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CV fanatics: buy a PSP or do without?
Posted: 2007-10-23 08:14pm
by seanrobertson
I'm editing this drivel.
Jack Daniels and idle hands ...
The distilled version: I'm pissed that the Rondo of Blood remake is a PSP exclusive, a system I don't own.
Let's see ... what else?
I also said I don't understand the reasoning behind this move. While there are people like me -- guys so enamored with
Rondo we might buy a used PSP to play it -- I can't imagine we're statistically significant. Thus, this game probably won't be a system-seller. (Not by itself, anyway.)
Wouldn't it be more profitable to release the game on something like the PS2? It'd seem its larger customer base + more profit/unit = happier Konami.
Posted: 2007-10-23 08:21pm
by Stark
You took that long to whinge about a portable-only game in a major franchise? Where the fuck have you been for 20 years? It only matters now because you're a hopeless CV fanboy?
If you buy a PSP just to play this ridiculous game, you're ENCOURAGING this kind of marketing. That's both ironic and sad: you just can't stop hurting yourself.
Posted: 2007-10-23 08:30pm
by General Zod
I've thought about buying a PSP lately, but only because there's enough games out there by now to get me interested. I'd never buy a (relatively) expensive system for just one title.

Posted: 2007-10-23 08:32pm
by Stark
Really? They're pretty cheap in AU now, and I've got unseemly piles of money, but looking at the PSP games out here (probably a small subset of the US titles) there are zero games even worth a go. The people I know with PSPs have games that even THEY don't like, and just use it for media etc. DS has a lot of shit games, but I own more DS games than any console ever, so it's worth me owning one.
Posted: 2007-10-23 08:42pm
by General Zod
Stark wrote:Really? They're pretty cheap in AU now, and I've got unseemly piles of money, but looking at the PSP games out here (probably a small subset of the US titles) there are zero games even worth a go. The people I know with PSPs have games that even THEY don't like, and just use it for media etc. DS has a lot of shit games, but I own more DS games than any console ever, so it's worth me owning one.
They still go for about $170 new. Which is still less than my Wii but still a nice chunk of change. I might get one once my bonus rolls in though if only for the sheer amount of games that I'm actually interested in for it. Don't really care about its multimedia as much, so that's never really been an incentive.
Posted: 2007-10-23 08:45pm
by Stark
Yeah, since AU gets raped, they cost like $270 here (what exchange rate lol). But what are these games that are interesting? Or are you interested in PS2 knockoffs and uninspired fighting games?
Posted: 2007-10-23 08:49pm
by General Zod
Stark wrote:Yeah, since AU gets raped, they cost like $270 here (what exchange rate lol). But what are these games that are interesting? Or are you interested in PS2 knockoffs and uninspired fighting games?
The Metal Gear titles, Tekken DR, couple Square games, the Castlevania one is a gimme, and a few others. So probably PS2 knockoffs, but that doesn't bug me so much as it gives me something to do on the train ride to work. Most of the DS games I have are too long or lack the ability to insta-save when I need to really be practical for train rides.

Posted: 2007-10-23 08:53pm
by Stark
Yeah, that's a really common complaint with DS games (the Japanese longass ones anyway). That's why you just need Phoenix Wright and Ouendan.

You can just close the DS and not save, though, I never turn mine off.
Posted: 2007-10-23 08:55pm
by General Zod
Stark wrote:Yeah, that's a really common complaint with DS games (the Japanese longass ones anyway). That's why you just need Phoenix Wright and Ouendan.

You can just close the DS and not save, though, I never turn mine off.
I've beaten the first two PW games like three times though. (Though I'm getting number 3 on payday).

Re: CV fanatics: buy a PSP, or settle to despair?
Posted: 2007-10-24 05:52am
by Dooey Jo
seanrobertson wrote:That voice is strained at the moment ... faint and broken as I consider how easy it'd be to run to EB and quell any debate once and for all

But overwhelming as that impulse may be, I'll fight it. Who else is? Who, like me, is a big-time CV fan who will buy a PSP just to experience Rondo of Blood (and/or the remake)? Do those of you think it's in Konami's best interests to release the game on this platform?
CV fan as I may be, I will not by a PSP. And no, I don't think it is in Konami's best interests to release it only on that platform. It'd be in their best interests to release it for the platforms with the largest market for their game, and I really don't think that includes the PSP. It would be more sensible to release it for the PS2, or maybe even the Wii. Sony's probably paying them off to make it a PSP exclusive. And they even have a (supposedly) improved version of SotN on that disc...
BTW, I think it's hilarious that Dracula, on the cover of the game, looks
exactly like IGA

Posted: 2007-10-24 11:06am
by seanrobertson
Stark wrote:You took that long to whinge about a portable-only game in a major franchise? Where the fuck have you been for 20 years?
Wow. Who pissed in your corn flakes?
It only matters now because you're a hopeless CV fanboy?
If you mean portable-exclusives from popular series, yes. If CV's my very favorite, why should I get worked up over other games I don't give a shit about?
If you buy a PSP just to play this ridiculous game, you're ENCOURAGING this kind of marketing. That's both ironic and sad: you just can't stop hurting yourself.
The bit about hurting myself's a little melodramatic, but you're right