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Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Posted: 2007-11-06 11:26pm
by Darksider
Did anyone else pick this up today?
I have to say, the firefights have an entirely new level of intensity to them with modern weapons as opposed to WWII ones.
Shooting through thin walls to frag baddies is a nice touch too.
Posted: 2007-11-07 07:56am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
I'm debating whether or not to get this. I was severely unimpressed by the demo. Have you tried the multiplayer?
Posted: 2007-11-07 08:09am
by Darksider
Brother-Captain Gaius wrote:I'm debating whether or not to get this. I was severely unimpressed by the demo. Have you tried the multiplayer?
Not yet, but IMHO the single player campaign was excellent, although there are fewer playable characters than most (No playable russians.)
One thing I did like is that, unlike previous COD games, there are American, British, and Russian soldiers fighting alongside one another on the same battlefield. There are some missions where you really get the sense that it is a multi-national effort.
Posted: 2007-11-07 06:56pm
by Vympel
I'll get it when it goes budget. Or just borrow it off my brother, he bought it the other day. It's gonna be fun, but it's not worth 89 or 99 AUD.
Posted: 2007-11-07 09:16pm
by Darksider
Vympel wrote:I'll get it when it goes budget. Or just borrow it off my brother, he bought it the other day. It's gonna be fun, but it's not worth 89 or 99 AUD.
That's how much you aussies pay for games?
And I thought that 59.99 US was pushing it.
That's fucking outragious.
Posted: 2007-11-07 09:18pm
by Stark
Yeah, back when AUD=$0.50USD it made sense, but obviously nobody is going to lower prices now that AUD=$0.85USD. 360/PS3 games are often AUD$120, and GH3 was AUD$170 on 360.
Posted: 2007-11-08 12:38am
by Agent Fisher
That AC-130 level was so fun.
Posted: 2007-11-08 02:59am
by weemadando
Stark wrote:Yeah, back when AUD=$0.50USD it made sense, but obviously nobody is going to lower prices now that AUD=$0.85USD. 360/PS3 games are often AUD$120, and GH3 was AUD$170 on 360.
It's out on Steam. Get it for about 55AUD.
Posted: 2007-11-08 03:39pm
by Lt. Dan
Single player has to be one of the best stories I've played in a while. Very fun and you get to see things that you hope never to see. The gunship level was empowering. Raining hell on ants with a 105mm? Sign me up.
And the multi is a blast too. I didn't get a chance to play the beta but the full version is deep and entertaining. Ranks are not a pain and it's pretty easy to get started. The way new weapons, perks, and challenges are unlocked keeps delivering. RPGs and claymores are fun
I'd recommend it to anyone on the board. If you are unsure, rent it. Chances are you will love it.
Posted: 2007-11-08 07:33pm
by Rightous Fist Of Heaven
Agent Fisher wrote:That AC-130 level was so fun.
Exhilarating even, so much fun watching the 105 blowing away baddies left and right

Posted: 2007-11-11 01:08am
by Lonestar
The AC-130 was fantastic.
I finally got online with this, the multiplayer is one busy game.
Posted: 2007-11-11 01:48am
by Panzer Grenadier
Single player is great fun while it lasts, but unfortunatley this is not terribly long. It is a bit of a let down that it is shorter than COD2, but the multiplayer is excellent.
Posted: 2007-11-11 03:10am
by Darwin
Brother-Captain Gaius wrote:I'm debating whether or not to get this. I was severely unimpressed by the demo. Have you tried the multiplayer?
the demo doesn't capture the game well.
I have to say though, the TV station? Insane.
Posted: 2007-11-11 12:53pm
by DavidEC
Yes, the demo is not the best of the game. (I have it on 360)
There are several levels which are just simply superb in terms of pacing and atmosphere. The campaign is short, yes, but Arcade mode genuinely adds replay value. Multiplayer is deep and I think will be quite long-lived, due to the unlockability of so much. The graphics are not jaw-dropping, but once you remember it runs at 60fps, and once you look at the superb lighting and shadowing, animation and effects, you'll appreciate that this is truly immersing game, and quite consistently so.
What I did realise while playing it and noting its efforts to be realistic is that game developers should go for fewer, more intelligent enemies rather than relying on numbers and individual toughness to provide the challenge in singleplayer. The AI was generally very good but I still could not but feel the jarring contrast between the real-world attention to detail in the weapons and effects, and the fact that I was essentially light infantry and destroying waves upon waves of enemies.
Best line of a video game in a long time: OI, SUZY! *smack*

Posted: 2007-11-11 04:56pm
by Medic
I got it today, I'm gonna install it soon (watching football right now, all else can wait) and it better be as good as this thread leads me to believe!
Anyway, I got it for
PC, cause the thought of trying to play this game online with an X360 controller makes me feel slightly ill, incontinent even.
edit: it's somewhat strange I'm feeling ambivalent about this as I have CoD, CoD:UO & CoD2 all for the PC but when I got 2 I found out it was a game I couldn't cram at my viciously high resolution and it didn't support playing the game in a window. In short, I was stuck playing CoD2 on Direct X 7 which sorta just ruins it ... that and they took off the sprint button and vehicles, gameplay suffered for me, a huge UO fan.
edit: oh yeah, CoD2 also got rid of cooking grenades, since you throw with a single button instead of choose grenades as a weapon with the right click cooking it off.

They seemed determined to make 2 less fun; I hope 4 fixes that.
Posted: 2007-11-11 07:35pm
by Phillip Hone
What is MP like team wise? Are people generally working together or is it more like the Battlefield games, where there's a collective goal that everyone works towards but not really much cooperation?
Posted: 2007-11-11 09:22pm
by chitoryu12
*sigh* Another six weeks before it's in my hands.

Posted: 2007-11-11 10:30pm
by nickolay1
I recently played this. While mostly good, the SP campaign has several things which at times ruined the immersion for me. This includes multiple instances of gibberish in Cyrillic. However, the most significant 'WTF' moment for me was seeing shopping carts ... in the 1980s ... in the Soviet Union...
Posted: 2007-11-11 11:43pm
by SylasGaunt
SPC Brungardt wrote:
edit: it's somewhat strange I'm feeling ambivalent about this as I have CoD, CoD:UO & CoD2 all for the PC but when I got 2 I found out it was a game I couldn't cram at my viciously high resolution and it didn't support playing the game in a window. In short, I was stuck playing CoD2 on Direct X 7 which sorta just ruins it ... that and they took off the sprint button and vehicles, gameplay suffered for me, a huge UO fan.
edit: oh yeah, CoD2 also got rid of cooking grenades, since you throw with a single button instead of choose grenades as a weapon with the right click cooking it off.

They seemed determined to make 2 less fun; I hope 4 fixes that.
Grenade cooking and sprint are in there. You just hold down the throw button and release when it's cooked to your satisfaction.
Posted: 2007-11-12 12:19am
by Adrian Laguna
SPC Brungardt wrote:Anyway, I got it for PC, cause the thought of trying to play this game online with an X360 controller makes me feel slightly ill, incontinent even.
I find that I'm much better at FPSes when using a game controller of some sort. For some strange reason I'm very confident with the controller, but when using mouse and keyboard I become a nervous wreck. It's so bad that I can't kill guy standing still in front of me, because I wind-up spraying bullets everywhere. Maybe it's because it feels more real with the mouse. However, give me a game controller and, while I'm still not very good, at least I'm capable of staying calm and shooting straight.
Posted: 2007-11-12 02:29am
by Darwin
SylasGaunt wrote:SPC Brungardt wrote:
edit: oh yeah, CoD2 also got rid of cooking grenades, since you throw with a single button instead of choose grenades as a weapon with the right click cooking it off.

They seemed determined to make 2 less fun; I hope 4 fixes that.
Grenade cooking and sprint are in there. You just hold down the throw button and release when it's cooked to your satisfaction.
Which is funny because the Russian RGD-33 stick grenade wasn't really cookable. (it armed via inertia)
Posted: 2007-11-12 02:54am
by PeZook
nickolay1 wrote:I recently played this. While mostly good, the SP campaign has several things which at times ruined the immersion for me. This includes multiple instances of gibberish in Cyrillic. However, the most significant 'WTF' moment for me was seeing shopping carts ... in the 1980s ... in the Soviet Union...
Oh,man. What, you think communists didn't do shopping? That all goods were distributed by the state and shopping carts were a sign of EVIL IMPERIALIST OPRESSION?
The way Americans view the former Soviet Block will
never cease to amuse me.
Posted: 2007-11-12 04:07am
by ray245
Is it possible for Xbox live players to play on the same server with PC players?
Posted: 2007-11-12 04:20am
by Medic
I don't know that last answer but it's probably "no."
It's frustrating as hell but on the missions with a lot of shrubs the game periodically goes into super-lame 10-30 fps mode. I'm playing in a window, 1280x720 and that's fine but it periodically nosedives (every 10 minutes or so, depends on the map though) for about a minute. It's making the helicopter extraction at the end of the sniper mission impossible.
I'm doing good then WHAM. Super-special-swimming-in-mud mode = instant death.
edit: i need for it to be god damned winter time already so I can
1) open a window
2) get the best pc cooling system mother nature can create
This is ridiculous
Posted: 2007-11-12 04:48am
by Sea Skimmer
ray245 wrote:Is it possible for Xbox live players to play on the same server with PC players?
Hell no; from a technical standpoint that would be extremely difficult to pull off, and Microsoft has no incentive to even allow game developers to consider it.