer I realized even more how stupid this is, tanks rarely if ever do enough DPS to solo kill a mob so you need to heal the fucking party once in a while.
Suicidal DSPers, In name of the Holy Light watch your bloody threat while I do heal othera then the MT sometimes I do not have enough mana to heal everyone if don't watch your threat and aggro.
the Huntards, most people should know what I mean.
Posted: 2007-10-09 02:44pm
by Kuja
As far as instances go, it's people who don't understand/refuse to accept what THREAT means. You can group pretty much any class into this at one time or another so I'm not going to point fingers at anyone in particular.
A couple examples of what I mean:
A shaman frost shocking as a tank starts to attack a pulled target.
A hunter arcane shotting something on its way to the tank.
A rogue determined to prove he can offtank and not just dps.
Clothies throwing up their buffs and flinging out a high-damage spell as a pull is made.
Anybody attacking a boss without permission.
A lot of people like to bitch about bad tanks and bad aggro control, but some of these folks annoy the piss out of me because as they're bitching, they're doing absolutely nothing to HELP the tank. Nobody, no warrior, bear druid, or paladin can have perfect aggro from the first moments of a pull. Tossing out a high-damage or high-threat ability (Searing Pain, for example) will almost assuredly bring the mob stampeding over to you, and there is nothing a tank can to but try to get it back. Similarly, if a tank is trying to focus on one member of a three-pull, it is the dps' job to FOCUS on that target and drop it. Determindly going after a target the tank isn't focusing on will inevitably drop the hammer on your head.
Not the tank's fault. Yours.
Re: Worst WoW Elitists?
Posted: 2007-10-09 05:23pm
by haas mark
Sir Sirius wrote:haas mark wrote:Anyway, who do you find elitist in WoW, and why?
Umm... You. I read the opening post of this thread.
Meh, I have my faults. But I try also to be considerate enough to say, give out healthstones to all party members and throw the soulstone on the heal every half hour... but sometimes I ask the question "Does anyone want a healthstone?" three or four times, and tank sometimes will go (esp. if feral druid, mind you), "Nah, I don't need one." And tend to be one of the first ones to die, because the healer is an idiot and pulls way too much aggro from healing.
@Archaic`: I've been in too many groups where, as was mentioned somewhere, a healer that will only heal the tank. So when I get told to just life tap/dark pact, and I end up at low health, I have to rest to eat at that point, or they have to heal me, and OMG waster their precious mana.... which i was trying to recharge in the first place, and thus we lose more time.
Posted: 2007-10-09 06:29pm
by GuppyShark
Irks me when hybrids roll on everything. Being a hybrid doesn't mean you get 3x the loot everyone else gets, dickhead.
Posted: 2007-10-09 10:48pm
by Molyneux
I just want to play a feral druid because a) I've been playing mage-types in games for way too long, and b) shapeshifters are cool.
Any tips on playing it so I DON'T end up one of the assholes from the OP?
Posted: 2007-10-09 10:49pm
by GuppyShark
It has nothing to do with being a feral druid. Haas has just had some poor groups.
Posted: 2007-10-09 10:53pm
by Molyneux
GuppyShark wrote:It has nothing to do with being a feral druid. Haas has just had some poor groups.
Ah, okay. thanks for the reassurance.
Posted: 2007-10-09 10:57pm
by Ghost Rider
Molyneux wrote:I just want to play a feral druid because a) I've been playing mage-types in games for way too long, and b) shapeshifters are cool.
Any tips on playing it so I DON'T end up one of the assholes from the OP?
Feral druid is fine. You just compete with Rogues on loot except weapons.
Honestly be in the game long enough and you see fuckers of all sorts. Like Guppy said, hybrids who roll/bid for everything.
Posted: 2007-10-09 11:47pm
by Stark
The best part of these attitudes is that they come from a 12yo who read gamefaqs. They're 100% convinced they know everything about a class or whatever, because they have the inside track on builds from gamefaqs! How dare anyone disagree with them!
Posted: 2007-10-10 12:49am
by Ghost Rider
Stark wrote:The best part of these attitudes is that they come from a 12yo who read gamefaqs. They're 100% convinced they know everything about a class or whatever, because they have the inside track on builds from gamefaqs! How dare anyone disagree with them!
Pfft, I would rather have the 12 year old fucktards. There is no greater rage builder then hearing a bunch of college yaboos declare that they are the best there is and ever will be at....button mashing.
Fucking A, the shrieks these fuckers spew if you dare speak against them.
Posted: 2007-10-10 04:36am
by haas mark
Molyneux wrote:GuppyShark wrote:It has nothing to do with being a feral druid. Haas has just had some poor groups.
Ah, okay. thanks for the reassurance.
Guppy is correct. I have had some amazingly craptastic groups. The only thing I generally ask of tanks is to wait up for mana breaks once in a while. If you've played magic classes, then you'll know the pain.
Posted: 2007-10-10 04:53am
by 2000AD
Anyone who asks me "Are you Feral or Resto?". There is a third fucking skill tree for druids!
Posted: 2007-10-10 04:55am
by Andrew_Fireborn
2000AD wrote:Anyone who asks me "Are you Feral or Resto?". There is a third fucking skill tree for druids!
I imagine that comes from only two of the trees on every other class being useful, combined with the average intelligence present in "millions" of people...
Posted: 2007-10-10 06:38am
by Lord Revan
Kuja wrote:As far as instances go, it's people who don't understand/refuse to accept what THREAT means. You can group pretty much any class into this at one time or another so I'm not going to point fingers at anyone in particular.
A couple examples of what I mean:
A shaman frost shocking as a tank starts to attack a pulled target.
A hunter arcane shotting something on its way to the tank.
A rogue determined to prove he can offtank and not just dps.
Clothies throwing up their buffs and flinging out a high-damage spell as a pull is made.
Anybody attacking a boss without permission.
A lot of people like to bitch about bad tanks and bad aggro control, but some of these folks annoy the piss out of me because as they're bitching, they're doing absolutely nothing to HELP the tank. Nobody, no warrior, bear druid, or paladin can have perfect aggro from the first moments of a pull. Tossing out a high-damage or high-threat ability (Searing Pain, for example) will almost assuredly bring the mob stampeding over to you, and there is nothing a tank can to but try to get it back. Similarly, if a tank is trying to focus on one member of a three-pull, it is the dps' job to FOCUS on that target and drop it. Determindly going after a target the tank isn't focusing on will inevitably drop the hammer on your head.
Not the tank's fault. Yours.
My warrior is Fury Spec (for leveling) so he doesn't have the threat per hit or threat generating abilities of Protection warrior, but still people (especially hunters but rogues and magi do this too) think I can generate heavy threath by shooting a target with a gun (no warrior can do that), or by taunting a target(again something no warrior of my level (41) can do) and lets not even start about talking what they do during combat.
and then there's the mages who pull with Frostbolt (or if fire Pyroblast) and expect me to get aggro the moment I make my first swing at the target (even if said swing misses)
Posted: 2007-10-10 07:27am
by Molyneux
2000AD wrote:Anyone who asks me "Are you Feral or Resto?". There is a third fucking skill tree for druids!
As someone who's played a Red Mage on Final Fantasy XI, I feel your pain...though I guess it says something about me that I'm going to play a druid now. Guess I'm a glutton for punishment.
Posted: 2007-10-10 07:31am
by Andrew_Fireborn
Molyneux wrote:2000AD wrote:Anyone who asks me "Are you Feral or Resto?". There is a third fucking skill tree for druids!
As someone who's played a Red Mage on Final Fantasy XI, I feel your pain...though I guess it says something about me that I'm going to play a druid now. Guess I'm a glutton for punishment.
Ah the red mage... Mediocre at everything but if aggro's properly controlled, they'll never run out of MP past level 50...
I WHM'd a lot, and tried to teach people good ways of doing things... then when I was trying out Warrior, all I ever found were Galka or Elvaan WHM...
Re: Worst WoW Elitists?
Posted: 2007-10-10 03:51pm
by Crown
haas mark wrote:Sir Sirius wrote:haas mark wrote:Anyway, who do you find elitist in WoW, and why?
Umm... You. I read the opening post of this thread.
Meh, I have my faults. But I try also to be considerate enough to say, give out healthstones to all party members and throw the soulstone on the heal every half hour... but sometimes I ask the question "Does anyone want a healthstone?" three or four times, and tank sometimes will go (esp. if feral druid, mind you), "Nah, I don't need one." And tend to be one of the first ones to die, because the healer is an idiot and pulls way too much aggro from healing.
Umm ... that's because they can't use Healthstones or Health/Mana pots while in bear form (or cat form), so it would actually cause a wipe if they had to get to the point where they shifted out of Bear form, wearing only +Stamina leather gear, hardly any agility so no dodge, and promptly get killed.
Also I take issue with this;
haas mark wrote:My personal bane are feral druids. Anytime one of them has to tank, I tend to leave the group early on. I say I need mana, I get in responce, "Life tap!" or "Well, we'd slow down if you were a mage." Life tap and dark pact are not the solution to all a warlock's mana problems, but feral druids do not seem to understand this.
If you, as an
Affliction Warlock are not finishing the trash mob pulls at around 80% + health and mana, you are doing something wrong. I don't know how else to phrase it, there is a difference in boss fights I agree, but on trash, I can't understand how you're not siting on 80%+ on either health or mana.
Surely you've spec'd 2/2 in Improved Drain Soul right? You know you get 14% of your mana back by using Drain Soul just as the mob dies right? Surely you also know that Drain Soul is
not a DPS spell, and that using Rank 1 Drain Soul (55 mana) gives the
same results as using whatever the highest rank of Drain Soul you have, right?
Seriously, I've played pretty much every class there is (to at least level 40, and have a 70 Warlock), you should
always be tapping your foot waiting for the other mana users if you're Affliction. Simple as that.
Posted: 2007-10-10 05:22pm
by Ghost Rider
2000AD wrote:Anyone who asks me "Are you Feral or Resto?". There is a third fucking skill tree for druids!
Yeah, which is great until raiding. The shit Blizz did to anyone who raids beyond Kara.
Strangely, Balance is an outlandishly good damage tree. Sure, you're pretty much a nature mage, but fuck if you can't solo a whole bunch of shit.
Posted: 2007-10-10 07:31pm
by Kuja
Balance fucking rules and anyone who says otherwise either doesn't know that the hell he's talking about OR only has had experince with poor Balance players.
Screw you and your whole 5 Balance leather pieces at 70, Blizzard. Screw you.
Posted: 2007-10-10 11:12pm
by Ghost Rider
Kuja wrote:Balance fucking rules and anyone who says otherwise either doesn't know that the hell he's talking about OR only has had experince with poor Balance players.
Screw you and your whole 5 Balance leather pieces at 70, Blizzard. Screw you.
So true, it's sickening.
Honestly, they've only made a very few build obsolete. And by that token very few builds are perfectly for PvP/PvE. For the most part, Retribution needs some major and then let it in.
Unless you're Death and Taxes, Ret, Drama, or Nihilium....go with what you want in the end game. And if you are in on those guilds, well they pigeon hole you for perfection because all they do is raids, with Arena on the side.
Posted: 2007-10-11 04:39am
by 2000AD
Ghost Rider wrote:2000AD wrote:Anyone who asks me "Are you Feral or Resto?". There is a third fucking skill tree for druids!
Yeah, which is great until raiding. The shit Blizz did to anyone who raids beyond Kara.
Strangely, Balance is an outlandishly good damage tree. Sure, you're pretty much a nature mage, but fuck if you can't solo a whole bunch of shit.
Yup, I pretty much solo'd my way to 70.
To add tot he list: People who ask why I haven't respecced to [what ever the last patch made uber].
I didn't pick my skills because I thought "that'd own!" I picked them because I thought "that sounds cool". The only respecs I've done are the free ones with some patches and even then it was just a few skill points I moved around. I play the style I want to play!