Warhammer 40k: Squad Command DS (Verdict: Crap)
Posted: 2007-12-20 06:22am
I picked this game up today and after playing it a little bit, I wish I hadn't. I brought it home, popped it into the DS and turned it off 10 minutes later in disgust. I just couldn't play it. The game looks fugly, the maps are too dark, and it doesn't even have a WH40k feel.
Oh, and the game mechanics aren't anything to write home about either. I'm still trying to figure how to change the damn facing of my soldiers after moving them with out wasting action points doing some elaborate dance just to make a guy turn 90 degrees left. I'm not even sure if you can!
It took me 3 tries to pass the first damn mission. Not because it was hard, mind you, but because I couldn't work up the enthusiasm to do it. I had to eventually force myself to sit down and play through it just so it wouldn't be a complete waste of 45 bucks. I don't even want to think about the second mission.
Stay the fuck away from this one.
Oh, and the game mechanics aren't anything to write home about either. I'm still trying to figure how to change the damn facing of my soldiers after moving them with out wasting action points doing some elaborate dance just to make a guy turn 90 degrees left. I'm not even sure if you can!
It took me 3 tries to pass the first damn mission. Not because it was hard, mind you, but because I couldn't work up the enthusiasm to do it. I had to eventually force myself to sit down and play through it just so it wouldn't be a complete waste of 45 bucks. I don't even want to think about the second mission.
Stay the fuck away from this one.