Display Driver Dies; Einy to Blame?
Posted: 2007-12-21 04:54pm
I tried to view the videos from the link in Einy's SLAM thread about the Tanguska explosion, and my computer fucks up every time. Everything goes to 640x480 4 bit res, and when I try to set it back up to 1024 32 bit, I end up with a black screen with a command line prompt flashing in the upper left.
Restart the computer, I get this message, telling me this is my error code:
Restart the computer, I get this message, telling me this is my error code:
Running WinXP Pro SP2, Media Player Classic with CCCP.BCCode : ea BCP1 : 85BD4A38 BCP2 : 85B12480 BCP3 : 85EAB618
BCP4 : 00000001 OSVer : 5_1_2600 SP : 2_0 Product : 256_1